DR1 Daily News - Dominican Republic

DR1.com is the leading English news source in the Dominican Republic for over 30 years.

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Catherine Tobenas and Victor Pichardo

/ Noticias SIN

The many domestic airports and varied destinations within the Dominican Republic make the country an attractive travel option for private plane tourism.

To increase market share of private plane tourism, the Airports Department recently signed with Air Rally and Fly In an agreement to foster group air events to and from the Dominican Republic.

Victor Pichardo, executive director of the DA, said the Airport Department is committed to support the coordination and logistics required for hosting air rallies and fly ins.

He said the agreement signed with Catherine Tobenas, managing director/co-founder at La Société Aviation Connection Event and coordinator at International Air Rally, is part of the strategy to promote the Dominican Republic as a safe destination for general aviation in the Caribbean...

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