Activity in Men from mars and women from Venus


May 10, 2005
Back In the days when I joined this forum (2005) this very same sub-forum (“ Men from mars and women from venus”) used to be very active. I remember the main “plato del dia” was always ladies asking for advice regarding their relationship with their new Dominican boyfriend, usually met at the same all-inclusive resort where these women stayed for weekly holidays/vacations.

Obviously looking at the activity of this forum, those days are gone. I’m curious to know what has happened and why posts have decreased. Have people changed their view on Sankies?

Any comments are welcome…

Jun 18, 2007
Back In the days when I joined this forum (2005) this very same sub-forum (“ Men from mars and women from venus”) used to be very active. I remember the main “plato del dia” was always ladies asking for advice regarding their relationship with their new Dominican boyfriend, usually met at the same all-inclusive resort where these women stayed for weekly holidays/vacations.

Obviously looking at the activity of this forum, those days are gone. I’m curious to know what has happened and why posts have decreased. Have people changed their view on Sankies?

Any comments are welcome…


Maybe DR1 did its job and people are more careful now when coming to the DR. ;)
Feb 7, 2007
Or maybe all sankies now emigrated. You know with 4% of GDP now spent on education, young men now study and progress and open their own businesses or get good jobs and they have no need to con foreign women. Couple that with high professionalism in hiring practices of hotel entertainment staff where a degree in fine arts is noq required to join the animation staff, and you get the picture.

On sankiettes side, young women no longer need to con foreign men because again their education is now on higher levels with higher standards and they find their way to law firms, architect and engineering firms etc., and on the lower end to bank branches or similar jobs, e.g. working in Claro or Orange etc.

So as you see, the economic need is no longer there in being sankies or sankiettes, because the new generation of youngsters no longer needs to do this kind of cons, and the older generation is already out of country, emigrated in North America or Europe or at worse case married with rich Latino/s in other LatAm countries.

You see the wonders the 4% on education can do?

For those who did not get it, it's a joke, but also a futuristic vision of what money well spent on education could do. Not just building new schools, but increasing the quality of teaching and of curriculum.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Anyone with a Facebook account knows sankies are alive and well, there are groups filled with their stories.  I think they find what they need in the groups there and don't google to find DR1. Important to remember that Facebook wasn't a "thing" 10 years ago.  Time marches on.


Nov 7, 2013
You had me going for a second rubio! I was like, what?? Seriously? haha.

I think perhaps the lack of people posting has nothing to do with the sankie/snkiette practices and more to do with the board. Anytime someone does make a post along these lines, they're eating alive. A quick search, upon arrival, would be enough to warn newbies from posting of their vacation love. So, yes, in a way, the board has done its job! But, on the flip side, if it's preventing people from seeking help? Not sure what that may mean longer term.


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
There is some truth to what RH is saying even if it is done in a humorous way. I've seen more and more young DR women opting for university educations in the hope of a better life for them and their families. Not so for the young men. A large number still look for the quick fix. They are more interested in Range Rovers and chicas. The very intelligent son of one of the families I know left his University engineering program and now works at a bar in a resort in the Playa Dorada area. He's a good person and comes from a very nice hard working family. He will never be a sanky but his future is not good at this point.


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
I promise you the sankies are alive and well and still thousands of them. Since the JCE computerised and centralised the Civil Registry they are now only able to marry once (before they would marry different of women in different Civil Registry offices) which has helped a little. The women are becoming wiser and the smart phones and whatsapp have become the downfall of many sankies with messages to other women read. The numbers of sankiettes are also increasing! AE is correct, the Facebook Groups, and there are many of them, are where the women pre sankified, in the middle of being sankified and post sankified, now go for help, advice and information.



Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
The economic downturn in 2008 has had a real effect on all industries including the sanky panky business line.

Funny Friday.


