Letter from Daniel Supplice to Michel Martelly after his cancellation


May 3, 2000
Following is a literal translation of a translation of the 21 July 2015 letter mostly likely written in French by former Ambasador Daniel Supplice of Haiti to his President Michel Martelly. The notes conveys the frustration of Haiti's ambassador in the Dominican Republic and his decision to not be an accomplice of recent actions of the Haitian government.

"Mr. President:

After having borne for 92 days the honor, respect and national conscience and the two-color national patriotism in the land of Duarte, Sanchez and Mella, I have the honor to deliver the position without stains, with the glorious wrinkles of patriotic feeling of having been useful. I beg that you understand that the decision of making this symbolic gesture is not the result of passing emotion nor a particular interest, nor a hidden agenda.

The habit of clear, precise, coherent instructions in harmony with the diplomatic norms and the practices of public administration have lead me (after all this time) in a framework of results to give more weight to the objective reality of things than the reports.

It is with calm, wisdom and vision that conflicts between states are resolved. The management of relations between Haiti and the Dominican Republic demands rational and reasonable players, and where amateurism and improvisation have no place.

The Dominican Republic is a neighbor with whom we are condemned by geography to live together despite the uneven development that accompanies a marginal differential access to goods and services.

I have written several letters that unfortunately have been left unanswered and, in my last report of 14 July, I took the precaution of renewing the urgency with which the Haitian diplomacy had to manage the crisis, not only in the framework of logical defense of national interests, but always favoring constructive dialogue. It is the responsibility of the Ambassador of Haiti in Dominican Republic to ensure that a balance between respect for the dignity of our people, our values, our morals and customs are maintained, keeping open, in a realistic way, dialogue. You know why? Because as you read these lines:

Thousands of our brothers and sisters continue to cross the border "Anba fil" in search of a better life;

Dozens of women and young Haitians, everyday, give birth to children in Dominican hospitals;

Forty four thousand three hundred ten (44.310) youths attend state universities and private colleges, not forgetting those who, living on the border, go to the primary and secondary schools in the Dominican Republic in the morning and return at night to Haiti;

Many are those who return to their country voluntarily for all kinds of reasons in recent days, their plan is to resume the work they have left or where they are expected;

Hundreds of thousands of men, women and children continue to sell their day's work in farms, in extremely difficult conditions, but do not think of returning home;

Hundreds of thousands of people await in vain the promised documents that would have allowed them to regularize their immigration status. That is the other side of reality that we have a responsibility to manage!

In 211 years, we have not succeeded in reducing socio-economic gaps or mitigating the thorny question of color. Neither have we been able to give our citizens a birth certificate proving that they exist and creating a situation that could prevent millions of Haitians from leaving the country at all costs and sometimes in any condition. If we do not accept the fact that there is a problem, there will be no solution.

Mr. President,

I understand the logic of Haiti?s past, the labyrinth of its history, the missed steps, the moods, the ambitions but especially its deficiencies, weaknesses, limitations and disappointments. I also know our brothers and sisters with their love of life, love of country, respect for the founding fathers, the pride of African descent, also with their disdain for the truth and an attitude, often irresponsible in the handling of public affairs.

Using a metaphor you will understand, those that are mounted on the carriage, at the beginning of the procession, do not leave until the end of the parade. Generally, I go all the way, but some incidents compel me to change on the path to avoid the unfortunate judgment of history.

Mr. President

The country expects you to be firm and not a prisoner of past reports or advice from suspect offices. People who trust you, and have allowed you to reach the highest office in the state, are counting on you. I'm not the first ambassador of the Republic of Haiti in Dominican Republic to be suspended, but I hope to be the last to prevent that precisely across the border, the belief persist that the defeat of intelligence seems to be a constant, the national failure of foreign policy seems to be too much."

See the Spanish version:
Carta de Daniel Supplice al presidente Martelly


Jun 17, 2005
It will be interesting to see how things change (maybe change) with the election on Oct 25 as Martelly is not allowed to run again. Lets see how outside forces affect this election.


May 29, 2013
These letters show that Sr Supplice is an intelligent and thoughtful man. Haiti and the DR would be further down the road to a satisfactory resolution of the current situation if he and others like him had more power and influence in Haiti.


Dec 7, 2011
These letters show that Sr Supplice is an intelligent and thoughtful man. Haiti and the DR would be further down the road to a satisfactory resolution of the current situation if he and others like him had more power and influence in Haiti.


People like supplice are naive dreamers without any sense of nation.

He is an opportunist who accepted a job from a "selected" government and now is crying.

You are an ambassador of the Martelly government and as such you do as told or give your resignation.

