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  1. M

    ocean wave power is here....

    not quite competitive, but they're working on it... wave power
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    cheap solar power is here....

    CuInGaSe2 Now all we need is a parallel breakthrough in electricity storage devices.
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    Easy Problem vs Hard Problem

    I?m Dominican and live in the DR, so my issues are DR related, and as such I post. This thread is inspired from a year ago visit to my ophtalmologist, due to the fact that glaucoma runs in the family. It so happened that the doctor gave me a color perception test, and insisted there was no way I...
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    Preview of Tonight's State of the Union Address

    Preview of Tonight's State of the Union Address
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    posterior superior temporal sulcus

    BBCNews Now all we have to do is develop a pharmaceutical to stimulate the brain region in question, and make it's daily use compulsory for public servants...
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    Death and taxex...
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    El Iluminado de Arroyo Fr?o

    Born Heinrich Goldberg, in Berlin, 1880, died Filareto Kavernido, Moca, Dominican Republic, 1933 DiarioLibre Filareto Kavernido, 40 hits in google
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    blame it on Richard Reid?

    USA Today A yearly fee of US$100 will save you the hassle of taking your shoes off at airport checkpoints, about the price for a good pair of shoes. By the way, did you read the news today where the DR Minister of Interior and Police just bought 1200 breathalyzers for over US100.000, which...
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    I've finally got around to looking up a word which means the medical opposite of anorexia, after reading the following news... BBC News Reminds me of a good friend of mine, notwithstanding her 200 kilogram girth, was totally convinced she could join the Miss Universe contest.
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    Ruffling feathers...

    For those of you who enjoy following the very idiosyncratic ways of Dominican politics, here's an example of a subtle message, put out by the owners of Diario Libre, one of the major local newspapers, against the Cardinal (and the Catholic Church in general), who recently came out publicly in...
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    The Geminids

    All you DR1 stargazers, and geezers, tonight's the night of the Geminids. Pull the farthest away from the city lights, and lay down outdoors on the sand, or on a lounge chair, fixing your unfocused gaze at the zenith. Remember, get up every few minutes or so, and take a sip from your whiskey and...
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    Germanium, Antimony, Tellurium

    Alloy holds promise of speedier memory chip C/Net News FLY ASH FROM COAL COMBUSTION: WASTE MATERIAL OR VALUABLE SOURCE OF GERMANIUM? GSA.CONFEX.COM Do I hear any enterprising DR1 folks staking mining claims at the "rockash" dump in Arroyo Barril and Manzanillo?
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    Men funnier than women?

    Why Women Aren't Funny
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    Stoplight O' Terror!

    Green - Low: This setting is here just as a reference point. DHS will never use it because it would me we didn?t need them anymore. Blue - Guarded: This rarely used setting on the Stoplight ?O Terror could indicate things like an undocumented worker within 3 square miles of the president...
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    the glory that was Rome

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    precision guided missile

    Enough of your BS in the Clown Bin.
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    Happy Dominicans Dominicans are among the happiest people in the world according to a study compiled by a British think tank. That in itself may be one reason why Dominica is one of the happiest countries in the world but it's not the...
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    Is the DR on the slippery slope toward dictatorship?

    More than one tourist or expat, after witnessing last night?s heavy-handed display of police and armed military personnel, improvised roadblocks, arbitrary business closings, indiscriminate frisking of patrons and pedestrians, must be wondering if there is something more going on than just a new...
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    Curfew Starting Tonight

    Starting tonight, joint military/police patrols will be patrolling major urban centers in the DR, enforcing a 12 midnight curfew for all businesses selling alcoholic beverages. These measures are intended not to fight crime, but to reduce crime by discouraging people away from nighttime...
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    New Liquor Curfew Ordinance

    The DR Government (Executive branch) today has decreed new ordinances, among them: 1) A curfew for all entertainment establishments including bars, discos, coffee shops, colmadones and others, which will be allowed to operate between Monday and Thursday, and Sunday until 12:00 pm, and Friday...