Abortion rights in the DR?

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On vacation
Jun 10, 2008
You are right. In some limited cases sex could be a way out ot poverty if a woman is very attractive, very selective and knows to turn the advanture into marriage.
For the great majority the education is the way to go. But churches are very active in the poor sectors of the society robbing the disadvantaged from the only asset they have: time.
I agree with most of your post but no doubt the church also has a positive impact in a lot of peoples lives.
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Dec 11, 2003
mountainannie, I said reduce I didn't say eliminate so reducing unwanted pregnancy and therefore abortion by 85% by using condoms is quite acceptable. And yes, the morning after pill is readily available over the counter as was already stated and they are dirt cheap. I just called my local pharmacy in Santo Domingo and 'Evitar' cost RD$175 ~ US$ 3.18.

About this denigrating statement, "For many MANY women in the DR - Sex work is the ONLY way OUT of the poverty...", wow just wow. Really? This is what you really believe? Have a little faith in women. How does education and hard work sound to you? There is always a choice to be made and I see many, many women here in DR making the right choice everyday, day in and day out without having to whore themselves to feed their family.

With all the contraceptives available today abortion should be extremely rare. Here is a list:
Finally for those that absolutely don't ever want to be parents there is:
  • Female sterilization (tubal ligation)
  • Male sterilization (vasectomy)
Source: NHS.UK

Abortion should really be the very last thing a on a woman's mind.
I am actually VERY SURE that I know a great deal about the female reproductive system than you do -- since I actually HAVE one

I RESENT the "tyranny of the shoulds" particularly when it comes to Men telling Women What THEY ought to do with their bodies./lives/ etc.

Have you ever been to an inner City Santo Domingo high school? With dirt floors and no books? -- well - the teacher had a book but they had to be checked in and out with the central office there.... It is in the interests of the Elite, I suppose - to have an Ample Supply of Servants --

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I am actually VERY SURE that I know a great deal about the female reproductive system than you do -- since I actually HAVE one

I RESENT the "tyranny of the shoulds" particularly when it comes to Men telling Women What THEY ought to do with their bodies./lives/ etc.

Have you ever been to an inner City Santo Domingo high school? With dirt floors and no books? -- well - the teacher had a book but they had to be checked in and out with the central office there.... It is in the interests of the Elite, I suppose - to have an Ample Supply of Servants --
I have been in a number of them but none with a dirt floor, and until recently they mainly had textbooks. I am sure you just picked an extreme example that isn't true for most of the schools or the4 country. https://drtour2010.blogspot.com/2010/04/time-for-school.html This is a typical school in San Carlos, a poor barrio in central santo Domingo. There are tiles on the floor. So, do you believe abortion is only about women ownership of their bodies?
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Dec 11, 2003
I have been in a number of them but none with a dirt floor, and until recently they mainly had textbooks. I am sure you just picked an extreme example that isn't true for most of the schools or the4 country. So, do you believe abortion is only about women ownership of their bodies?
I was acting as a translator for a group of visiting Chiropractors with a local NGO - (but I also worked as a visiting teacher in LT and we had Dominican teachers Who Could Not Teach )
And yes
I believe that a woman has the right to autonomy over her own body.

And wish that every child born is one that is wanted by its mother.

(But then I believe in World Peace as well so I understand that I have some Completely Unreasonable Ideals and expectations)

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I was acting as a translator for a group of visiting Chiropractors with a local NGO - (but I also worked as a visiting teacher in LT and we had Dominican teachers Who Could Not Teach )
And yes
I believe that a woman has the right to autonomy over her own body.

And wish that every child born is one that is wanted by its mother.

(But then I believe in World Peace as well so I understand that I have some Completely Unreasonable Ideals and expectations)
Yoy said inner city Santo Domingo, not Las Terrenas. YES SOME PUBLIC SCHOOL WERE/ARE IN DEPLORABLE CONDITION. Yes a woman's own body, not that of the fetus. So the right to make health care decisions that affect only her body. Allowing for very early termination , before 15 weeks is a compromise on the rights of the unborn ( who should also have body autonomy, even though dependent on the woman's body until born). https://www.mccl.org/post/2016/12/19/my-body-my-choice-why-bodily-autonomy-doesnt-justify-abortion
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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
I am actually VERY SURE that I know a great deal about the female reproductive system than you do -- since I actually HAVE one

I RESENT the "tyranny of the shoulds" particularly when it comes to Men telling Women What THEY ought to do with their bodies./lives/ etc.

