Let's say an employee makes 25,000 Pesos/month working the full year in a Dominican company. How much christmas bonus does he get?
I checked the 'codigo de trabajo', Art. 219 says that the max x-mas salary is 1/12 of his monthly salary times the months he worked in this year (in this case 12), but the x-mas salary also should not be higher than 5 times the minumum wage - which is something about 3000 Pesos/month (?)- so he would get a max. of 15.000 Pesos?
However, when I go to http://www.set.gov.do/main/calculo.htm to calculate the 'prestationes' with a monthly salary of 25,000 Pesos I get the result for 'salario de navidad' of one full monthly salary = 25,000 Pesos.
What is legally correct?
Thanks in advance for your replies!
I checked the 'codigo de trabajo', Art. 219 says that the max x-mas salary is 1/12 of his monthly salary times the months he worked in this year (in this case 12), but the x-mas salary also should not be higher than 5 times the minumum wage - which is something about 3000 Pesos/month (?)- so he would get a max. of 15.000 Pesos?
However, when I go to http://www.set.gov.do/main/calculo.htm to calculate the 'prestationes' with a monthly salary of 25,000 Pesos I get the result for 'salario de navidad' of one full monthly salary = 25,000 Pesos.
What is legally correct?
Thanks in advance for your replies!