grand robbery and grand escape


Dec 12, 2009
generally speaking, cops know who they are looking for. they know that all criminal types have their specialty areas, and when certain things go down they have their short list of suspects. if a guy gets shot in a robbery, they might not go looking for Joaquin, because they know that he is a car thief. if they have a home burglary to deal with, they are looking for Radhames, because that is his thing. if someone gets shot they do not look for either of these guys, because they know that these are criminals, but not violent types. when this guy killed the guard, the cops already kneww who they were looking for, and he was a dead man walking.

Very good points..

I always found it strange in the US how when the FBI does " profiling" its a Respected Field and method of narrowing down the suspects, but when the COPS do it, its " unconstitutional" ?? huhhh?? SMH...
Not to get off on any tangents..
Cops in the USA have their hands tied... whereas the Wild West System in the DR "works" for them, reasonably so..
A criminal who is willing to kill a security guard in cold blood, deserves what he gets..
Like you said Robbing people is one thing, we can shake that off...But having to worry about a guy who is trigger happy, i sleep much better knowing a cop is willing to take care of it and not even blink an eye having to worry about his JOB or Pension.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Very good points..

I always found it strange in the US how when the FBI does " profiling" its a Respected Field and method of narrowing down the suspects, but when the COPS do it, its " unconstitutional" ?? huhhh?? SMH...
Not to get off on any tangents..
Cops in the USA have their hands tied... whereas the Wild West System in the DR "works" for them, reasonably so..
A criminal who is willing to kill a security guard in cold blood, deserves what he gets..
Like you said Robbing people is one thing, we can shake that off...But having to worry about a guy who is trigger happy, i sleep much better knowing a cop is willing to take care of it and not even blink an eye having to worry about his JOB or Pension.

i am not a supporter of arbitrary extrajudicial killings, but when a guy of age 22 years has already killed at least 2 people, i think it is time to send him off before he warms up.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Couple that with the frustration of career criminals getting released from jail time and time again, and you can begin to understand the frustration the cops feel.

I'm not saying it's right, bu the police feel they are doing everybody a favor, and that's probably not far from the truth.

some guys cannot be repaired, so it becomes a choice of wasting him, or watching him waste others.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Guy kills another civilian, walks. Guy kills a security guard, runs. Guy isn't given the chance to kill a cop.

Cops have enough smarts to realize he'd probably kill the police too if given the opportunity. Somethings in life happen the way they happen for a reason.


Jan 12, 2010
This subject of police shooting criminals has been debated here on various occasions and always with the same sort of result..We all know it is wrong but it is the only way to deal with these delinquent killers. kill them before they kill others


Sep 27, 2006
It always amazes me how many people here think the police should be judge, jury and executioner. :cry:

this is not a perfect solution but then DR is not a perfect world either. this particular guy has already killed a few people and got away with it.


Oct 29, 2010
Out of curiosity, how do you think they should be handled?

If the police can capture him they should do so and then let the judicial process take its course. If the guy is dangerous when he is found, for example waving a gun around - OK - shoot him.


Aug 23, 2012
"Kill 'em ALL, LET GOD SORT 'EM OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You do realize that "Kill em all" includes us, do you not? I know you don't care if innocent Dominicans get caught up in that statement.


Jul 27, 2011
You guys really think that the Police do this for justice? It's just done out of convenience and mere lazyness. "Due process" takes hard work, patience and time. For most this is a big no no. It's just time wasted in which they could be chilling or doing other things.

The same officer who "raids" a house without an order, then goes on to complain that criminals walk free when the case is dropped...because there was no order to begin with. Then there's the "Oh, we're working so hard and it's worthless, criminals walk free".