Have you ever been to an inner City Santo Domingo high school? With dirt floors and no books? -- well - the teacher had a book but they had to be checked in and out with the central office there.... It is in the interests of the Elite, I suppose - to have an Ample Supply of Servants --
Wow! this is a strange post


Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
Have you ever been to an inner City Santo Domingo high school? With dirt floors and no books? -- well - the teacher had a book but they had to be checked in and out with the central office there.... It is in the interests of the Elite, I suppose - to have an Ample Supply of Servants --
mmmm.... Let me see.... I've lived in Santo Domingo for 22 consecutive years and counting. I am Dominican born in Baní. So yes, I have visited many schools in DR. So too, have I visited Sto Dgo barrio schools, none of which had dirt floors as you describe.

When I was 10 I visited 'Las Barias un campo de Baní '. It is at the end of the main road off of the 'Cruse de Pizarrete'. The road was paved about half way in with the rest of the stretch pure dirt. It was a small community of wooden huts with corrugated steel roof and dirt floors. The school was made of concrete blocks and stucco with corrugated steel roof and polished cement floors. That was 46 years ago. You'll be hard pressed to find a school like you describe in DR today.
I am actually VERY SURE that I know a great deal about the female reproductive system than you do -- since I actually HAVE one
As to the above quoted ridiculosity, I'll just inform you ICYDK, men are proficient users of the female reproductive system and we have many millenniums of experience. In fact it doesn't work without us directly or indirectly.
I RESENT the "tyranny of the shoulds" particularly when it comes to Men telling Women What THEY ought to do with their bodies./lives/ etc.
Women are free to do as they wish with their bodies however they are not free to kill a living human being residing in their womb under the guise of my body my choice. The Dominican Constitution is very clear on when life starts; at conception!
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Dec 11, 2003
Yoy said inner city Santo Domingo, not Las Terrenas. YES SOME PUBLIC SCHOOL WERE/ARE IN DEPLORABLE CONDITION. Yes a woman's own body, not that of the fetus. So the right to make health care decisions that affect only her body. Allowing for very early termination , before 15 weeks is a compromise on the rights of the unborn ( who should also have body autonomy, even though dependent on the woman's body until born). https://www.mccl.org/post/2016/12/19/my-body-my-choice-why-bodily-autonomy-doesnt-justify-abortion
The dirt floors were in a concrete building in Sto Dom.. We had a little school in LT - Escuela Matum.. concrete floor
I was there for 16 years so obviously saw a great deal.

Fortunately for you, Bob, no one will ever get you pregnant and/or force you to bear a child against your will.

"WASHINGTON, July 11, 2018 – Limited educational opportunities for girls and barriers to completing 12 years of education cost countries between $15 trillion and $30 trillion in lost lifetime productivity and earnings, says a new World Bank report launched ahead of the July 12 United Nations Malala Day." https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/p...illions-of-dollars-says-new-world-bank-report


  • In reading literacy, the main topic of PISA 2018, 15-year-olds in the Dominican Republic score 342 points compared to an average of 487 points in OECD countries. Girls perform better than boys with a statistically significant difference of 31 points (OECD average: 30 points higher for girls).
  • On average, 15-year-olds score 325 points in mathematics compared to an average of 489 points in OECD countries. Girls perform better than boys with a non statistically significant difference of 3 points (OECD average: 5 points higher for boys).
  • In the Dominican Republic, the average performance in science of 15-year-olds is 336 points, compared to an average of 489 points in OECD countries. Girls perform better than boys with a statistically significant difference of 10 points (OECD average: 2 points higher for girls).
  • Socio-economic status explains 9% of the variance in reading performance in the Dominican Republic (OECD average: 12%).
  • The average difference between advantaged and disadvantaged students in reading is 65 points, compared to an average of 89 in OECD countries. However, 12% of disadvantaged students are academically resilient (OECD average: 11%).
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Dec 11, 2003
mmmm.... Let me see.... I've lived in Santo Domingo for 22 consecutive years and counting. I am Dominican born in Baní. So yes, I have visited many schools in DR. So too, have I visited Sto Dgo barrio schools, none of which had dirt floors as you describe.

