DR1 Daily News - Dominican Republic

DR1.com is the leading English news source in the Dominican Republic for over 30 years.

Showing articles from the past 7 days. To read past articles, visit our DR1.com Daily News Forum.

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At a time when the multidimensional crisis in Haiti has practically put an end to formal trade with the Dominican Republic, the Dominican export agency Pro Dominicana continues to look to other Caribbean countries to place Dominican products.

“We are deploying concrete actions to increase business with the countries of the Caribbean region and improve the conditions of access for Dominican products to this region, enabling different instruments,” said Biviana Riveiro, executive director.

Riveiro indicated that the Dominican Republic continues to support improvements in transport connectivity to accelerate the trade flow and progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals of the Caribbean region.

Pro Dominicana highlights that the trade exchange between the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean between 2020 and 2022 rose from US$1.98 billion to US$2.56 billion...

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