Abstention discussions continue


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019

Political analysts continue to share insights into why most people did not exercise their right to vote in the municipal elections.

JC Malone writes in Listin Diario that citizen indifference prevailed into the municipal election. He writes that most Dominicans do not feel represented by the more than 30 parties recognized by the Central Electoral Board (JCE).

Diario Libre reports that Jesus Bueno, former director of the Political Sciences School of the state university (UASD) also attributes the low voter turnout to people not being satisfied by the offer of candidates by the political parties.

Lawyer Ramon Antonio Veras writes in El Nuevo Diario: “People give signs. They let their feelings be seen; They show their indignation at something disgusting. Not going to vote, without being prevented by any force, is saying that the healthy Dominican...

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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2022
Puerto Plata
Lawyer Ramon Antonio Veras writes in El Nuevo Diario: “People give signs. They let their feelings be seen; They show their indignation at something disgusting. Not going to vote, without being prevented by any force, is saying that the healthy Dominican people are disgusted with politicking.”

Ramon is spouting his opinion.

One should be disgusted with people not voting in their participatory democracy.

Dominicans let their feelings be seen in the barrios, complaining about government yet incapable of understanding political and global economic realities.
Not educating themselves, to being capable to understand the world.

Of course this can be seen in many countries.
Democracies are a minority in this world.

Not long ago people fought and died for the right to vote and are still dying for this right to democracy.
Not long ago women were not allowed to vote or people prohibited to vote based on race.

Many people in the world would be thankful to have the right to vote, in elections which are not rigged.
Legal election results accepted, facts, truth ..........not repeated lies attempted to be turned into fact.
People not killed, for being in opposition to dictators.

This is of interest to the DR, to understand its economic relation to other Latin American countries.
Hispaniola is connected to what happens in the outside political and economic sphere and subject to it.
The President, Abinader understands this!

In comparison to other Latin countries the DR is doing much better and also has a much more stable society, security and politics.
One may not find this info on tick tock or facebook.
The questions is, has one the intellect to obtain factual information?

The uneducated don't understand that the President is not responsible for global prices, supply chains or pandemics.
Other factors control global economic or political situations.
The President can only respond with policies to improve the DR situation.

Dominicans should be thankful and participate, to make their country better, and to better themselves.

Get out and vote.

Whining on your plastic chair, drinking alcohol and dancing will not change your situation,
Other than making you temporarily escape the realities you created for yourself.
You are responsible for your life!

If you don't vote, you don't have the right to whine!

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
This discussion is about elections in the DR, nothing else.

Please stay on topic.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2022
Puerto Plata
This discussion is about elections in the DR, nothing else.

Ease stay on topic.
La Bandera Dominicana for patriotism, no Mexican rice or beans and absolutely no spice or foreign connections which affect Dominican politics,
And the Candidates who strangely do not operate in an island vacuum.
One would do well to study the platforms of the candidates, if one can read and is inclined to inform oneself other than whine about the government.

It should be clear by now that Abinader will be re-elected, by those who will move their buts to actually vote.

Poorly educated and illiterate people seldom vote, unless someone pays them 400 pesos.
But they sure do whine!
The government does nothing for me!

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Platforms? What platforms? Do you follow local news much?


On vacation
Jun 10, 2008
I just think right now there is not really an alternative to the PRM and Abinador. I don’t believe he is particularly popular but nothing very bad has come out regarding corruption in this government. If that then continues he would in fact have brought change. I still think more could be done especially around health care but in another thread I was corrected and told they have improved that substantially.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2022
Puerto Plata
Platforms? What platforms? Do you follow local news much?

Obviously Abinader realizes that Dominican politics are connected with international politics.

"He would likely maintain his stance on Haiti, continuing the construction of a border wall. Abinader has stated that international assistance is required to address instability in Haiti, noting during a February 13 address to the UN Security Council",

Why do you think he speaks at the UN to seek support and international investments?
  • Abinader Estudios: Realizó el bachillerato en el Colegio Loyola y obtuvo la licenciatura en Economía en el Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC). Realizó estudios de postgrado en Gerencia de Proyectos en el Instituto Arthur D. Little de Cambridge, Massachusetts, en los Estados Unidos. También realizó estudios de Finanzas Corporativas e Ingeniería Financiera en la Universidad de Harvard y de Gerencia Avanzada en Dartmouth College en New Hampshire.
May his foreign studies influence his outlook on DR politics?

Fernández served three presidential terms (1996-2000, 2004-08 and 2008-12). He spent part of his childhood in New York, joined the PLD in 1973,

Fernández’s platform includes calls for wealth redistribution and social justice, noting the country’s persistent inequality despite sustained economic growth. Infrastructure is on his agenda, along with public safety and environmental protection. Fernández has proposed installing a new United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) and ending visa issuances to Haitians to “contain illegal migration.”

Do you think Fernandez time in New York may also influence his outlook on DR politics.
Why propose UN international aid if only Dominican politics are the concern?

Where is Martinez going to get,
US$500 million fund for new agricultural technology.
If not from the outside world for DR benefits and DR election promises.

If one does follow local news and listens to candidates speeches, you actually learn what their election platforms are
And what they propose to do.
It may surprise you, they do have election platforms/promises they do run on more substantial than Pa,lante
With Abinader you already have an established record, as you do with Leonel.

The Dominican leadership is educated and realizes that DR and it's politics are largely dependent on international
cooperation and investments.

One would be less than intelligent to believe that living on a small island heavily dependent on imports, with an collapsed state as neighbour
the government can only focus on internal politics.

It seems only dr1 is navel gazing, excluding outside influences as if they did not exist.
Rice and beans for the masses, please no spice or deeper thought.
I can figure out where to buy appliances, cars, real estate, how to fill out forms and where to find them,
Without asking those profound questions on dr1.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2022
Puerto Plata
I just think right now there is not really an alternative to the PRM and Abinador. I don’t believe he is particularly popular but nothing very bad has come out regarding corruption in this government. If that then continues he would in fact have brought change. I still think more could be done especially around health care but in another thread I was corrected and told they have improved that substantially.
Governments need long range visions and planing, exceeding four year election cycles.
I think it would be beneficial for the DR, if Abinader to continues to lead as President.
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La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
" 'I have made this longer than usual because I have not had time to make it shorter,' goes the Blaise Pascal quote often attributed to Mark Twain. Pascal ascribed value to brevity. Get to the point, say what needs to be said, and stop."

The above quote, from: https://www.reproof.app/blog/longform-not-required-for-seo
is good advice for some of the more prolific posters in the News forum, especially when said long posts are repeated in replies. The point being made is often obscured by a wall of words.

I spent my professional career in the classroom. One learns to present salient concepts in a crystal clear form, or students become hopelessly mired in a verbiage-filled quicksand.
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On vacation
Jun 10, 2008
" 'I have made this longer than usual because I have not had time to make it shorter,' goes the Blaise Pascal quote often attributed to Mark Twain. Pascal ascribed value to brevity. Get to the point, say what needs to be said, and stop."

The above quote, from: https://www.reproof.app/blog/longform-not-required-for-seo
is good advice for some of the more prolific posters in the News forum, especially when said long posts are repeated in replies. The pount being made is often obscured by a wall of words.

I spent my professional career in the classroom. One learns to present salient concepts in a crystal clear form, or students become hopelessly mired in a verbiage-filled quicksand.
Well you are La Profe.