My wife and I are considering a move to the DR within the next five years, possibly sooner rather than later. I've been spending some time on this website trying to glean all the wonderful relevant information regarding our move... Including anything to do with gaining residency/citizenship as an end goal.
But it's not been so easy, as so far I have not been able to find one thread that clearly lays out a path for this matter.
I'm a creative/visual person, so I thought about building a type of graph that would be easy to look at and gain a fairly clear, general understanding of the various steps that are required to accomplish our goal. I realize that there are many details that may require the professional services of lawyers and will not try to go into those details — I may just indicate a "lawyer needed at this point" suggestion. My thought is to just produce a layman's quick-view reference guide related to a residency/citizenship legal path for moving to the DR.
This type of diagram will certainly be helpful to us, and hopefully, I can share it on dr1 for others to use.
Here's a link to a Google search results page for images of various generic timeline diagrams (non-DR specific, but hopefully will be recognized as related to the context of this thread
Appreciate any and all help.
But it's not been so easy, as so far I have not been able to find one thread that clearly lays out a path for this matter.
I'm a creative/visual person, so I thought about building a type of graph that would be easy to look at and gain a fairly clear, general understanding of the various steps that are required to accomplish our goal. I realize that there are many details that may require the professional services of lawyers and will not try to go into those details — I may just indicate a "lawyer needed at this point" suggestion. My thought is to just produce a layman's quick-view reference guide related to a residency/citizenship legal path for moving to the DR.
This type of diagram will certainly be helpful to us, and hopefully, I can share it on dr1 for others to use.
Here's a link to a Google search results page for images of various generic timeline diagrams (non-DR specific, but hopefully will be recognized as related to the context of this thread
Appreciate any and all help.