2018 Semana Santa Death Pool


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
I dreamt the exact number !!!...... and then saw it again in my coffee dredges.....

98 642


Apr 29, 2014
I was away last week and the beginning of this week. No driving on my moto during that time. Came home, didn't go anywhere, same the next day as it rained. Finally went out yesterday, the dogs were most concerned about where there next meal was coming from so they pretty much insisted I deal with that pronto.

Maybe it's just my perception being off a bit from not driving for a week but it seemed to me that the level of idiocy on the roads was a little elevated. Could be from the excitement of people getting off work early for the holidays. With nothing much to do I figured I watch for the carnage. As with auto racing season, Samana Santa is as good a time as any to catch a decent crash if that floats your boat. I figure I am in a prime location. In front of my place is a relatively long straight stretch of hwy 5 with a good bend at each end. This section is conducive for excessive speeds, passing on corners, creating extra lanes of traffic and of course stopping in the middle of the road just for the hell of it.

Every time I lean against the gate post to wait for the carnage to begin, the honking starts. I am convinced many drivers think me to be asleep and if they don't startle me into wakefulness, I am liable to sleepwalk in front of them at the most inopportune time. Those that don't honk, pull over and stop, expecting me to either climb aboard or get lost. Apparently, a gringo standing anywhere near a roadway is a clear indication that said gringo needs to be transported somewhere else usually at a cost.

I absolutely love the display of civic duty by the 2-up PN on their motos. Without fail they all turn around and come over to wish me a good day, ensure I am not suffering from heat stroke and offer to lighten my load by a few hundred pesos. I am not entirely sure what gives these public servants the impression I am worthy of their attention seeing as when you need them (not that that happens very often) they are nowhere to be found. Oh well, I smile and tell them I appreciate the good work they are doing and ask if they would mind going to the store up the road to get me a cerveza fria. At about this point, they usually get a call about a gringo in distress elsewhere and are off to demonstrate more Dominican goodwill.

It's amazing how much commotion a single gringo can cause just by hanging out at the side of a road scratching their a$$. I think later today I am going to up my game a little bit and wear socks with my sandals. I am determined to inch the numbers closer to my selected guess. If this doesn't produce the desired results, on Saturday I'll be naked - I'll have to be careful. I could very well bring about a result that exceeds my guess quite quickly if I do not pay close attention.
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Active member
Jul 23, 2011
Personally, I think this is inappropriate and unhealthy...but good luck to you all (not to be one of your statistics)~!
Oct 2, 2011
Peravia, Bani
Very sad!

It's that time again where all caution is thrown into the wind and drinking and driving kicks off into high gear. This year I'm going with 33. A bit lower than in the past, but lower numbers have also been reported. Not because people are getting smarter but the government is better at hiding the true number. ( I truly hope it's 0 but that's never going to happen)

In the past DV8 was kind enough to keep score and I hope they will continue this trend.

since you guys start it lets start betting in how many kids are going to die in the next school shooting.


Apr 29, 2014
Too hard to guess that one because there are too many variables. At least with vehicle grill drills, the laws of physics are fairly consistent with predicable outcomes.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2017
I have buried several friends lately due to highway accidents; the pain is still there. Everytime I pass by my friends empty house I get a lump in my throat... yes all avoidable and most just plain neglegence.
The more drinking and drug use the higher the accident statistics.
Call me a 'Woos'' but I cannot in all conscience bet on a number.
Here in N.S. we have our own trials with highway deaths and recently a good friend fell asleep and totaled his car... he also attended his own funeral!
You all have a happy Easter and I do hope one of the statics are not of your friends or Family.
My Esposa will not drive this week because it is too dangerous ; Thank God, I can put that one to rest.

My hope is ''0''.


Apr 29, 2014
Condolences for your recent losses Russell. I choose to see the yearly pool not as a ghoulish side game but as a way to remind people that driving is one of the most dangerous things you routinely choose to do. It is especially important to regularly point out that this country consistently ranks high on the list of the most dangerous countries in which to drive. Even more so around national holidays.

In the end, the pool is just food for thought and a chance to reflect on those who gambled and lost.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
That standing on the side of the road story gave me a good laugh.

Me thinks standing on the side of the road, here, at this time, begs to become a statistic on dr1........

Now I have to modify my bet from 98 642 to 98 643.....


Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013
This is quite a distasteful thread, whatever you call it, I wish the admin close it and warn posters.... what are you !

I wish for world peace, no deaths, and billions of dollars. Not much chance any of that will happen either.


Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013