Dominican bashing -- do it without me. I'm out.

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Active member
Dec 26, 2002
I completely understand that this is a private board subject to the will of the owners and thus a take it or leave proposition for anyone who registers here. Conversely, it is also the posters choice, for as long as they are allowed access, whether to remain here or not.

In my case, I've reached the end of the line and rather than pushing the owner to ban me by posting any number of flames, I chose to leave out of my own accord. This place is simply not for me. It simply can't be, for I don't do well surrounded by rabid racist, warmongering middle aged Viagra-swilling misogynistic and homophobic men, who, along with their groupies, enjoy nothing better than putting down the Dominican Republic and the kind people that live here. And woe be unto anyone who dares oppose them, for they'll turn their cannons (read: filthy keyboards) on anyone who dares.

I am not impressed as much as I am disgusted.

Hopefully, I'll keep in touch with some of the fine people that I've also had the chance to meet through this board -- you know where to find me. In fact, I've found Robert himself to be nothing but a great guy outside these boards -- trust we'll see each other again in a different setting. I hold no grudges, just an extremely strong difference of opinion.

DR1 is likely the best all-around site on the Dominican Republic -- too bad the forum turned out to be such a cesspool.

Be well, all.
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Jan 2, 2002
I always find it interesting that people need to announce they are leaving. If the day comes that I want to leave I would email Robert and let him know, only because I'm a moderator. Otherwise I would just leave. No need for announcements and fairwell and maybe hoping someone will try and change my mind.


New member
Feb 4, 2002
Don't know, Anna. Unlike his posts which I usually found irritating, this was a good way of letting everyone know he was finished and why. Closure for him, if that's what was needed.


Oct 21, 2002
I hold no grudges, just an extremely strong difference of opinion.

I've enjoyed your posts - strong differences of opinion are the spice of life - when there is space for discussion and exploration. Seems to me you're doing the same thing that you are accusing the general membership of DR1 of. It is quite possible to live here peacefully, meet great people and not p!ss anyone off - as well as adhere to the rules of the board.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
OwnRules - I am afraid to say I think that your decision puts you in almost the same category as the people on this board that you criticise. They are the ones who are happier as long as they are surrounded by people they agree with and show themselves up by resorting to personal attacks because they lack the brainpower, wit or imagination to engage in civilised debate.

As others have remarked this is about debate, and variety of opinion is essential for that. Within DR1 there are choices you can make - about which forum to choose or threads to avoid for example - and there are plenty of posters who do not share the unpleasant characteristics you describe. The ones who do are merely a minority and shoot themselves in the foot with their absurd views.

There have been some perfectly reasonable debates and exchanges of opinion lately. If this is about the 'no war' rule then I sympathise with your frustration, but as you know there are other places on the web where we can have these discussions. I realise that I may be working on incomplete information here, not having seen certain posts before they were deleted, or any knowledge of unpleasant PMs you may have received. In any case, if you stand by your decision all I can say here is that I wish you well and that the DR1 forums will be poorer without your intelligent and witty contributions.



New member
Dec 12, 2002
Sorry to see you go

I, too, have enjoyed your posts. I must have not read the threads that flamed you and your opinions. I am sorry you feel the need to leave.

I was hoping I could meet you during my next visit. I anticipated having a lively discussion with you and knocking back a few Presidentes. I would still like to do so if there is any way to keep in touch. If you would rather not, I truly understand.

Buena suerte,



Jan 14, 2002
No one flamed him or his opinions. He did the flaming and got threads shut down as he imploded because he was so frustrated this didn't become the "OwnRules Message Board". He couldn't even figure out which thread he was in sometimes. He just typed away regardless of the thread and its content.

He would come close to challanging people to a duel:)

I miss his histronics:)



Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
Well, opinions are like as*holes

Everybody's got one.

He doesn't want to stay he doesn't have to stay.

There are other groups/boards, ICQ etc.


