What will happen to passengers with Aeromar's tickets?


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
One thing is for sure, AA are going to have a good Christmas. They can't buy this type of marketing.

I'm not an airline person, but I bet a seat is not easy to come by right now. If you can find one, I'm sure it's VERY expensive!

How many people are we talking about, I heard 6,000. Does anyone have an update on this? That's a lot of angry Dominicans!


Jun 3, 2003
yes, robert you right there alot dominican angry with aeromar and there no seats for many people its expensive this is crazy
and aeromar is not returning back the passengers plane ticket money.
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New member
Apr 29, 2003
Aeomar lanzo un comunicado hoy en la prensa local en Santo Domingo.


Aeromar, L?neas A?reas Dominicanas hace del conocimiento de nuestros usuarios y relacionados, que debido a la necesidad de realizar importantes ajustes en nuestra estructura operacional y tecnol?gica, nuestras operaciones a?reas han de ser suspendidas temporalmente.

De la misma forma queremos hacer saber a nuestros clientes que nuestro compromiso como una l?nea a?rea nacioanl es tan fuerte como siempre y que la consecuci?n de la misma se ver? fortalecida con estas transformaciones.

Agradecemos su comprensi?n y nos reiteramos a sus ordenes, para todo lo que podamos dentro de la filosof?a de servicio y responsabilidad que caracteriza a nuestra empresa.



New member
Jan 6, 2002
AA added an extra section JFK-SDW for 12/20 with a 777 and another extra section on 12/22 with a 757 that sold out by 10am this morning!


Jan 8, 2002
aviastar said:
Who knows? They sold all seats for high season, so what will happen with these passengers, they wanna come to DR....

No matter what direction the passengers were flying, to the DR or from the DR, they are in a bad predicament as the travel is concerned. They are out of options unless they they have the luck to engage a seat through an alternative carrier. Robert mentioned 6000 passengers skunked and I don't think there is relief capacity available for that massive number on a timely basis. It is high season and all flights of air carriers, scheduled and non-scheduled, are booked. The only remedy is if the carriers have addtional resources (crews & aircraft) available and are able to obtain permission to make landings in the DR. I doubt the remedy will ever take place because the D.R. market does not have the prestige to warrant a bailout.

Passengers who paid for their Aeromar tickets in the states with US issued credit cards will have economic relief by contacting the card issuer and requesting a credit. Passengers who paid by other methods in the states will have to get in line for their money and wait. Passengers who paid for their travel by DR issue credit card or by other means in the DR, don't bother to get in line.

Regards, PJT
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New member
Jan 6, 2002
Passengers are in even more trouble. Aeromar was booted out of ARC, the Airlines Reporting Corporation, a clearing house, for non-payment. More info at:

So those tickets are really worth nothing more than the paper they were printed on.

And yet, through all of this flyaeromar.com hasn't posted one notice.


New member
Dec 11, 2003
They say refunds!

I called Aeromar (30 min. hold) just this morning and Malvina (only person who answers phones) at 877-AEROMAR said thay would refund my money if I mailed them my tickets to their Miami office. Now Im not stupid so I'm making copies and overnighting the ticket, signature required, but its a ray of hope to at least get my mula back. I'll have to postpone my vacation for a month, but I was flying in January to begin with so its no big deal.


New member
May 28, 2003

You're right, there's only one person answering the phones and back when they were flying they had two CS reps. LOL, what a joke...


Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
Time to Bury This Thread

They are broke.

Try your travel agent or credit card issuer.

Everyone had adequate warning time and time again of their weaknesses and bought anyway with the so there attitude to the US based carriers.

Live and Learn.


New member
Dec 11, 2003
I bought my tix in late Sept. I had no idea of their troubles until a couple of weeks ago. I bought directly from them, no travel agent, and by the time I learned of their troubles my credit cards dispute period had expired, no exceptions. So, my only I hope is that they make good on the refund. In any case Im much the wiser now.


