American needing work in DR


Jan 3, 2002
Santo Domingo Este
Just come here. Have enough money saved to live for a while. Stay in a hotel while you look for a place to live.Can even have a person working in the hotel call for the price of the apartment. then they think its a local and will quote the real price. But I know alot of landlords here that would rather rent to Americans than to Dominicans. So you might trying calling yourself after the dominican calls and see if its quoted at the same price. Thats what I did. You don't need a male friend. Be independent as possible But try to make some good friends fast cause you do need a resident to sign for your phone.
Ask the locals prices before you buy from vendors or the colmados. Then if someone is trying to gouge you you know better.
But I say just come here. Its hard to find an apartment and job without being here in person. Its not as hard as it seems. But it can be very frustrating at times.