And I would Most Certainly close that Consulate and bring that man & staff home... No earthly reason that he needs to be there - in the back of the beyond... poor man...
Additionally, in November, USAID’s Office of Food for Peace (FFP) authorized the distribution of 2,000 metric tons of emergency food commodities through WFP to address the food needs of vulnerable households. In addition, in fiscal year 2019, FFP provided $20 million to support food assistance and resilience-building activities to mitigate and recover from shocks. While humanitarian assistance will help alleviate some urgent needs, it will not, and cannot, address the root causes of the current economic and political paralysis in Haiti.
Who do you think is going to end up with this 2000 tons of food? It is an absolute waste of money. It will accomplish nothing.
Well - unless there is support of the agricultural sector in Haiti, no amount of food aid is ever going to help. Haiti was food sufficient back in the 70s -I hope you're wrong. I'm scared you're right.
WOW! I hope that all of you take the time to watch that video!sorry - that link did not work - But here is a video -
And yes - the English subtitles do appear
It has been the norm rather than the exception, though, except for the rule of three presidents: Fabre Geffrard, Nissage Saget and Lysius Salomon. All the others were banditry that in a normal country would have never found their way to the presidential seat, not even by the norm of Latin America.And now - We Have -- Well - Chaos
But don't say that this has been a constant downward spiral since 1805. It has not been.
P. S. : Of course, Boyer's period was somewhat peaceful, but it was marked by terminal economic and social decline, because he didn't have the strenght, or the social support (not even among his own mulatto caste), to recover the country's economic potential to the levels previous to 1791.It has been the norm rather than the exception, though, except for the rule of three presidents: Fabre Geffrard, Nissage Saget and Lysius Salomon. All the others were banditry that in a normal country would have never found their way to the presidential seat, not even by the norm of Latin America.