15yrs. of living in the US, 8months having feelings for American Woman


New member
Mar 31, 2003
I would like a response back from both men and women that live in the DR.

First off I have been seeing this guy on and off since last Sept. Now when I first went to his house he said just friends and then he started getting jealous. Why are you going here and why are you out at night when I?m not working? Well one night he got mad me and said no more, I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend which I didn't and still don't to my choosing; except Manuel.

After he told me no more about 5 hours later he was telling a very good friend of ours that he loves me and didn't want to lose me.

How do Dominican men express their relationships with American women?

How do they jealously respond to their women from the DR. or American women?

Are they the type of people if they get jealous would they not call you or respond to your letters?

Do they play hard to get?
Description of Manuel:

Manuel has 2 full-time jobs, he's financially stable, he barely has anytime for anyone, he's 50yrs. old, and he has his future goals set.
He is a very well stable man. Please help me to understand DR. men.

And he also said that if I had more control that I would be his girl more than I am now. That had to do with me working out and losing weight, because one he works out himself and is very fit himself.

These two go together:
I?m tired so I might not make sense.

I did this after he came back, and the next sentence will tell you why I did it.

I had an ex-boyfriend that he was jealous about. came to my store just to visit at my check stand because I was mad at him for doing what he did back in the DR. To make him jealous, I sure did get a response out of him.

If a Dominican man feels strongly for you and goes back to his country and only marries a girl cause she had his baby after he found out a year later and coming back a month later scared to tell me the truth, is this natural of hiding secrets? And honestly I feel he was forced by family to marry her because of the baby.

In their opinion do you think he married her for the wrong reasons? Because I know he has no feelings towards her. What he said when he came back was look one night of drinking and I have these problems, this is not what you call love.

Do Dominican men stay mad for a while if they really care for you?

Are Dominican men extremely jealously people?
Is all this their natural way of showing their jealousy.

And he was already talking about divorcing her by the end of the year, why cause he knows what he did was wrong.

And also is it possible that after he came back and he told our friend that their was no future for us that he could be lying or scared. Cause he told our friend that he was scared of commitment between me and him.

Should I continue trying to get an answer out of him?

Or, should I just let it go and take by what he does to me now by, ignoring me, or should I confront him. Because I still believe that he cares and loves me.

Just because he married 18 yr. girl that he had one fling with. You can't love someone in one month.

My opinion

Ms. confused
Please excuse my spellings and or english.

I'm trying again, and hopefully someone is out there that is nice to enough to answer my questions. it seems like all you can do is put me down and say all these mean things. i'm a fighter for love. and i am sorry i come from some where that has morals, values, respect. maybe some day you'll all know the meaning of true love and respect and maybe not which will be a sad story to hear some day.
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Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
This is a socket puppet (cmrincon).

I think you are better off sticking to seals or polar bears.

Actually, I hear bears make great lovers...
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Jan 2, 2002
This sound sooooooo familiar. Do you live in Alaska?

I'll let others handle this but please don't be nasty



Jan 1, 2002
Games over, LadyLove.

Once Robert identified you as a sock puppet, this thread was dead in the water.


Jan 2, 2002
Ladylove we tried to tell you last time and changing your name isn't going to get you different answers. Please forget this guy and get on with your life.