*** World Cup - Football - Venues - Chit Chat ***

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Well played game. Too bad the British ref was so terrible. A free kick for the Spanish that should have been a corner or free kick for the Dutch. I thought the Spanish players must have taken diving lessons from the italians.


Jan 1, 2002
The fact that the Dutch had, what was it ?? 7 yes 7 yellow card almost foretold the end.

the goal was beautiful!!

Viva Espa?a...



The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
if my count is right is was even 9 against he dutch including a Red and 5 against Spain.
I did not like the match much,
not been a great soccer game or something to remember, Noap,
some chances on both sides,
the Spaniards played more forwards than the Dutch,
I guess finally the result been a fair result of the Game.
for myself,
following the Cup from beginning to the end,
it was much more interesting and to watch on prior stages than the final.
the Cup been a bit weird, yep,
but hey,
let's look forward to 2014 Brazil, lol.
congrats to the Spaniards for the Win,
one of the less deserved ones in history IMHO.


Oct 9, 2007
It is what it is at the end of the day. Spain is a very difficult team to play as they have mastered the skill of possession football. I give Holland credit for being able to create not only the chances off breaks and set plays, but being able to mark and take possession at times today. Unlike teams we saw before like Germany and Portugal that look like they were in a catch me if you can coffin against Spain. The better side won today, and as far as the talk about the English refs. Well, if cards where never handed out early, then I believe you would have seen more nasty play from both teams as the game went on. And then what would we have, all of you saying the ref should have done more to avoid this type of play especially in a final.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
It is what it is at the end of the day. Spain is a very difficult team to play as they have mastered the skill of possession football. I give Holland credit for being able to create not only the chances off breaks and set plays, but being able to mark and take possession at times today. Unlike teams we saw before like Germany and Portugal that look like they were in a catch me if you can coffin against Spain. The better side won today, and as far as the talk about the English refs. Well, if cards where never handed out early, then I believe you would have seen more nasty play from both teams as the game went on. And then what would we have, all of you saying the ref should have done more to avoid this type of play especially in a final.

I agree when the wording says:
the less bad playing side Won today, deserved.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
It is what it is at the end of the day. Spain is a very difficult team to play as they have mastered the skill of possession football. I give Holland credit for being able to create not only the chances off breaks and set plays, but being able to mark and take possession at times today. Unlike teams we saw before like Germany and Portugal that look like they were in a catch me if you can coffin against Spain. The better side won today, and as far as the talk about the English refs. Well, if cards where never handed out early, then I believe you would have seen more nasty play from both teams as the game went on. And then what would we have, all of you saying the ref should have done more to avoid this type of play especially in a final.

i HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THE cards.What mystifies me was how he missed the deflection off the Spanish defender on a free kick. After all he would be looking right at it.


New member
Jul 20, 2008

hey, the dutch were lucky they didn't have two red cards for rediculous tackles early on. the kick to the chest had to be a red card. i think the ref let them play as he should in a championship game. i have to say i've watched more soccer in the last month than in my entire life. it was fun and i'll miss having a good reason to be drunk before noon on a tuesday. it was a great tournament and congrats to all the teams.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
hey, the dutch were lucky they didn't have two red cards for rediculous tackles early on. the kick to the chest had to be a red card. i think the ref let them play as he should in a championship game. i have to say i've watched more soccer in the last month than in my entire life. it was fun and i'll miss having a good reason to be drunk before noon on a tuesday. it was a great tournament and congrats to all the teams.

if there's some sense hidden in there somewhere I missed it, sorry

j&t's future

Mar 6, 2007
Like so many 'neutrals' I wanted the Dutch to win, however, as soon as the Ginger headed American on ESPN tipped them to win, I guess the writing was on the wall.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Paul Octopussy said it all, ha ha.
I been at the Catalonia Hotel aside my House around 1r before te ame started, tat otel is always packed wit Spaniards, and 1 hr prior to thhe Game the Party already been on at full power. they had around 20 Screens of all sizes everywhere.
big Party til late night.
If I imagine to be in a Mayor City in spain after that game, wow, sure the biest Fiesta of te Year.


Jul 25, 2007
We finally have a new winner, congratulations. Notwithstanding their antics(they all do it anyway) they deserved it.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
I'm in a resort area on the south west coast (Costa de la Luz) and it was madness here! Funny thing is, people seem subdued today. Hangovers or just anticlimax?
Sep 19, 2005
It is what it is at the end of the day. Spain is a very difficult team to play as they have mastered the skill of possession football. I give Holland credit for being able to create not only the chances off breaks and set plays, but being able to mark and take possession at times today. Unlike teams we saw before like Germany and Portugal that look like they were in a catch me if you can coffin against Spain. The better side won today, and as far as the talk about the English refs. Well, if cards where never handed out early, then I believe you would have seen more nasty play from both teams as the game went on. And then what would we have, all of you saying the ref should have done more to avoid this type of play especially in a final.
Thinking of the game I remeber the spanish with short well played passes to guys obviously moving to open ground and ball control!!!! alot just outside the penalty area..

says alot for the spaniards, they played well...had a lot of opportunities and the dutch got lucky a few times , at least the one where the ball glanced off the goalies leg!!!! and another that glanced off a dutch player BEHIND the goalie.

the Dutch seemed to get close and make one pass and lose the ball!!!

Robben would drive to the corner only to find himself too well defended , and half the time when he brought it back and passed the ball was lost..

I surely think he was fouled on his breakaway, the long haired spanish defender grabbed his should as Robben ran right by him....

over all I think the ref was one of the best.....

let them play on for the most part, the spanish were smart and put the ball back in play fast often catching the Dutch still squabbling with the ref, while the ball was now in play!!!
