blood test



Re: To see if you've been bad or good, so be

Freddy Beras Gocio [TV program El Gordo De Semana]His comments on the murder of his nephew during a robbery attempt after leaving a bank with a large sum of money. One of the bank clerks advised the robbers of his withdrawal. See Listine Dairio web site for the story.


Re: To see if you've been bad or good, so be

No law that I know of just a way fo obtaining more money from forigners. They can refuse your residency for whatever idea they can create [The more problems for you the more money you will spend to become legal] It took me 8 years to get my residency after having paid off every offical and lawyer in the DR. One of the tricks is obtaining a letter of good conduct from your police
station whare you were born. When I required to my home P.D. Johnson City N.Y. They responded that they do not do stupid things like this they have better things to take up their time. My cousin finally had to talk the county cleark into helping me with this requirement. If you want to hear of more of their tricks I went thru them all.


Re: Testing IS Important

After my test I waited two weeks to be notified of the results no report had been recieved at the WACAL so I went to the clinic and asked what was up. After much waiting the nurse obtained the test results. I then took the test results to the WACAL myself to speed things up. The person in charge did not eaven look at the test results [Probably would not understand them anaway]Just stapled it in my folder which was about 3 inches fat by now and charged me another 300 pesos. Tossed my folder into a pile of folders about 6 feet high and said nothing more. I asked what to do next she said after looking sadly at the pile of folders to come back next month as I still lacked quite a bit to do.


Re: Testing IS Important

I think you have misinterpreted what I have said. I do NOT discourage testing. I think it is very important and encourage everyone to be tested, whether at risk or not. What I AM saying is not to be fooled into thinking someone is "safe" if they tell you they are negative. They can in fact, be positive and it may take a year to develop the antibodies and convert to a positive test. It is also interesting and note worthy to report that most people will lie about their HIV status, especially if they are positive. This was reported in the New England Journal of Medicine about 2 years ago. Those that do get tested show a concern for their health and this is good. I would prefer to be "dating" a concerned person than one who is not. To expand on my like we do in the medical profession...consider everyone at risk AND USE UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS.


Employees in the F&B trade are required by "Health Dept." to submit to blood tests. At least in my case, the employee pays for the test (I have an MD friend who does it cheap) and after 3 months, I refund the cost of the test.


Re: Testing IS Important

They way I understand it, is that to maximize the certainty
of a HIV test is to make one test, quarantene the subject
for 6-12 months and the repeat the test. Then you'd have
a fairly good representation of the situation. A formal
quaratine for that kind of period is rather "unrealistic",
whereas it should be possible for husband and wife to
avoid "fooling around" for at least that amount of time!

Expanding to the original discussion of residence, a double-check
requirement, one year apart, might improve the "hit-rate", but
unless the immigration office can "offer" a 24 hour, controlled
habitation, it will always be considerably less than 100 %.

Bottom line - no infectuous disease can be controlled without
the full cooperation of the already infected individuals! It's
difficult enough WITH that cooperation.