Jun 19, 2009
Nah, they scared to be eaten alive on DR1, instead they turn to Facebook where misery loves company.:nervous:


Dec 12, 2009
Blue Collar Town in New Jersey
Nah, they scared to be eaten alive on DR1, instead they turn to Facebook where misery loves company.:nervous:

I know one personally , who married a Sanky , otherwise very smart girl and good Career too ,and yes she has a full support Group on Facebook.. Its absolutely Hysterical.. and when it eventually falls apart it is going to be Epic.. .and I got front row Seats ... I'm actually hoping it works out for her because she is a sweet girl ..
But he is literally a Fausto( not his real name but close) who gave her DANCING Lessons , at an AI in Punta Cana on her very first Trip to the DR... and now she is supporting his whole family and he lives in luxury with her in Florida....
They got married and everything, but I still have not seen a thing about him getting a JOB though.... just classic classic stuff.. I wish i were making it all up, but its 100% true.. Her parents and brother all warned her ,but she insisted this was true love, and of course right on the heels of breaking up with a longtime Boyfriend .. Its just uncanny how we see this pattern repeat itself.


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
A reduction in European charter flights :)

Things change, life moves on, 100's of resources instead of 2 or 3 etc etc etc.
Apr 7, 2014
A reduction in European charter flights :)

Things change, life moves on, 100's of resources instead of 2 or 3 etc etc etc.
On both sides of the game and both sides of the coin.

In the olden days the Sankies had to ply their wares, to play their hustle, to exercise their con, expertly and proficiently. Then there was a hole cat and mouse thing to turn that connection into a relationship. And then the shoe drop. Back in the olden days there were limited resources to access the First World mark.

These days there are a jillion social media websites and consequently the Sanky game has suffered. What used to be after some intense level of interest was established you would hear the sick grandma tale now has been condensed to some stranger asking you for a loan 10 minutes after you met them online, literally. The ultra-pathetic deterioration of the hustle is probably what has reduced inquiries into the validity of these relationships. It becomes clearly apparent if you meet a person Tuesday and have what would probably be a nice conversation only to have that same person beg you for a $100 on Wednesday that the integrity of the person and quality of the relationship is bogus.

Sent from my Z833 using Tapatalk


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
There is a TV reality show about those coming over on fiancé visas and then having to marry. One of the couples is a Dominican guy who met a American girl on vacation. She brought him to the US on a fiancé visa and then married him. I think it is on TLC, new season starts June 25 (yes I know I have too much time on my hands, damn Anyway in the clips from the new season it shows him throwing his green card at her saying she can have it if that is what he thinks he married her for. Her family definitely thought this....I agree with AE, the new age of Facebook, Instagram, etc...has changed the game. Anything and everything is out there on those social media pages.


New member
Dec 16, 2016
Well, I for one am glad I found this forum. I met this girl on vacation there a few months ago and we fell in love within a few hours, it funny how that happened, I would never have expected that. She is a very good girl, very close with her family, she even has a cousin that she seems very close to,, he was always around when I popped in for a surprise visit. Anyway to make a long story short, I was there for 2 weeks and since then she has gone through a lot of bad times, her grandmother feel ill, her mother needed an operation, she had no money for her little sister to go to school (I never knew how expensive schools were in the DR!) and various other bad things you wouldn't believe. Anywho we are supposed to get married soon and I hope I will be able to take her away from such madness and give here a better life. I do have one question though:
What is a sanky?
Feb 7, 2007
Well, I for one am glad I found this forum. I met this girl on vacation there a few months ago and we fell in love within a few hours, it funny how that happened, I would never have expected that. She is a very good girl, very close with her family, she even has a cousin that she seems very close to,, he was always around when I popped in for a surprise visit. Anyway to make a long story short, I was there for 2 weeks and since then she has gone through a lot of bad times, her grandmother feel ill, her mother needed an operation, she had no money for her little sister to go to school (I never knew how expensive schools were in the DR!) and various other bad things you wouldn't believe. Anywho we are supposed to get married soon and I hope I will be able to take her away from such madness and give here a better life. I do have one question though:
What is a sanky?

A male version of your girlfriend.

Is this really a troll post, a joke, or are you for real....???


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Hopefully a joke, otherwise it would just be to pathetic.


Jul 27, 2011
Obviously looking at the activity of this forum, those days are gone. I’m curious to know what has happened and why posts have decreased. Have people changed their view on Sankies?

Any comments are welcome…


People can now read other people's experiences, which are similar to theirs, without having to put themselves in the hot seat. They also know they will not get any validation , which is what many are looking for anyways.


New member
Dec 16, 2016
Almost every point, I forgot the part about even though we don't speak the same language she will teach me Spanish and I will teach her Engish,,,,,,, it sounded funny in my head but as I am writing this and reading my last it just makes me sad,,,,