Noticias SIN reports that Catalunya Religio says the Archdiocese of Barcelona could not confirm the announcement by Baní’s resigning bishop Victor Masalles that he would collaborate with the diocese. The newspaper reporters did not interview Cardinal Joan Josep Omella on the matter.
In announcing his resignation as bishop for Baní, Massales had said he would be collaborating with Cardinal Joan Josep Omella, archbishop of Barcelona.
Catalunya Religió reports that the Archbishopric of Barcelona has no evidence that the archbishop of that diocese and Cardinal Joan Josep Omell had invited the resigning bishop of Baní, Víctor Masalles, to collaborate in the Catalan capital.
“This supposed invitation from Cardinal Omella, which no one attests to, is part of a resignation (of Masalles) that seems more like a dismissal,” according to the Catholic newspaper Catalunya...
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