Why are people still suffering in Haiti?


New member
May 24, 2010
Billions of dollars have been poured into Haiti yet after reading several articles post earthquake, it appears that the situation has barely changed. People are still hungry, millions are still homeless and now there is a cholera outbreak.

Why is this so? I donated $20.00 to the red cross after the earthquake, did my money go towards feeding or clothing someone or did I just pay for a lap dance for a wealthy Haitian businessman? If this money is going towards the Haitian people then why are they still suffering ???


Aug 22, 2008
Simple - it is important to keep Haiti in a mess or the industry of saving them would disappear.

Your 20US$ probably went on 40 mins SUV rental and associated admin.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
I just rented my 2004 Mazda pick up to an NGO for 3000 USD a month.

Does that answer your question?


New member
May 24, 2010
I just rented my 2004 Mazda pick up to an NGO for 3000 USD a month.

Does that answer your question?

It's actually a serious question so I'm not interested in your silly little comments. Where is all of this money going? If money is not being spent wisely should we just stop giving money and allow Haiti to self destruct? It's so frustrating dealing with Haiti as their problems carry over to the Dominican Republic.


Jul 25, 2007
First of all there is a difference between pledged money and donated money.

Furthermore, people may not understand how much it costs to feed, etc millions of people at no cost.

Finally, things won't be built after the changing of the guard of the politicians in February for obvious reasons; this I got from a client who is the cousin of Raymond Joseph.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
It's actually a serious question so I'm not interested in your silly little comments. Where is all of this money going? If money is not being spent wisely should we just stop giving money and allow Haiti to self destruct? It's so frustrating dealing with Haiti as their problems carry over to the Dominican Republic.

You may think my comment is silly but is illustrates the waist of money buy NGO'S, they have a fleet of 30 vehicles, do the math,what not buy second handed vehicles and ship them here, they would be tax exempt,yes NGO'S do help but are not creating a solution,and the reason for this ridiculously high amount of money spent on logistic is simple, they have a budget for the year, and if any money from that budget is left over, the next yeah they receive less,therefore on order to avoid a budget cut that make sure to spend all of it and may even find a way to make is seem as if they need more,so they find ways to basically spend more on useless things.

It is my opinion that if NGO's cease to exist in Haiti it will not self destruct but improve.


Dec 11, 2003
I agree with BB that the "Republic of
NGOs" has not helped Haiti very much.. NGOs are notoriously uncooperative with one another.. there is no central planning or reporting or accountability.

And it is true that only a percentage of the billions pledged have been given

And it is true that only a few projects have been approved.

Clinton has announced that the money is only going to go to projects which can become sustainable.. that there is going to be a sea change in how the international community deals with Haiti.. that the NGOs are not going to be able to continue their "business as usual"

But, Shawn, it is unrealistic to think that even 11 or 17 billion dollars can build an entire nation.. which needs roads, electricity, sanitation... or that a city of 3 million people can be rebuilt in a year or two with structures that might be able to withstand the next quake.

Shawn, I am sure that a portion of your $20 went to feeding some of the people in the camps.

Let us not forget that all those people are getting food and water on a regular basis.....

So, BB, does this mean that you want folks for the DR to sell you a couple more trucks? $3000 a month is three times the rental here in the DR!


New member
May 24, 2010
First of all there is a difference between pledged money and donated money.

Furthermore, people may not understand how much it costs to feed, etc millions of people at no cost.

Finally, things won't be built after the changing of the guard of the politicians in February for obvious reasons; this I got from a client who is the cousin of Raymond Joseph.

So is Preval corrupt as well? It just seems so strange to me how this situation still exists.


New member
May 24, 2010
You may think my comment is silly but is illustrates the waist of money buy NGO'S, they have a fleet of 30 vehicles, do the math,what not buy second handed vehicles and ship them here, they would be tax exempt,yes NGO'S do help but are not creating a solution,and the reason for this ridiculously high amount of money spent on logistic is simple, they have a budget for the year, and if any money from that budget is left over, the next yeah they receive less,therefore on order to avoid a budget cut that make sure to spend all of it and may even find a way to make is seem as if they need more,so they find ways to basically spend more on useless things.

It is my opinion that if NGO's cease to exist in Haiti it will not self destruct but improve.

Hi, that's a better response to my original question. No one in the world should suffer from hunger and lack of shelter, I just feel that this is such a solveable issue.. If Haiti cannot end corruption they should become a cmmonwealth similar to Puerto Rico. A wealthier country will build banks and other business which will create thousands of jobs. They will build plants to address the huge problem of deforestation in Haiti so that it can slowly become a tourist center. Haiti used to be beautiful, there's no reason why it cannot slowly return to how it used to work. I think Wlclef John could've done much or Haiti as it seems like he sincerely cares about it's people.

(Please note I do not blame Haitians on cutting down trees for their natural resources as they had no other choice.)


Jul 25, 2007
So is Preval corrupt as well? It just seems so strange to me how this situation still exists.

The corruption plays a part but I don't think that it is all. As MA and I have stated do you think it's cheap to provide basically FREE food, security and medical service to millions of people?

