Abinader reiterates call for international help to Haiti during Buenos Aires CELAC Summit


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019

President Luis Abinader spoke up for Haiti during his six-minute participation during the plenary of the 7th Latin American and Caribbean Summit (CELAC) held in Buenos Aires, Argentina 23-24 January to call for action from the international community to resolve the multidimensional crisis in Haiti.

Abinader was blunt about how the situation in Haiti is a threat to the Dominican Republic. The collapse of social services and job opportunities in Haiti now compounded by gang controls places a major burden on government finances, health and security in the Dominican Republic. Abinader reiterated at the regional forum that the solution to the serious problems in Haiti are not in Dominican hands.

He said: “The call of the Haitian government to create a robust military force that would allow the Haitian National Police to better confront the criminal organizations that today...

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Jan 12, 2010
I really can not see the Latin countries going to Haiti with military forces for the simple reason that the citizens of each of the Latin countries would be strongly opposed to becoming mixed up in problems of another country. Nor can I see any Latin country giving financial aid to the Haitian Police force. I wonder if Haiti was represented at this conference and, if so, what they said .

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
I really can not see the Latin countries going to Haiti with military forces for the simple reason that the citizens of each of the Latin countries would be strongly opposed to becoming mixed up in problems of another country. Nor can I see any Latin country giving financial aid to the Haitian Police force. I wonder if Haiti was represented at this conference and, if so, what they said .
They were there. Camara crews recorded them while Luis was speaking. I didn't see their speech however.