Child abuse while in dr


New member
Jun 13, 2012

child in DR being abused, being hidden from father under the care of fugitives [with mother permission] all under the same roof, father has all parental rights and

did not approve the trip to DR, but child taken to DR anyway a few weeks ago

parents are dominican citizens, father with dual nationality, child born in USA, but on "vacation" in DR with the mother.

Basically mother is a prostitute, "undercover", porno pics available

during 2010 mother and fugitive brother tried to kill the father while in DR... when he tried to see the child as ordered by USA court, visitation right.

incident reported to Fiscalia, issued a report but did not follow-ups, as they have a conexion with fiscalia DN


what are the DR authorities able or authorized to do to stop the abuse?, i am willing to go to DR in a few days to follow-up, with all kind of resources, including $$ for corrupt officials [make them work faster]

years ago Fiscalia issued an "impedimento de salida" to the mother for unknown reason to me but

no one stop her when she decides to fly out of DR, despite the "oficio"

she is an impressive green eyes women, who can manipulate anyone, and i mean anyone
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New member
Jul 21, 2011
I know nothing about what can be done, but if this is in the north of the island, I suggest you speak to Antonia of the Politur on the malecon in POP and / or the Tribunal para la proteccion de los ninos in Calle Beller. It might be a starting point.


May 18, 2002
You say the child was born in the USA and the father is also American, doesn't that make it a case for American authorities?


Jul 8, 2005
she is an impressive green eyes women, who can manipulate anyone, and i mean anyone

Gotta be more specific. There were a few on Pedro C. years back. Now all the undercover putas have green contacts.

Seriously, if this kid was taken from a parent with sole custody and taken to a foriegn country, the parent needs to 1st get all his court papers in order. Get his ass to the DR embassy and tell them that there is a kidnapped child being hidden in the DR. If they tell him to screw, then bombard every state represenative daily telling them your story. Contact the press. BUT, do it in an organized way. NOT in a way calling the mother a whore, abuser, or attempted murderer. Do it thru proper channels. This parent is not the 1st to have a non custodial parent flee the country with a child. It takes time. Even Elian eventually got sent back to his father.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros

child in DR being abused, being hidden from father under the care of fugitives [with mother permission] all under the same roof, father has all parental rights and

did not approve the trip to DR, but child taken to DR anyway a few weeks ago

parents are dominican citizens, father with dual nationality, child born in USA, but on "vacation" in DR with the mother.

Basically mother is a prostitute, "undercover", porno pics available

during 2010 mother and fugitive brother tried to kill the father while in DR... when he tried to see the child as ordered by USA court, visitation right.

incident reported to Fiscalia, issued a report but did not follow-ups, as they have a conexion with fiscalia DN


what are the DR authorities able or authorized to do to stop the abuse?, i am willing to go to DR in a few days to follow-up, with all kind of resources, including $$ for corrupt officials [make them work faster]

years ago Fiscalia issued an "impedimento de salida" to the mother for unknown reason to me but

no one stop her when she decides to fly out of DR, despite the "oficio"

she is an impressive green eyes women, who can manipulate anyone, and i mean anyone

Not happening! Check your facts again!


Jul 8, 2005
At least two other sides of this story are missing.

True, but if the parent has sole custody unless stated the non custodial parent needs permission to leave the state with the minor child let alone the country. Leaving the country with a child without permission of the custodial parent is kidnapping.
Dec 26, 2011
True, but if the parent has sole custody unless stated the non custodial parent needs permission to leave the state with the minor child let alone the country. Leaving the country with a child without permission of the custodial parent is kidnapping.

Correct. An affidavit stating permission was granted by the other parent is required. My ex SIL needed one from her baby's daddy(they're both Dominican) to take the kid to DR even though she had full custody and a restraining order against the guy. I was referring to the fact that the OP has some holes in it.

La Rubia

Jan 1, 2010
You need to clarify your issues to be successful in a legal sense.

Having a prostitute as a mother is not by default child abuse, and any offenses that were done against you are separate issues (and do not automatically mean she's a bad parent.)

Contact a group that deals with international abductions in your area. Your case, in fact, may not meet their requirements, as the childs dual nationality may be a complicating factor. The type of documented child custody agreement you have is also relevant. You would likely have more of a case for parental abduction than child abuse. If you are going to deal with the Dominican system, I'd do it with an enforcement order that they only need to execute, as opposed to an accusation that needs to be proven.

While you are Dominican, and perhaps know the ropes, your case will seem more credible if you contact US authorities, and at least attempt legal avenues in the DR, before throwing money around at corrupt officials.

If in fact you're successful and she's abducted the child, she'll lose her rights, so you've also got to be prepared to raise the child. No-one is going to force her to be a better parent.

La Rubia

Jan 1, 2010
find another puta, have another kid. problem solved.