You do not wait to be kicked out.

What Haiti needs are Haitians with the opposite naive views of supplice. Haitians who will work to destroy the economic entenglement between the two countries.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002

People like supplice are naive dreamers without any sense of nation.

He is an opportunist who accepted a job from a "selected" government and now is crying.

You are an ambassador of the Martelly government and as such you do as told or give your resignation.

You do not wait to be kicked out.

What Haiti needs are Haitians with the opposite naive views of supplice. Haitians who will work to destroy the economic entenglement between the two countries.

You must havebusiness unerests that cant conpete with the Domibicans and rhus seek help from the government in the form of tariffs or comllete blockage. Certainly you have neither the interests of Hairians or Haiti as your reasons.


Dec 7, 2011
You must havebusiness unerests that cant conpete with the Domibicans and rhus seek help from the government in the form of tariffs or comllete blockage. Certainly you have neither the interests of Hairians or Haiti as your reasons.

And of course you as a non-haitian or dominican has the interst of haiti and haitians at heart......lol...lol

DR has tariffs and exclusions.

It is in the best long term interest of Haiti to stop dominican dumpings and increase its own national production.

Haiti currently has the lowest tariffs in the region and that border has zero control.

There are calls from business owners and non business owners to curtail dominican dumping.

Keep insisting on a single island market, then be ready to accept haiti's poor masses.


May 12, 2002
Supplice for president!!!


People like supplice are naive dreamers without any sense of nation.

He is an opportunist who accepted a job from a "selected" government and now is crying.

You are an ambassador of the Martelly government and as such you do as told or give your resignation.

You do not wait to be kicked out.

What Haiti needs are Haitians with the opposite naive views of supplice. Haitians who will work to destroy the economic entenglement between the two countries.

Supplice for president of the Republic of Haiti, CARAJO!!!

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
And of course you as a non-haitian or dominican has the interst of haiti and haitians at heart......lol...lol

DR has tariffs and exclusions.

It is in the best long term interest of Haiti to stop dominican dumpings and increase its own national production.

Haiti currently has the lowest tariffs in the region and that border has zero control.

There are calls from business owners and non business owners to curtail dominican dumping.

Keep insisting on a single island market, then be ready to accept haiti's poor masses.

Au contraire, I am married to a Dominican, and soon to be a Dominican citizen and I have business interests in the DR. I agree that international commerce has to have asset of rules to play by to prevent monopolies from ruling the market. However a completely closed market or border causes larger problems that it prevents.


Dec 7, 2011
Au contraire, I am married to a Dominican, and soon to be a Dominican citizen and I have business interests in the DR. I agree that international commerce has to have asset of rules to play by to prevent monopolies from ruling the market. However a completely closed market or border causes larger problems that it prevents.

What larger problems?????


May 29, 2013

People like supplice are naive dreamers without any sense of nation.

He is an opportunist who accepted a job from a "selected" government and now is crying.

You are an ambassador of the Martelly government and as such you do as told or give your resignation.

You do not wait to be kicked out.

What Haiti needs are Haitians with the opposite naive views of supplice. Haitians who will work to destroy the economic entenglement between the two countries.

What I said is that Sr Supplice is intelligent and thoughtful. He could very well be more effective than Martelly at solving the current problem of relations between Haiti and the DR.

The specifics of how the economy of Haiti can be improved should certainly be left to the people of Haiti. Your's is an intersting approach:

"What Haiti needs are Haitians with the opposite naive views of supplice. Haitians who will work to destroy the economic entenglement between the two countries."


Dec 7, 2011
Who to trade with. If you can't even get along with your neighbour, who else is going to trust you.

Who to trade with????

You are aware that there is a big world out there...YES????

So what you can't get along with ONE neighbor. The rest of the world does not care.

What it would do is provide trade opportunities for others.


Dec 7, 2011
What I said is that Sr Supplice is intelligent and thoughtful. He could very well be more effective than Martelly at solving the current problem of relations between Haiti and the DR.

I hear you but that would not work to Haiti's benefit.

The problem is economic and only a Haiti centric approach, free of DR dumping can benefit haiti economically and also solve DR's haitian problem.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Who to trade with????

You are aware that there is a big world out there...YES????

So what you can't get along with ONE neighbor. The rest of the world does not care.

What it would do is provide trade opportunities for others.

Hows that been working out for you.


Dec 7, 2011
Here is an example of the dumping we are talking about.

Sorry it is in French.

Basically the haitian flour sector is accusing DR of dumping inferior quality flour on the market while the haitian state regulates and demand certain standards from haitian manufacturers.

