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  1. J

    Permanent Residency Renewal - Proof of Solvency and/or Repatriation Insurance

    I can't find on the DMG website in the information required for permanent residency renewal about proof of solvency or a requirement to purchase the repatriation insurance. Can someone answer for me what I will need? It seems to change each time I renew. Thanks!
  2. J

    Outdated info in sticky in this forum on Driver's License, Renewals for Residency

    The information the closed thread with the sticky on obtaining and renewing driver's licenses, temporary and permanent residency is really outdated and not relevant any more. I would suggest deleting it and compiling a new one. It is the last one in the list of sticky threads and the last post...
  3. J

    Dream City Resort Near Puerto Plata Airport?

    Anyone know anything about this resort community supposedly being built by the same people that own Ahnvee Resort...?
  4. J

    New Flight - Puerto Plata to Charlotte NC?

    I am looking for flights to New Orleans from Puerto Plata and fully expected to see options only through Miami. Imagine my surprise when the flights went directly to Charlotte instead? This for next spring. Anyone aware of this major route change?
  5. J

    Peso Losing Value Against Dollar

    What does this mean? I've been here seven years and the value of a peso has dropped from 37 pesos to a dollar to 48.1 and it looks like it's going to continue this trend. I am guessing that that price of products will continue to rise accordingly but I am curious to know if there are any other...
  6. J


    I want to apologize to anyone who participated or read my posts yesterday regarding the blood supply in the DR, especially to Alter Ego (moderator) for hijacking the post and to Cobraboy for my rude name calling. I have no legitimate excuse. I could explain but what's really important is that...
  7. J

    Purchasing an Invertor

    Hello again! I'm in the market for a new invertor and would like advice. We have a generator that kicks in when the power goes off but it needs to rest periodically. I can manage without anything except my ceiling fans! I have one that has been repaired a couple of times but it evidently has...
  8. J

    Mobility Service Dog - What to Expect

    I have Parkinson's Disease, which means I have some shaking and other issues, but by far, the most frustrating thing I have to deal with is getting stuck...basically, I'll be walking just fine and come to a door or some other obstacle and my feet glue themselves to the ground. As you might...
  9. J

    A Negative Blood - Potential Donors

    Hello everyone, I am probably going to need a(nother) blood transfusion soon. If anyone on the North Coast has A negative and would be willing to come to Puerto Plata Centro Medico (Bournigal) on a day's notice and donate, I could gladly pay travel expenses and a stipend. It costs me RD$4,500...
  10. J

    Traveling on or near residency renewal date

    Hello everyone! I am planning a trip to the US next Spring and it will overlap the renewal/expiration date for my permanent residency. Any advice on how to plan for that? I definitely do not want to pay overstay fees since I've been here seven years and have already paid for temporary and...
  11. J

    Parking Spaces Designated for Handicapped Patrons at La Serina, Puerto Plata

    Hello all, don't laugh! I noticed that the parking lot at La Serina in Puerto Plata has now several parking spaces with signs indicating the space is reserved for people with handicaps. (The sign has a wheelchair maybe? Can't remember exactly.) My question: Do I need some sort of placard or...
  12. J

    Front License Plates?

    Saw something on Facebook about front license plates are also required under the new transportation law(s). Anyone see/read this and can follow up? How in the heck would I go about getting one? Suppose it could say, "I tried!"
  13. J

    Larger sized clothing in DR- only ladies to post

    I am not a huge woman but I find that most of the clothing on offer here in the DR is for tiny women. Any suggestions on where to shop (on the North Coast) to find reasonably priced clothing in size 14-16 or 1X? Preferably cotton? I found one shop in Cabarete (Maynard's) but it's a little pricey...
  14. J

    Travel from DR to Cayman Islands or St. Johns, US Virgin Islands

    Hello All. Happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans! I have friends in the Cayman Islands and in St Johns US Virgin Islands and I would like to visit them. Any ideas on how to do it without going through Miami? It seems to make the trip so long and so expensive. No island hoppers or...
  15. J

    New Notice from Dominican Immigration/DMG - What does it mean?

    This was posted on the DMG website and on the DMG Facebook Page. I translated it but I still don't understand what it means.... Maybe that only you (yourself) or a lawyer acting for you can handle any residency issues? Not your friends or other non-lawyers? (English Google Translation is below...
  16. J

    Avoiding Inheritance Problems

    My condo title will be ready soon and I will be paying the final balance due and transferring the title into my name. I am wondering if there is any way to avoid the extra inheritance tax for foreigners by adding my only daughter (a US citizen) to the title so that when I die, the property...
  17. J

    Attorney Fee for Transferring Title

    Can anyone give me a ballpark cost for an attorney to transfer my condo title into my name once I have the existing title, sales contract and other related documents? In theory, I could do it myself, but like residency, I wouldn't dare. Is it a flat fee usually or based on the cost of the condo...
  18. J

    Brugal Factory Tour Puerto Plata

    Has anyone taken this tour lately? I signed up for a tour time on the website and i was supposed to get an email confirmation. I didn't. So I emailed and asked and still nothing? Anyone know what to do? Thanks!
  19. J

    Travel Insurance for a reverse trip (DR to US)

    Does anyone know if I can buy travel insurance that will cover me medically (hospital/doctor etc) if I get sick in the US on a trip from here? I don't have medical coverage there (other than the free part of medicare that covers part of a hospital stay). i'll only be there a week or two. I have...
  20. J

    Permanent Residency - Big Deal? No!

    So I just got back from another annual trip to Santo Domingo for my residency -- this time supposedly to switch from temporary to permanent residency. But guess what? It's only good for one year! How stupid is that? So I have to renew my permanent residency again next year? I am soooo...