Article by Leonel Fern?ndez in List?n Diario


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Former president Leonel Fern?ndez publishes an article in today's Listin Diario, a rather laboured piece on Shakespeare's Othello, unsubtly directed at Guillermo Moreno:
Elogio a la Calumnia -

Here is a good reaction by a blogger:
Respuesta a Yago ? Beatriz Ferrer

Pero se equivoca Leonel Fern?ndez en varios aspectos de su magistral exposici?n.

En primer lugar me permito hurgar para sacarle la paja del ojo, ya que ese tal elogio a la calumnia al que se refiere no es tal, cuando el supuesto calumniado reacciona cual cucaracha patas arriba al ser embestido en su honra y reputaci?n. Si bien el ex-presidente Fern?ndez abandera seg?n su escrito la frase en la que Victor Hugo atribuye al hombre honesto la fortaleza de dejarse calumniar, resulta al menos parad?jico que una y otra vez saque su fichero de favores por cobrar cuando recibe una cr?tica de esas que ?l quiere vendernos como infundios.

Adem?s, Leonel Fern?ndez asume de nuevo el papel de v?ctima vilipendiada por un sector malagradecido, que no sabe reconocer en ?l el pr?cer del siglo XXI que en verdad es. Demuestra, cada vez de manera m?s obvia, su perfil psicol?gico de narcisista, en el cual se siente Mes?as incomprendido y envidiado. Mientras m?s cr?ticas aparecen, mayor es, seg?n su percepci?n, la envidia que sienten los dem?s por ?l.

Aqu? cabe incluso apuntar que esa victimizaci?n del gran hombre injuriado por aquellos que deber?an besarle los pies la hace con su caracter?stica arrogancia, evidenciada en su necesidad de plasmar hasta d?nde llegan sus conocimientos, en este caso de literatura. Obvio es que su escrito no est? dirigido al pueblo, ese pueblo que ?l aspira volver a gobernar. No est? dirigido a la masa, no, porque la masa no sabe qui?n fue Erasmo de Rotterdam, ni Victor Hugo, y probablemente ni siquiera Shakespeare. Y no lo sabe porque este hombre tuvo 12 a?os para invertir en su pueblo y no lo hizo. Porque si este se?or hubiera gobernado para su pueblo hoy vi?ramos parte de los frutos de sus gestiones reflejadas en nuestra gente. Porque del 1996 a ac? son 17 a?os, m?s que suficientes para tener impacto en una generaci?n. Pero no. Jam?s. Impensable tener un pueblo que al leer ese escrito pueda entender de qui?nes est? hablando. Impensable, porque la reacci?n buscada es precisamente la que encontrar?: ?Pero la verdad que Leonel es inteligente, mira c?mo cita a los fil?sofos! Cu?nto sabe este hombre, ese Erasmo seguro fue uno de los romanos esos que oigo mentar!?. Y esto, en lugar de darle pena, como nos da a nosotros, a ?l le inflar? el ego; precisamente lo que ?l necesita m?s que el ox?geno.


Le agradezco, eso s?, haber considerado a aquellos que nos agenciamos una educaci?n privada medianamente de calidad al momento de elegir su prosa, que nos permite comprenderla en su justa dimensi?n.
Mar 1, 2009
This guy is something else, he lies, cheats and steals and still wants to try to pull the wool over people's eyes. Leonel Ladron!

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Leonel's Dominican, so he never knows when to just "Shut The F*#K Up"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dominicans are genetically Programed" to get in their "No Fue Mi Culpa" no matter how ignorant that is!
Sep 4, 2012
Both articles are excellent reading and strong rebuttals to the original article. Great reading and great find by the OP, kudos!

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
This guy is something else, he lies, cheats and steals and still wants to try to pull the wool over people's eyes. Leonel Ladron!

he may be all of the above, but he sure is not stupid. he knows that the rank and file guys are about as sharp as a sack of mice, so he plays them like a drum. he could probably win another election if he ran again. so, who's the dummy?


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
he may be all of the above, but he sure is not stupid. he knows that the rank and file guys are about as sharp as a sack of mice, so he plays them like a drum. he could probably win another election if he ran again. so, who's the dummy?

Sad but true.


