What I have learned from my travels to the DR


On Vacation!
Oct 13, 2005
Hey everyone :)

I will post a list of what I have learned from my trips to the DR.
So that all of you can avoid it! :classic:

#1. Purchase several tourist cards.

Back in May, I purchased several tourist cards. So before I depart for the DR, I have the card already filled out. And when I arrive in the DR, I do not have to wait in line to buy a card and fill it out. This saves a lot of time and energy.

#2. If you want to change your flight schedule

Change your flight schedule by calling your airline company in the DR.

For example, I fly American. So if I make a change, I call American Airlines in the DR. The fee is much cheaper. It's $29 but they will charge you in pesos.

This is cheaper than doing it through the airline company in the U.S.

#3. If you plan to meet up with a Dominican friend, bring something with you (e.g. a newspaper, your cell phone, etc.). Because 12pm to them can mean anytime between 12 to 1pm. :cross-eye
Sep 19, 2005
of those the best is #1. everytime I get in the tourist card line and then get over to the next line and realize I am now #275 in THAT line..I tell myslef to get these cards ahead of time!!!!!!!!

another tip going to STI..you can get a seat at the very rear of the plane and get off as fast as the front of the plane because they roll out 2 stairs....gets you into that line faster...but coming back into JFK..you want to be up front as much as possible , because everyone goes out the front!...

now the disclaimer:.. the STI baggage dept is soooo bad, it may not matter where you are in line! ha ha ha ha....

also i am very very lucky, my GF and her family is there waiting for me everytime...even though I rent a car and tell them Ill just show up at the house!.......bob


New member
Sep 10, 2005
Tourist Card?????

Hi there. I was reading your post as I am going to be travelling to D.R. (Cabarete) in Jan/06. What is a tourist card?? Sorry to sound naive, but have never heard of one.
I will be flying in from Toronto, Canada and just wondering if this is something that I need to have or be aware of.

Thanks a bunch!
Sep 19, 2005
if it was ment for me...I will say that the tourist card is just an venue to tax you. You need to purchase one and fill it out . It is good for 14 days i think. You purchase them at the airport you land at in the DR... there usually is a desk near the entrance from the plane( there is at least in Santiago) you will notice that many dominican looking arrivals wont go to that line, because they probably are citezens still....but anyone not a Dominican citizen will need to fill one out. they are $10 american . You hand it to the check station attendant after you pass through their customs dept (checking your passport) they will take their portion and leave you with the stub....you need the stub when you depart at the end of your visit......I hope i have nt said anythign that isnt correct... thats the way i remember it, and I have been there 4 times since July this year already.....bob


New member
Sep 10, 2005
Where can I get one?

Bob. Thanks for your reply. I had not idea that you had to purchase one if you were entering the D.R.
I can see where it might speed things up if I purchased these prior to going.
Is it possible to buy one in Canada before we leave??? We are flying out of Toronto on Jan 8th, to arrive at POP, and returning Jan 15th. Anything that I can do ahead of time I like to do.
Again, thanks for any info you share.



Jul 12, 2004
laurapasinifan said:
if it was ment for me...I will say that the tourist card is just an venue to tax you. You need to purchase one and fill it out . It is good for 14 days i think. You purchase them at the airport you land at in the DR... there usually is a desk near the entrance from the plane( there is at least in Santiago) you will notice that many dominican looking arrivals wont go to that line, because they probably are citezens still....but anyone not a Dominican citizen will need to fill one out. they are $10 american . You hand it to the check station attendant after you pass through their customs dept (checking your passport) they will take their portion and leave you with the stub....you need the stub when you depart at the end of your visit......I hope i have nt said anythign that isnt correct... thats the way i remember it, and I have been there 4 times since July this year already.....bob
You are correct, also do not lose your card because you will need it upon leaving the DR. Plus the line in STI is real quick and I usually fill out the card while standing on line. SDQ is a different story, but the wait is not that long considering you will still have to wait for your luggage anyway.


Jul 12, 2004
megamania said:
Bob. Thanks for your reply. I had not idea that you had to purchase one if you were entering the D.R.
I can see where it might speed things up if I purchased these prior to going.
Is it possible to buy one in Canada before we leave??? We are flying out of Toronto on Jan 8th, to arrive at POP, and returning Jan 15th. Anything that I can do ahead of time I like to do.
Again, thanks for any info you share.

You can only purchase these cards in the airport, sorry.


New member
Oct 16, 2004
if charter should be included

Unless things have changed, if you are flying a charter flight out of TO on a one week package deal, it should already be included in your package. If I recall, the airline will give it to you in flight so you can fill it out. Once there you just have to go through customs. But, keep $20USD departure tax aside for when you leave as that is not included.

megamania said:
Bob. Thanks for your reply. I had not idea that you had to purchase one if you were entering the D.R.
I can see where it might speed things up if I purchased these prior to going.
Is it possible to buy one in Canada before we leave??? We are flying out of Toronto on Jan 8th, to arrive at POP, and returning Jan 15th. Anything that I can do ahead of time I like to do.
Again, thanks for any info you share.



