? Best Seat in the House ?


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
Life in the DR

I have long complained to my spouse about the problems of having to go to public restrooms in the DR for #2 because of the lack of toilet seats in many of the stalls of the stores.

Well, we have a broken toilet seat in the second bathroom here at home, the seat is fine, just that one of the bolt tabs for bolting it to the bowl is broken.

I finally decided to go to the store and purchase a replacement today.
After all, what could be more simple then buying a toilet seat.

I was very careful to make sure I had in my mind the correct color, beige, not beige-brown, and also that the seat was more of the round type and not oblong. God forbid I purchased the wrong one by getting confused with ALL the choices when I got to the store.

Today was an awakening, I now know why many of the public restrooms in the store don?t have toilet seats.

(This is the part where my wife laughed when I came home and told her how careful I was to have the right specs in my mind.)

From what I observed, looks like the only way I will get that replacement toilet seat is to buy the complete toilet. No where did I see a selection of toilet seats for sale.

Perhaps I should have asked someone, but being independent, I did my own looking.

Maybe tomorrow I will try again and ask that embarrassing question to the folks at OchoA.

Don SantiagoDR

The Virginian

Mar 16, 2007
I've seen these in a store in Sanitago, but it's been a while and can;t recall the nme of it. But I can tell you that you can purchase just the sit.


Jan 2, 2002
I have bought 2 seats in ferreterias. I say Ochoa is your best bet.