Sep 27, 2006
this is touching, really. so leonel fancies himself as otello? brave and courageous? or cassio? honest and of pure heart? well, well... i'd rather be iago, because the other two are dumbf**ks not worthy a verse, let alone a tragedy of 5 acts. cassio, a man of purity and integrity led to the bottle and drinking like a pig, really, that's an example? and otello, a barbarian, savage easily led by a smarter man, that is who leonel claims to be? two weak, lousy human beings, puppets on someone else's strings?

i will not be open and simple like leonel, who brings out characters from the play, quotes the lines and uses what is obvious and visible to make his point. no. the death and fall of the "good", or rather dumb and brainless is not of interest to me. neither is what is on the outside, presented in the play. what counts is what happens afterwards, after iago reaches his goal. apprehended by justice, you say? really? is he? or maybe giving away free chickens to those who are to judge him? using his biggest advantage, his golden tongue, to accuse and incriminate others?
Sep 4, 2012
Sad part is that this man writes the article in such way that 80% of the populace wouldn't understand a word of it. Which led me to believe, the article could not have had the people as its target to begin with.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Sad part is that this man writes the article in such way that 80% of the populace wouldn't understand a word of it. Which led me to believe, the article could not have had the people as its target to begin with.
It does have the people as the target. Not with the intention of them understanding it, but so they think "isn't he clever" - just like his speeches which are loaded with incomprehensible economic jargon.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
It does have the people as the target. Not with the intention of them understanding it, but so they think "isn't he clever" - just like his speeches which are loaded with incomprehensible economic jargon.

he must be PICHARDO'S mentor. if you can't convince them with facts, baffle them with bullshirt.


Jun 7, 2008
he may be all of the above, but he sure is not stupid. he knows that the rank and file guys are about as sharp as a sack of mice, so he plays them like a drum. he could probably win another election if he ran again. so, who's the dummy?

Not him, hes a thief. The dummys, easy, the people who vote for him!


Jun 7, 2008
I guess to really understand the logic behind why a person continually wins elections after stealing from the people, you must first understand the environment/culture in which we live. Theft is an acceptable measure as its puts food on the table, its an art form, a career for many. So when one aspires to be and owns the accolade as "the best thief" he will be put on a pedestal and treated like a god!
Sep 4, 2012
It does have the people as the target. Not with the intention of them understanding it, but so they think "isn't he clever" - just like his speeches which are loaded with incomprehensible economic jargon.

Agreed up to a point. Yes, I assume that would be the reaction of some, however; most won't dare to read pass the first line, hence my thoughts. The article was actually centered to the eloquent media. They are the one's whom would promote him as clever, smart, thus passing it down to the masses in such way that then and only then, the regular John Doe could sifter and understand some of it.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
The replies from the blogger and the columnist - who are more well-read and culturally literate, not to mention eloquent - show it up for what it is, though.
Sep 4, 2012
Correct, but that were only two of the responses to the article and mind you; as you've noted, these responses came from very intellectual individuals. The normal newspaper writer I doubt would have the same outcome or message to their readers.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
I guess to really understand the logic behind why a person continually wins elections after stealing from the people, you must first understand the environment/culture in which we live. Theft is an acceptable measure as its puts food on the table, its an art form, a career for many. So when one aspires to be and owns the accolade as "the best thief" he will be put on a pedestal and treated like a god!

Expat, i feel better for having read your posting. sometimes i say things , and i think i am too extreme, then i read others saying the same things. then i say maybe another guy is too extreme. however, i have always said that Dominicans do not have a fundamental disagreement with thievery. the only time they abhor it is when they themselves do not benefit. so, they are mad at Leonel for being a thief, because they do not get a slice of the cake when he is head crook in charge. when their guy wins, he can steal all he wants, because that is what he is supposed to do. now sue me.


Sep 27, 2006
i am sorry, is this what people think is a difficult read? i recon that was on par with a smart high school student in poland. well written and clear but quite transparent and void of surprise. that i could understand it proves this. when i bother to read comments and opinions section in any large newspapers in DR i often give up after the first paragraph. it's worst than derrida. i always suspect those pompous journalists put the article together just making it as they go, they makes no sense. but they are clever in a way that if you do not understand what they write you feel like a fool, when in reality there is nothing to understand in the first place, the whole opinion is mambo jumbo competition of who can use most words with more that 5 syllables.

wait, where was i? o, leonel. yes, high school level in comparison. because it does makes sense :)


New member
Jul 9, 2013
cheats and steals and still wants to try to pull the wool over people's eyes. Leonel Ladron!