Jan 2, 2002
Shelley said:
Unless things have changed, if you are flying a charter flight out of TO on a one week package deal, it should already be included in your package. If I recall, the airline will give it to you in flight so you can fill it out. Once there you just have to go through customs. But, keep $20USD departure tax aside for when you leave as that is not included.

This is true.

megamania call your travel agent and they will tell you if it's included. If it's a charter for a week out of Toronto more than likely will be included with your ticket.

Yes and make sure you have $20 US cash to leave the DR.


On Vacation!
Oct 13, 2005
laurapasinifan said:
of those the best is #1. everytime I get in the tourist card line and then get over to the next line and realize I am now #275 in THAT line..I tell myslef to get these cards ahead of time!!!!!!!!

another tip going to STI..you can get a seat at the very rear of the plane and get off as fast as the front of the plane because they roll out 2 stairs....gets you into that line faster...but coming back into JFK..you want to be up front as much as possible , because everyone goes out the front!...

now the disclaimer:.. the STI baggage dept is soooo bad, it may not matter where you are in line! ha ha ha ha....

also i am very very lucky, my GF and her family is there waiting for me everytime...even though I rent a car and tell them Ill just show up at the house!.......bob

Thanks bob for sharing your experience. :classic:

I agree with you--the baggage dept is sooooooooooooo slow.


Oct 26, 2005
I heard you could buy the DR tourist card from the American Airline desk at JFK before boarding the plane (for normal travellers not package etc.), is that still possible or not ?

(I think I remember reading about it and someone mentioned it is no longer possible now.)


On Vacation!
Oct 13, 2005
Uzin said:
I heard you could buy the DR tourist card from the American Airline desk at JFK before boarding the plane (for normal travellers not package etc.), is that still possible or not ?

(I think I remember reading about it and someone mentioned it is no longer possible now.)

Hi there, :)

I always fly from JFK to the Dominican Republic and the airline desks no longer sell tourist cards. :cry:


Apr 3, 2004
Potato_Salad said:
Hey everyone :)

#1. Purchase several tourist cards.

Back in May, I purchased several tourist cards. So before I depart for the DR, I have the card already filled out. And when I arrive in the DR, I do not have to wait in line to buy a card and fill it out. This saves a lot of time and energy.

This happened on our last trip: An immigrant attendant showed us directly to the passport control line, without having bought the turist cards. The passport inspector sold us the turist cards, and we didn't even have to fill them out. He just stamped them and kept his part of them.

When we left the D.R. we didn't have to fines, althoug we had overstayed. The passport inspector was debating with himself whether he should charge fines or not, but he decided to not do it.
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Jan 28, 2004
laurapasinifan said:
I will say that the tourist card is just an venue to tax you.
Still a hell of a lot cheaper than what the US or Canada charges a Dominican for a tourist visa, if they can get one.


On Vacation!
Oct 13, 2005
Chareena said:
This happened on our last trip: An immigrant attendant showed us directly to the passport control line, without having bought the turist cards. The passport inspector sold us the turist cards, and we didn't even have to fill them out. He just stamped them and kept his part of them.

When we left the D.R. we didn't have to fines, althoug we hade overstayed. The passport inspector was debating with himself whether he should charge fines or not, but he decided to not do it.

Wow, you are very fortunate. Are you the president of your home country? ;)

I forgot to mention, Japanese nationals do not need to purchase a tourist card. I once went to Punta Cana with my Japanese friend and he did not need a tourist card. But just double check before you go to the DR.


On Vacation!
Oct 13, 2005
Get used to the "Dominican Time"!!!

My Dominican friend: "I'll see you at 12"

Me: "Great! See you then."

12............12:10..............:ermm: ..................12:20...............:ermm: ...................12:25

Me: "Where are you?"

My Dominican friend: "I am almost there."

Me: "Okay."


12:45.........................12:50 (he's here.) :cross-eye

This is not always the case. I have a lot of Dominican friends who are on time. But just in case, bring some reading material. :classic:


Jan 2, 2002
HOWMAR said:
Still a hell of a lot cheaper than what the US or Canada charges a Dominican for a tourist visa, if they can get one.

If you can get one ;) Canada charges $75.00 CAD but it's good for three months. So it's a little cheaper but not a "hell of a lot cheaper" :laugh:

Yes I'm bored.
Sep 19, 2005
HOWMAR said:
Still a hell of a lot cheaper than what the US or Canada charges a Dominican for a tourist visa, if they can get one.

HOWMAR:...your right about that. I dont care about the $10...I would prefer not to wait in line. But my remark that it is just an avenue of revenue was an observation. because i dont see how there is any benefit to them from the info on the card. Basically it just says who you are where you SAID you were going to go and stay, and when you left!......they already knew you were there from the passport info.....
and i would easily pay $1000 for a tourist card for my GF to come visit america. with out having to say I am going to marry her in 3 months!!!!!!!!!!!bob


On Vacation!
Oct 13, 2005
Anna Coniglio said:
If you can get one ;) Canada charges $75.00 CAD but it's good for three months. So it's a little cheaper but not a "hell of a lot cheaper" :laugh:

Yes I'm bored.

Hello Anna :)

I am bored and hungry. LUNCH TIME!!! ;)

Take care.