Jan 12, 2003
"No hay fraude, Aeromar devolver? el dinero"
William Jim?nez/

Con el ?nimo en el suelo y sin muchas explicaciones sobre el fracaso, el gerente general de la l?nea a?rea Aeromar, para el nordeste de los Estados Unidos, Fernando Jim?nez, accedi? a una entrevista con Hoy en la prometi? que la aerol?nea dominicana reembolsar? el dinero a todos los pasajeros que no pudieron viajar al desplomarse la empresa por problemas econ?micos.
Jim?nez dijo que el dinero, unos 2,2 millones de d?lares, saldr? de un fondo de 1,5 millones que la aerol?nea tiene depositado en el ARC y los bonos de la empresa en poder de la compa??as que daban servicio a la aerol?nea en los diferentes aeropuertos.
Sin embargo, a pesar de las promesas, los viajeros afectados tienen a?n m?s preguntas que repuestas. Porque, precisamente la Airlines Recording Corporation (ARC) dijo la semana pasada que no pagar? por Aeromar, mientras Jim?nez deja todo en manos de los ejecutivos de la aerol?nea en Dominicana.

?Por qu? si Aeromar sospechaba que iba a cerrar, vendi? 5.500 pasajes para la Navidad? Eso es fraude.
No es fraude. Siempre pensamos que ?bamos a poder volar. Desde septiembre nos mantuvimos haciendo negociaciones con unos inversionistas que prometieron hacerse cargo de las operaciones de la aerol?nea.

?Y qu? pas?, por qu? fall? esa promesa?
No s? qu? pas? con los manejos de la empresa en Rep?blica Dominicana. Parece que los reportes que se entregaron no estaban claros y eso demor? el proceso. Pero a?n pensamos que se puede volver a operar.

?Eso quiere decir que hubo mal manejo del dinero de la empresa?
No s?. Yo solo manejaba conexiones a?reas.

?Entonces, por qu? cerraron la oficina sin avisarle a los pasajeros, que no lo supieron hasta que lo vieron en la prensa?
Esperamos respuestas hasta el ?ltimo momento. No fue hasta la noche del 9 de diciembre que llamaron desde Rep?blica Dominicana para informarnos que cesar?amos las operaciones por lo menos por 60 d?as. Al otro d?a no abrimos, justo el d?a que la aerol?nea cumpl?a dos a?os de haber iniciado los vuelos Santo Domingo - Nueva York.

Pero los problemas econ?micos ven?an desde septiembre cuando la aerol?nea debi? reducir sus vuelos a uno por semana, ?c?mo no saber que se aproximaba el colapso?
En noviembre, los posibles inversionistas nos dijeron que definitivamente empezar?amos a volar diariamente a partir del 8 de diciembre.

?D?nde est? el dinero de los 5.500 pasajes que vendieron para la temporada navide?a?
Esos pasajes se comenzaron a vender desde octubre. Desde septiembre ven?amos arrastrando d?ficit. Ese dinero se us? para cubrir ese d?ficit.

?Y ahora, qu? pasar? con esos boletos?
La aerol?nea lo devolver? directamente a los pasajeros.

?C?mo, si ustedes est?n cerrados y no tienen dinero? Son 2,2 millones de d?lares
Las oficinas de Miami y Dominicana permanecen abiertas. S?lo tienen que enviar una copia del boleto junto a una copia de la verificaci?n de que ARC recibi? el boleto. Puede ser por fax al 305-871-4131 o al 7500 N.W. 25th street, suite 114, Miami, Fl. 33122. Se pagar? de unos fondos y bonos que la aerol?nea tiene depositados en la ARC. S?lo se aceptar?n hasta el 30 de enero y se tomar? de 30 a 60 d?as.

Hay agentes de viajes que pagaron miles de d?lares por adelantado, ?qu? pasar? con ellos?
S?lo son dos, uno dio $50.000 y otro $70.000, se les pagar? de la misma forma que a los pasajeros.


New member
Jul 9, 2004
Me too

I am still waiting for aeromar to refund my money @ first they were picking up the phone now its always busy. Last thing I found out is that they might be heading to the bankruptcy court in Miami and that I should check with the authority over there. Does anyone know anything about this .