You certainly can't be a parent.

Children aren't disposable, something you just throw away when things don't work out well with the mother.

I'll leave the tongue lashing to someone else.


Nov 4, 2011
You say the child was born in the USA and the father is also American, doesn't that make it a case for American authorities?

Maybe if the child was a white american the USA maybe will get involved, but both parents are Dominicans and the child is in the Dominican Republic the USA is not going to touch this. All the mother has to say is the father abused the child while in the USA and she brought the child to DR to save him or her.

The mistake the father made is marrying and having a baby with a woman who could manipulate any stiuation. The father could have talk to any lawyer that handles this sought of thing, and they would have told him " he has to get the child back on American soil for the authorities to get involved, otherwise the ball is in the Dominican Republic court. Also the OP stated that the mother almost had him killed, this woman is CRAZY.

BTW if the father wants to get the child out of DR and not deal with the BS system in DR he has to get the child into Haiti and go from there.

La Rubia

Jan 1, 2010
Correct. An affidavit stating permission was granted by the other parent is required. My ex SIL needed one from her baby's daddy(they're both Dominican) to take the kid to DR even though she had full custody and a restraining order against the guy. I was referring to the fact that the OP has some holes in it.

This comes up in threads, just want to point out that people report inconsistent enforcement. Permission is technically required, but sporadically checked. With the sheer number of Dominican Americans travelling on any given day, it's really easy to imagine many are never checked for this piece of documentation.

In my personal experience, I wasn't asked for it, but Dad was (both travelling alone at separate times with child.) I suspect that there is a bias toward mothers.
Dec 26, 2011
This comes up in threads, just want to point out that people report inconsistent enforcement. Permission is technically required, but sporadically checked. With the sheer number of Dominican Americans travelling on any given day, it's really easy to imagine many are never checked for this piece of documentation.

In my personal experience, I wasn't asked for it, but Dad was (both travelling alone at separate times with child.) I suspect that there is a bias toward mothers.

Good points.

It may be a thing that varies from state to state? Or extra scrutiny from the lawyers involved?

La Rubia

Jan 1, 2010
Maybe if the child was a white american the USA maybe will get involved, but both parents are Dominicans and the child is in the Dominican Republic the USA is not going to touch this. All the mother has to say is the father abused the child while in the USA and she brought the child to DR to save him or her.

The mistake the father made is marrying and having a baby with a woman who could manipulate any stiuation. The father could have talk
to any lawyer that handles this sought of thing, and they would have told him " he has to get the child back on American soil for the authorities to get involved, otherwise the ball is in the Dominican Republic court. Also the OP stated that the mother almost had him killed, this woman is CRAZY.

BTW if the father wants to get the child out of DR and not deal with the BS system in DR he has to get the child into Haiti and go from there.

Parental abduction is a crime in all 50 States (felony in some). So the op needs to legally establish that the abduction took place with the proper authorities in the state in which he resides. If the mother returns and has an arrest warrant, it's possible she will be caught. If the op wants to present something to authorities in the DR, a legal document would be needed.

The US typically only gets directly involved with abductions when there is extreme media attention, and then only with a Hague signer. The fact that the child is a dual national is, unfortunately, the deal breaker.

Going to Haiti isn't going to help.


Nov 4, 2011
Parental abduction is a crime in all 50 States (felony in some). So the op needs to legally establish that the abduction took place with the proper authorities in the state in which he resides. If the mother returns and has an arrest warrant, it's possible she will be caught. If the op wants to present something to authorities in the DR, a legal document would be needed.

The US typically only gets directly involved with abductions when there is extreme media attention, and then only with a Hague signer. The fact that the child is a dual national is, unfortunately, the deal breaker.

Going to Haiti isn't going to help.

So you think American households are going to tune in to the news about a Dominican mother taking her child to the DR? It WON'T even make "Telemundo" I can promise you that. Ok OP do it the LEGAL way and see where it gets you. You have to fight FIRE with FIRE the child was stolen from him so he has to now STEAL the child back and that is the only way.

Why do you think they are on a public board looking for help? because a lawyer in the USA told them that they can't help them because the child is with the MOTHER in another country. You should know by now a legal document in the DR means NOTHING!!! The OP has to get the child out of the Dominican Republic for the USA to help not the other way around.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
you all going on tangents,

sorry I know exactly what needs to be done... only needed some input from the regular "resident" lawyer in this board, mr. [forgot his name] Ariza?

the scenario i presented was quite clear imho, read it carefully and dont reply if you are not an expert, you can post your story in another thread, not mine, thanks anyway, sorry again

hey, btw, no green contacs, no steet puta, most of you won even get close to the hi places this lady can reach, not by winking etc etc, but just by showing up in any place or social reunion/meeting