Furthermore, the international community is aware of the corruption and are demanding that the money be spent widely, hence Clinton's stance. This is still no doubt being negotiated with the powers to be in Haiti. By the way, yes most of them are corrupt even if they don't recognize it. They think it's normal business to take a chunk of profit for anything to be built in Haiti.


Jul 25, 2007
No offense, MA, but these NGO's most of which are privately funden mind you, have done more in one day for the Haitian people than all the busy body chismosos on this and every other forum in the world. You should know this of course.

The other question is the NGO's don't go who will? Fact is thousands more Haitians will suffer and die if there weren't NGO's. We should be all thanking them and honestly have no right to complain if we can't contribute in a better manner.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Yes, there is inefficiency and corruption and skewed priorities but it is also a mammoth task like no other.

Difficult to fathom if you haven't been there, even more so if, like me, you haven't been there post-quake.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Hi, that's a better response to my original question. No one in the world should suffer from hunger and lack of shelter, I just feel that this is such a solveable issue.. If Haiti cannot end corruption they should become a cmmonwealth similar to Puerto Rico. A wealthier country will build banks and other business which will create thousands of jobs. They will build plants to address the huge problem of deforestation in Haiti so that it can slowly become a tourist center. Haiti used to be beautiful, there's no reason why it cannot slowly return to how it used to work. I think Wlclef John could've done much or Haiti as it seems like he sincerely cares about it's people.

(Please note I do not blame Haitians on cutting down trees for their natural resources as they had no other choice.)

Common wealth to who? this will never happen,and is not the solution, what Haiti need is a deferent mentality and a leader with cojones, whyclef may have had good intentions but was not eligible to e a candidate according to the constitution,y believe things will get better but it's not going to happen in a week or a month its going to take years.


Dec 11, 2003
No offense, MA, but these NGO's most of which are privately funden mind you, have done more in one day for the Haitian people than all the busy body chismosos on this and every other forum in the world. You should know this of course.

The other question is the NGO's don't go who will? Fact is thousands more Haitians will suffer and die if there weren't NGO's. We should be all thanking them and honestly have no right to complain if we can't contribute in a better manner.

well since the fall of Baby Doc, most of the international money has gone to NGOs and NOT to the government. The government is the one entity that actually could have undertaken the real projects.. the infrastructure.. but they have been essentially starved for funds.

Sure NGOs do a well here and there, a clinic.. a bit. But it is piecemeal

and lots of it depends on having to sit and listen to the Gospel.. and hearing that your country was dedicated to Satan and all that.....


New member
May 24, 2010
The corruption plays a part but I don't think that it is all. As MA and I have stated do you think it's cheap to provide basically FREE food, security and medical service to millions of people?

Furthermore, the international community is aware of the corruption and are demanding that the money be spent widely, hence Clinton's stance. This is still no doubt being negotiated with the powers to be in Haiti. By the way, yes most of them are corrupt even if they don't recognize it. They think it's normal business to take a chunk of profit for anything to be built in Haiti.

That is where I'm lost. Of course it isn't for free which is why so many countries have contributed aid. I have heard the idea tossed around that the money has been distributed slowly... I'm very ignorant on this issue. Are NGO's non government officials? Are they the one's actually in power? Let me pose a different question- If I were a billionaire and if I wanted to donate $150 million to be distributed directly to the people how would I go about doing that?


Jul 25, 2007
well since the fall of Baby Doc, most of the international money has gone to NGOs and NOT to the government. The government is the one entity that actually could have undertaken the real projects.. the infrastructure.. but they have been essentially starved for funds.

Sure NGOs do a well here and there, a clinic.. a bit. But it is piecemeal

and lots of it depends on having to sit and listen to the Gospel.. and hearing that your country was dedicated to Satan and all that.....

When I was there at the Quisqueya Christian school Mission complex, nobody I talked to was preaching to the Haitians. Not only that at the clinic we took over it was not happening either. Many of the volunteers were just normal people. Also, when there is a lot of work and minimal translating capabilites how is preaching effictively effected?


Jul 25, 2007
That is where I'm lost. Of course it isn't for free which is why so many countries have contributed aid. I have heard the idea tossed around that the money has been distributed slowly... I'm very ignorant on this issue. Are NGO's non government officials? Are they the one's actually in power? Let me pose a different question- If I were a billionaire and if I wanted to donate $150 million to be distributed directly to the people how would I go about doing that?

I would try researching the Haiti forums as all the answers you need are here.


New member
May 24, 2010
I would try researching the Haiti forums as all the answers you need are here.

Is there an answer for my question about the individual donors wishing to donate money? Besides, I'm sure every new post has an answer somewhere so then people shouldn't post anymore?


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
If you really had that amount of money you could create your own bureaucratic structure, set up shop and spend it exactly as you see fit.

But seriously, if you as an individual wish to donate any sum, large or small, and you want to ensure it is spent effectively, you have to spend some time doing research on all your options. Thousands of organisations of all shapes and sizes, religious and secular, some more reputable and effective than others, are there.