Wife: Rodriguez (A-Rod) fainted during first daughter's birth


Mar 8, 2004
As a Yankees' fan, I'm just shaking my head, but laughing hysterically. We'll never win a World Series with this dude. I can't believe this dude.

Cleef - on a platter, here you go. LOL!!!

ESPN - Wife: Rodriguez fainted during first daughter's birth - MLB

Wife: Rodriguez fainted during first daughter's birth
Associated Press
Updated: May 6, 2008, 3:21 PM ET

"The one nurse had a cold cloth on his head. The other nurse had the blood pressure on his arm. And my mother was like rubbing his back. And he is passed out on a couch. And I am there, in the middle of labor," Cynthia Rodriguez, wife of the New York Yankees star, said on an episode of the YES Network's "YESterdays" that is scheduled to be broadcast Wednesday night.

"And really, I am not being paid much attention to besides the doctor and a couple of nurses," she said. "And he is there moaning. In between pushing, I am going, 'Honey, are you OK?' and 'Are you breathing? Are you OK?'"

Natasha Alexander Rodriguez was born on Nov. 18, 2004.

"As tough and big as he seems, he is real wimpy around doctors or any type of medical situation," Cynthia Rodriguez said, according to excerpts released Tuesday by YES. "I don't know why I thought the birth of our child would be different. In the middle of the night, I realized that I needed to go to the hospital. I wake him up. The first thing that comes out of his mouth: 'Can we call your mother?' ... A few hours later, I said, 'I think you can call my mom now.' Uh, and the color came back to his face when I told him he could call my mom."

A-Rod traveled from New York last week and arrived at a Miami-area hospital about 10 minutes after the birth of his second daughter, Ella Alexander Rodriguez, on April 21.

Alex and Cynthia met in 1996 at a gym in Miami.

"I scouted her out for a month," he said. "I wanted to see her routine, and I wanted to see what time she came in, see how consistent she was. And sure enough, she was like a machine. She would come in right after work and get on the treadmill and do her abs. And finally, I build enough courage after about 3? weeks. And I said, 'I know you are going to go do some abs after. And do you mind if I join you?'"

Cynthia said she was unaware of his celebrity status at first.

"I know he played baseball, because everybody in the gym said, 'Do you know who that is? And he plays baseball' or whatever," she said. "I didn't grow up in a sports-oriented family. So, I wasn't aware that you could have an entire livelihood off of a sport. So when they would say, 'Oh, he plays baseball,' I always think, 'Oh, I wonder what else he does' -- like 'that's a nice hobby -- but what does he really do?'"

Mr. Lu

Mar 26, 2007
I just read this and laughed out loud. This was a great laugh, especially since i've had a bad day. Wow! As a Sox fan I love this. I revel in this. As a sports/baseball fan I find this sad. Who is this guy? Fainting? What? Can't deal with birth won't deal with the Sox in October. I kinda feel bad for A-rod because he's had other issues and has had to see a shrink, but it's his own fault. Who signs for US$300 million? For US$300 million you'd better get me 3 World Series, a Stanley Cup, an NBA trophy and a win at the Masters....


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
I just read this and laughed out loud. This was a great laugh, especially since i've had a bad day. Wow! As a Sox fan I love this. I revel in this. As a sports/baseball fan I find this sad. Who is this guy? Fainting? What? Can't deal with birth won't deal with the Sox in October. I kinda feel bad for A-rod because he's had other issues and has had to see a shrink, but it's his own fault. Who signs for US$300 million? For US$300 million you'd better get me 3 World Series, a Stanley Cup, an NBA trophy and a win at the Masters....

Mr LUser:

Why am not surprised at this response? You are just a typical RED SOX fan, and are getting on my nerves with this nonsense. Do you lurk all day on DR1, waiting to pounce on anything posted about The New York Yankees? Try channeling your negative energy towards something positive! The guy just had a baby and you need to attack him?



Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
It can really get pretty nasty viewing a live birth. I almost passed out myself when I saw my first son born.

Go Yanks!!!!!


Mar 22, 2006
LOL, I am a Sox fan and to read the Yankee fan saying they will never win with Arod (getting 2 MVP of 4 years in NY) is just histerical, I mean he should hit for himself, for Jeter and for Giambi, and also pitch, start the game and close it too. LOL


Jul 25, 2007
I saw my second daughter born and though I was nervous that was about it(the first one was born in the DR when I was in the States and the third was born while I was getting my wife's sister bfast at the cafeteria, haha).

Nonetheless, I understand that some people get more emnotional including guys. Honestly, I don't think this has any relevance to how Arod play(and I'm a Sox fan). He still produces at the plate time and time again, something I could never do even thought "apparently" my nerves are strongerr, haha.

He just need sto get the goat off his back like Phil M. of golf fame and the Sox, once he does that he will start putting up some big numbers.


Oct 9, 2007
Come to think of it, I fainted twice also, once in Oct. 2004 and again Oct. 2007. Then again I've been a SOX fan since 67'..... truth be told, more BoSox fans would love to have A-Rod on thier team!!!!

Mr. Lu

Mar 26, 2007

Mr LUser:

Why am not surprised at this response? You are just a typical RED SOX fan, and are getting on my nerves with this nonsense. Do you lurk all day on DR1, waiting to pounce on anything posted about The New York Yankees? Try channeling your negative energy towards something positive! The guy just had a baby and you need to attack him?



Wow...nice play on the name...applause: applause: gag....

Who's pouncing on the Yankees? I'm taking shots at G*y-Rod

OOOO I'm getting on your nerves....Your real question should be, do I care?

Answer: No!

WTF is lurking? Right, all I do is post on DR1 about the Yankees. If you had a sense of humor, you'd realize that it was all said in sarcasm and jest...SARCASM and JEST!! Lay off man. You know jack Sh*t about me to say that I am "typical" anything. Keep defending A-rod while you and Jeter take a shower together.

This whole Red Sox/Yankee deal is a joke, especially after that Yankee fan killed a Red Sox fan in NH. It's people like you who can't see its all a joke and a game and get too wound up about it. Sit on it and spin while I drink a Jack on the Rocks....


Nov 17, 2004
I'd be fainting every day, knowing I have signed the richest contracts in baseball history.

what the Yankees need to do is develop a farm system and stop thinking that big ticket steroid puppies like Jason Gambi are the answer to winning a championship.

Gonna blame A-Rod for Giambi being a bum and "Godzilla" turning into "Godzucki" while in pinstripes?


Feb 24, 2002
Don't bet on it.

truth be told, more [edited to add: "World Champion"] BoSox fans would love to have A-Rod on thier team!!!!
I'll stick to my guns and say - again - if MeRod made it to the World Champion Red Sox I would have picked up as a Marlins, A's or Giants fan. I think for the VAST majority of World Champion Red Sox fans, his transfer to the Nation would have been met with very little applause.

Thanks for the news Toneloc!

I don't find any of this surprising, but do find it a bit comical.

I think I could man up for a birth*, although I haven't had to yet (I do get fathers day cards, but no return address).

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if I fainted when I saw one of his direct deposits come in, that I'll admit. Heck, I'd be going to Happy Hours because I was happy, not because I was cheap.

*as long as it wasn't coming out of me!
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