They are asking that the government take steps to protect the health of the consumer as well as national production.

Haiti consumes 400,000 tons a year, a production amount that can currently be met by the local producers.

The dumping of lower quality...ie lower cost flour across the border is hurting national production and discouraging investments.

Any responsible government would take action.

"Depuis l'arriv?e sur le march? ha?tien de la farine en provenance de la R?publique dominicaine contenant du bromate de potassium et de l'azodicarbonamide, les responsables de ? Les C?r?ales d'Ha?ti S.A. ? ont vu leur part de march? baisser consid?rablement. Ces produits, selon ce qu'ont d?clar? les responsables de cette entreprise et des autorit?s gouvernementales, sont nocifs pour la sant? humaine. Lors d'une conf?rence de presse tenue ce mercredi par les responsables de cette entreprise de transformation, le directeur g?n?ral, Claude-Marcel Grand-Pierre, demande aux autorit?s de prendre des mesures afin d'encourager la production nationale en mettant des balises susceptibles de favoriser une concurrence loyale entre les produits locaux et ceux venus de la r?publique voisine.

Si l'Etat ha?tien n'adopte pas de mesures ad?quates pour prot?ger les consommateurs face aux produits import?s contenant des substances chimiques nocives, les entreprises locales, quant ? elles, sont soumises r?guli?rement ? des tests phytosanitaires. Ce qui signifie que les produits fabriqu?s ou transform?s dans le pays sont de qualit? sup?rieure par rapport ? de nombreux produits venant de l'?tranger. Il en r?sulte que le co?t de production est d?autant plus ?lev?. C'est le cas pour la farine.

Face ? une telle situation, les consommateurs ont tendance ? se tourner davantage vers les produits de meilleurs co?ts sans toutefois penser aux cons?quences. La d?cision des minist?res de la Sant? publique, de l'Agriculture et du Commerce et de l'Industrie d'enlever du march? tout stock de farine jug? non conforme ? la consommation et de mettre en quarantaine toute nouvelle importation dudit produit est ? f?liciter. Ce faisant, si l'on en croit les propos de Michel Bazile, directeur de production aux C?r?ales d'Ha?ti, les d?cideurs sont sur la voie de mettre les balises afin de favoriser le d?veloppement des entreprises locales tout en prot?geant les consommateurs.

Selon une note rendue publique par les responsables de cette entreprise, le bromate de potassium est l'?l?ment le plus dangereux dans la production du pain. Il est utilis? par certaines entreprises dominicaines dans la production de farine destin?e rien qu'? Ha?ti. Ce dernier est utilis? comme agent am?liorant dans la p?te pour renforcer et produire une augmentation ult?rieure dans le pain. Il est interdit par plusieurs instances internationales. Ses consommateurs sont assujettis ? des l?sions r?nales et du syst?me nerveux.

Tandis que le minist?re du Commerce et de l'Industrie fixe le taux du bromate de potassium dans la farine de bl? ? 20 ppm (gramme pour 1000 livres), les examens prouvent que la farine en provenance de la R?publique dominicaine en contient environ 78. Cette substance combin?e ? l'azodicabonamide acc?l?re le processus de fermentation du pain tout en am?liorant son volume. Ainsi, avec ces deux substances, le co?t du produit d?riv? est compl?tement r?duit.

Dans une telle atmosph?re, ces produits gagnent de plus en plus de terrain et participent ? l'affaiblissement des entreprises ha?tiennes qui respectent les normes de qualit?. Fort de cette situation, il semble ?vident que les mesures incitatives de l'Etat ha?tien visant ? attirer des investisseurs dans le pays n'auront sans doute pas les r?sultats escompt?s. Le dumping ne peut avoir que des incidences n?gatives sur les entreprises du pays. Cette bataille ne peut ?tre gagn?e que si les autorit?s gouvernementales mettent en place des balises pour prot?ger les capitaux des investisseurs.

En ce qui a trait ? la production de farine en Ha?ti, il n'y n?a pas lieu de parler de d?ficit de production. Le dumping de certaines entreprises dominicaines constitue le principal handicap de ce secteur. En Ha?ti, la consommation totale est estim?e ? environ 400 000 tonnes annuellement. De l'avis de Claude-Marcel Grand-Peirre, les Moulins d'Ha?ti et Les C?r?ales d'Ha?ti ont la capacit? d?aller au-del? de cette quantit?. Aux autorit?s gouvernementales de prendre les mesures qu'il faut.

- See more at: http://lenouvelliste.com/lenouvelliste/article/147627/Les-Cereales-dHaiti-reclame-des-balises-antidumping#sthash.WmsBGlpO.dpuf"