On Vacation!
Mar 2, 2002
Isn't it interesting that when someone comes along who

"livens" up a debate there seems to be a concerted effort by certain "regulars" to chase them off? At least that appears to be the case.
Too bad I'm not as "witty" as some and keep coming back for more :) :) ;)


Mar 22, 2002

He got upset becaue:

1) So many of us disagreed with him and he couldnt generate a following on here,and

2) He wasnt allowed to propagate his ultra-left views on the war here

so he threw an impish tantrum and scampered off into the night.

Let him go.


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New member
Jan 24, 2003
I?ll miss your posts

I haven?t been around much recently so I don?t know what happened. But I just wanted you to know that your posts frequently sparked dying threads..
Keep in touch


Jan 1, 2002
Hey OR,

Viagra_swilling. Are you talking to me?... are you talking to ME??

See, I have the most fun with my Own Posts, whereas your Own Rules didn't fly here.

So I'm seldom pissed about the "rat pakt" (Tiger).


Ps. Talk to a


Jan 2, 2002
Ownrules is right....

I, often, disagreed with him on many issues but after reading some of his other posts, I must say, the man had some class and guts to spill out what the other didn't have to nerve to touch. Thats when I had realized that we had alot more in common than differences.
In anycase, he is right, this board is ruled by a few who just love to shove their ideals on every one else. If you dare to differ, you will be attacked like lechones from la vega's carnival. Too much ass beating here and very selective supervision by the moderators. I have had my post deleted many times. Seems like we just can't have any clean fun around here anymore. We all have to be politically correct, even in the open forum.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Since when is taking "Viagra" for "Erectile Enhancement" a crime?

"He came,he saw,he couldn't concure"!!!From day one "Own Rules" came with an "Agenda"! To turn DR1 into an extention of his "Ultra Liberal" World Politics" Forum! It didn't fly! His temper soon became evident,when he exploded about Robert "Deleting" one of his self-agrandizing posts.It was never deleted,he had just "forgot" where he had "left" it!

"Larry" mentioned this already,and also "OR's" penchant to "challange" those who critisized his points of view to a "Fight"!

We have seen them come,and we have seen them go! Those who come to DR1 only for what they can "TAKE",don't last! You have to be willing to "Give" to find a home on DR1!If you give a little,your idiosyncrasies will be tolerated! How is it that posters like,"AZB",Me,TW,"Larry",Tony C, and lots of the other "Oddball" characters have found a "Home" on DR!? We really do care about DR1!We give,when we can! We "take" what we can,but we like this site and aften join togeter to defend it,even though we are from opposite sides of the political spectrum!

When I read "OW,s" diatribe, I went for the delete button,but decided to read what the "Silent Majority" of DR1ers had to say first.I'm glad that I did. It would have been a mistake on my part to remove the "evidence". Better to let him hang himself with his own rope!

"PEACE" my Brother", "AT all costs" I am sure you would say!

"Better to die on your feet,than to live on your knees"! As I would say!

Cris Colon
Yes a privately owned board that invites us to post our opinions, a person doesnt have to read or answer to any of the so called rabid racist, warmongering middle aged Viagra-swilling misogynistic and homophobic men posts that appear in the forums.

DR1 is no doubt the best all round site on the Dominican Republic, and I see no problems with adherring to Roberts Rules of Order. There are other forums on the Dominican Republic some have rules some have none.

I will miss reading your posts, whether I agreed with them or not.
Y'all take care now, I know you will be reading.


Jan 1, 2002
THANKs CC - I haven't been referred to as an "OddBall" for AGES. I thought old age was catching up with me & I was getting too staide. Your linking me in with people like AZB, TW, Larry, Tony C & yourself has put a new zest into my life!!! I am sure it has done the same for HB, Pib, JazzCom, etc., etc. etc.

My views on Own Rules??? He came with an attitude, he remained with his attitude, tried to instil his attitude in others & then left when his attitude could not be imposed on others. I think we are too strong for his Dominant style - perhaps he ought to seek asylam in Greenland, France, Russia or maybe even Iraq??? - Grahame. (Sorry Rob, didn't mean to say Iraq - HONEST!!!).
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