Police Killed and stations over run


Dec 11, 2003
It has been the norm rather than the exception, though, except for the rule of three presidents: Fabre Geffrard, Nissage Saget and Lysius Salomon. All the others were banditry that in a normal country would have never found their way to the presidential seat, not even by the norm of Latin America.
My point, NS, was not about the rule of law - which has - I will certainly agree - never been present - but rather of the ability of Haitians to feed and sustain themselves - which was the subject that I was speaking of.. But - I certainly respect your knowledge of political Haiti which far exceeds mine.
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Sep 2, 2008
My point, NS, was not about the rule of law - which has - I will certainly agree - never been present - but rather of the ability of Haitians to feed and sustain themselves - which was the subject that I was speaking of.. But - I certainly respect your knowledge of political Haiti which far exceeds mine.
True, but even if they wouldnt have been put to the pressures that the Yanks put them in, it is a given that they would have arrived to the present course, as neither their methods of cultivation nor the way in which they availed of their available land resources (what Gunnar Myrdal calls "agrarian frontier") were sustainable over time. And problems will only mount in the long term, as the issue posed by their demographic vitality isnt addressed by the powers at be both at home and abroad.


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
True, but even if they wouldnt have been put to the pressures that the Yanks put them in, it is a given that they would have arrived to the present course, as neither their methods of cultivation nor the way in which they availed of their available land resources (what Gunnar Myrdal calls "agrarian frontier") were sustainable over time. And problems will only mount in the long term, as the issue posed by their demographic vitality isnt addressed by the powers at be both at home and abroad.
NS, if you have the time, please expand on the bolded.


Nov 9, 2006
Then - as if things were not bad enough - as one of the criteria for the US assistance in returning Aristide to power - the US (Bill Clinton) insisted that they drop their 38% tariff on imported rice down to 3% - which collapsed the rice industry... So - as you can see - Haiti did not get to the state that it is in all by its lonesome.. Most of the farming was always in small plots - the land having been cut up into small parcels - under Petion, I believe- although Naked Snake knows more about that early history of Haiti than I do.
Stop blaming everybody else. Clinton was offered a bag of gold by rice lobbists to make the deal. And you can bet Aristide got his share of that gold to make that 3% deal work. Aristide sold out his own people to get a little richer while the citizens ate mud cakes. That's what filthy corrupt politicians do.

And for decades the Haitian people allowed themselves to be treated that way. They have only themselves to blame. Now they have to solve it without other peoples hard earned tax dollars.
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One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
Well - unless there is support of the agricultural sector in Haiti, no amount of food aid is ever going to help. Haiti was food sufficient back in the 70s -
Under the US blockade of Haiti during the military coup that ousted Aristide, the DR "dumped" eggs and poultry in the Haitian market (Dumped meaning that they sold it for less than production costs) - which collapsed the Haitian poultry/egg production that had been thriving. Before that - back in the 80s - there was the swine flu outbreak and Haitians were "ordered" (although who knows why they complied?) to slaughter all the creole pigs (Perhaps it was thought it could jump to humans? like the bird flu? or - well - say Bat flu?) - and then the US introduced/donated IOWA pigs - which - instead of eating tiny bits of whatever scraps were left over - devoured whatever was available - Many Haitians complaining that the pigs were eating them out of what little food that they had. Now, you can see the huge pigs on the streets of Port au Prince acting as Sanitation Engineers...

Anybody that claims a Dominican producer would “dump” his goods below cost, has no idea of the DR economy…
That will never happen, hasn’t happened.

DR sold eggs and poultry to Haiti, cheaper than the powers that be there, sold their imported ones plus profits.

The DR eggs and poultry will always be cheaper than anything Haiti imports or produces, just because of the sheer in place production in the country already.

If you notice the cost of shipping anything by sea or air as of late, so much is beyond debate.

Haiti fails because it is a failed state. It’s that simple. The self sufficient thing? Lies. If it was the case, the border market would had never existed to begin with.


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica

I want to launch a SOS Squared sauce for people to quote sun, but I tell myself what will be useful, since
is useless. By 5 p.m. in the afternoon G9 bandits attacked another group.
People are injured, people are killed, people are fled.
There are calls but no answers.
Podyab yoWorried face
I can't say more than that

Annie, "quote sun" should be "Cité Soleil" in PAP.