Animal Control


Enjoying Life
May 7, 2016


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Several times. He seems to think it's fun to torment neighbors

My wife had an issue like that once. She would go for a walk early in the morning and she would take Simba the Husky with her.
Some dumb gringo seemed to think it was cool to leave his big dog free to roam and it went for Simba.
Long story short ( you can look it up here on dr1 for the longer version ), I told her to take " my" rottie for walkies the next day.
Rex whipped the other dog's ass, and magically, no more problems from that day onwards.

So, perhaps that could be one solution, but then again pits are dangerous. Btw I love dogs, hate pits....nasty fukcers.

Another solution is to scare off the dogs every time they are near your house.
An old pot/pan and a metal spoon, make lots of noise, comes to mind.

You could also try your local fiscaleria. I say it's worth a try, in my campo they have been responsive the one or two times I went to complain.

And most importantly, stay safe, and keep your dogs safe.
I would hate to be in your position and would probably carry a firearm ( in the case that you have a license ), or at the very least a machete.


Jan 3, 2002
Santo Domingo Este
I got taken to the Fiscaleria years ago. A woman said my dog was dangerous. She was walking around a corner with her dog. I told her it would be best to turn around. A dog was in heat and all the males were crazy. She snubbed me and kept walking. All the dogs came at her male dog. She blamed my dog, a female, because all the other dogs were street dogs. She said my dog bit her but she did not want me to pay for her hospital bills. We agreed that I would keep my dog on a leash. All the neighbors and the president of the junto de vecinos signed a paper that said my dog was not dangerous. A few months later a business filed claims against her because her dog never stopped barking. All the neighbors joined in with the business for the complaint. A month later the woman moved out of the Colonial Zone.

The fiscaleria will respond to a complaint.
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