When I was 10 I visited 'Las Barias un campo de Baní '. It is at the end of the main road off of the 'Cruse de Pizarrete'. The road was paved about half way in with the rest of the stretch pure dirt. It was a small community of wooden huts with corrugated steel roof and dirt floors. The school was made of concrete blocks and stucco with corrugated steel roof and polished cement floors. That was 46 years ago. You'll be hard pressed to find a school like you describe in DR today.

As to the above quoted ridiculosity, I'll just inform you ICYDK, men are proficient users of the female reproductive system and we have many millenniums of experience. In fact it doesn't work without us directly or indirectly.

Women are free to do as they wish with their bodies however they are not free to kill a living human being residing in their womb under the guise of my body my choice. The Dominican Constitution is very clear on when life starts; at conception!
"A Living human being resided in their womb"?


How many Dominican men have I heard BRAG on HOW MANY CHILDREN THEY HAVE???

By HGW MANY DIFFERENT Baby Mommas.....????????


Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
"A Living human being resided in their womb"?


How many Dominican men have I heard BRAG on HOW MANY CHILDREN THEY HAVE???

By HGW MANY DIFFERENT Baby Mommas.....????????
Your point? Was there a point? This is a losing argument in DR as it is illegal and the constitution makes it very difficult to legalize. Although the constitution is somewhat malleable, I doubt that the political class here is ready to spend the political capital required to change art. 37 of the constitution and incur the wrath of the church in the process. Nope I don't think it'll happen, at least not in my lifetime in a country that has the Bible on the center of its flag.


Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013
I still find it amazing that a bunch of non Dominican men are adamant what Dominican women should be doing with their bodies.
I am a firm believer that if you can not get pregnant you have absoutley no say in the matter.
The decision to end a pregnancy should be by the woman that is pregnant and whoever she invites into her decision making process.
Not a bunch of people that have nothing better to do than interfere in other people's interests.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
"A Living human being resided in their womb"?


How many Dominican men have I heard BRAG on HOW MANY CHILDREN THEY HAVE???

By HGW MANY DIFFERENT Baby Mommas.....????????
I will just leave you with this.
I have 4 children, all raised and paid for by me, how many do you have?

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I still find it amazing that a bunch of non Dominican men are adamant what Dominican women should be doing with their bodies.
I am a firm believer that if you can not get pregnant you have absoutley no say in the matter.
The decision to end a pregnancy should be by the woman that is pregnant and whoever she invites into her decision making process.
Not a bunch of people that have nothing better to do than interfere in other people's interests.
You are entitled, like the rest of us to believe whatever you want. It doesn't make you more right than the person that disagrees with you. My Dominican wife is very anti-abortion, but like most people believes there should be exceptions to a 100% ban.


Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
I still find it amazing that a bunch of non Dominican men are adamant what Dominican women should be doing with their bodies.
I am a firm believer that if you can not get pregnant you have absoutley no say in the matter.
The decision to end a pregnancy should be by the woman that is pregnant and whoever she invites into her decision making process.
Not a bunch of people that have nothing better to do than interfere in other people's interests.
Believe what you will there is nothing wrong with that. However a woman in DR doesn't usually get pregnant alone there is usually a man involved. AKA the sperm donor. He, the sperm donor, for the next 18 years, is financially and morally responsible for that child. He doesn't have the luxury of saying, my money, my choice, without legal repercussions. You don't think that tying up the next 18 of someone's life should require a discussion and a joint decision of two affected parties?

For the record I'm not totally against abortion I just would like it to be rare, sensible and before 15 weeks of gestation. Of course, that is, if the woman and man involved so decide. One more thing, my wife, dominican, is 100% against abortion. I have an opposing argument with her than the one I have here. Go figure. Anything taken to the extreme is unpalatable.
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