Boars Head Recall


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Considering the DR gets its Boar’s Head meat from the USA (a Nacional exclusive as far as I know), despite it has been said the Boar’s Head batch covering Dominican meats aren’t tainted, there is a massive recall of Boar’s Head meats in the United States. Many people in several states have already become very sick for consuming the tainted meat.

Considering expats tend to eat a lot of imported foods and many can’t live without certain American brand, I assume Boar’s Head is probably popular among several expats.

Despite the Dominican samples are said to not be tainted, have any expats decided to throw away their Boar’s Head meats just in case there are a few tainted and they simply haven’t been found yet?




Active member
Aug 30, 2008
No sure, but had some chicken earlier this week that had me dancing to the bathroom in a hurry. Threw the rest out.

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
Insurance or corporate hit job. Folks have been eating the lowest common denominator of cold cuts and Dominican "salami" fabricated in the most horrendous of factory sanitation conditions for decades and no one ever got listeria. Cold cuts at Janets, La Rosa and Playero, where the refrigeration is turned off many evenings of the month. Colmados that lose power daily and power off all refrigeration nightly. The smelly wet white cheese, salami even without refrigeration hanging from the rafters with flies abound. Still, no listeria. Wake up folks!

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
Folks have been eating the lowest common denominator of cold cuts and Dominican "salami" fabricated in the most horrendous of factory sanitation conditions for decades and no one ever got listeria. Cold cuts at Janets, La Rosa and Playero, where the refrigeration is turned off many evenings of the month. Colmados that lose power daily and power off all refrigeration nightly. The smelly wet white cheese, salami even without refrigeration hanging from the rafters with flies abound. Still, no listeria.
There, I even edited out any personal opinion

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
"Out of an abundance of caution, we decided to immediately and voluntarily expand our recall to include all items produced at the Jarratt facility. We have also decided to pause ready-to-eat operations at this facility until further notice. As a company that prioritizes safety and quality, we believe it is the right thing to do."

Whew! Talking about an abundance of caution....


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2005
Listeria kills a significant percentage of people who are infected. Nothing to be played with!


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2005
"Out of an abundance of caution, we decided to immediately and voluntarily expand our recall to include all items produced at the Jarratt facility. We have also decided to pause ready-to-eat operations at this facility until further notice. As a company that prioritizes safety and quality, we believe it is the right thing to do."

Whew! Talking about an abundance of caution....
I worked for Sara Lee when a Listeria outbreak hit one of our meat plants in Michigan. It was a nightmare and cost the company untold millions of dollars.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Insurance or corporate hit job. Folks have been eating the lowest common denominator of cold cuts and Dominican "salami" fabricated in the most horrendous of factory sanitation conditions for decades and no one ever got listeria. Cold cuts at Janets, La Rosa and Playero, where the refrigeration is turned off many evenings of the month. Colmados that lose power daily and power off all refrigeration nightly. The smelly wet white cheese, salami even without refrigeration hanging from the rafters with flies abound. Still, no listeria. Wake up folks!
The DR also didn’t had cholera until Haiti shared a gift it received from Nepal via the UN.

Chikungunya is another one that not only the DR never had, but Dominicans didn’t even know that was a word, much less what it was. Not anymore.

Dengue was unheard of until the 1970’s. Now getting dengue once is a right of passage.

No one knew what was HIV/AIDS until the 1980’s. The disease is contracted via unprotected sex and people have been having unprotected sex since people are people.

Malaria didn’t exist on the island until it came with the Europeans, but mosquitos have been breeding in standing water all over the modern DR at least since the times of the dinosaurs (many times amber is a reminder of that) and along with that comes mosquito bites. Nothing has really changed except then there was no malaria in the mix and now there is.

In order for certain bacterias/viruses to make it to the DR, usually they are created somewhere else and someone (or a few) takes it to the DR with their luggage. It doesn’t mean conditions to favor their growth/expansion don’t exist in the DR or even existed when they were somewhere else only.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Columbus started the kickoff of foreign viruses already in 1492. Great success.
Ptretty much, though no one knew of viruses back then. Even the discovery of germs was a few centuries afterwards.

When the Nepalese gave Haiti cholera, it was known in days.


Sep 14, 2007
I purchase Boars Head products in Nacional every time I go to Santiago, but not necessarily their meats. Their extra mature Cheddar cheese, although quite pricey, is excellent. I also buy many of their condiments, horseradish, chipotle and salad dressing (I usually make my own salad dressing but I tried theirs and really liked it). They have a good product line that are all good quality...guess I will continue to stay away from the meats though...hopefully there won't be a need to recall their selection of cheeses, I have a few in the freezer! I do believe that you can get listeria from soft unpasteurized cheese and not from hard cheese.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
This is a nightmare for Boar’s Head, no question about it. The fact they have taken this issue seriously and even go beyond in the recall and getting rid of all products that could be tainted points in this direction. I’m assuming it will be safer than ever to buy Boar’s Head products (meat and otherswise) going forward as they might put in place more stringent protocols to prevent something like this ever happening again.

For the time being I would stay away from their meats as a precaution, but in a month or so all their products for sale must be from new batches that were made with the more stringent protocols and returning to consuming their meat products should be a non-issue.

This is similar to the effects of the financial crisis of 2008 in the DR which was minimal despite it started and was strong in the USA and hit the financial sectors of many countries. The only reason the DR financial system was able to withstand and for the most part resist and limit the effects of the financial crisis was because a few years earlier the country suffered the Baninter crisis. That crisis was Dominican created (made wirst by the then headed by Hipólito Mejía government) and pretty much contained in the DR, despite it was very strong. Changes were made to further straingthen regulation in Dominican banks and the financial system. It turnsout those very same changes was what was necessary to withstnd the effects from abroad of the 2008 financial crisis. If it wasn’t for that, the 2008 financial crisis would had swept through the DR financial system with the same intensity it did in the USA since until then when the USA got a cold, the DR would get pneumonia.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Boar's Head Takes Action
Boar's Head Provisions announced yesterday it is indefinitely shuttering its southern Virginia facility, which has been the epicenter of a deadly multistate listeria outbreak. The seller of meat, cheeses, and condiments also said it will discontinue the sale of its liverwurst, which was found to be behind the listeria contamination.

The outbreak—reported in July by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—is considered America's largest listeria outbreak since one linked to cantaloupe in 2011. (That outbreak had led to 147 illnesses and 33 deaths across 28 states.) Roughly 7.2 million pounds of deli meat products produced at the Boar's Head facility in Jarratt, Virginia, were recalled. At least nine people have died from the outbreak, while 57 people have been hospitalized across 18 states, per the CDC. See a map of the outbreak here and an overview of listeria here.

Inspection records from the Department of Agriculture showed the Virginia facility had 69 instances of noncompliance with federal regulations from August 2023 to August 2024. Findings included mold, insects, and puddles of blood.



Sep 16, 2004
So is it safe to eat Boar's Head brand?, I was in Nacional yesterday and they had a whole refrigerated display case designated to only Boar's Head. All the products available, meats, cheese, sausages, turkey sausages etc... It crossed my mind to ask for the manager and see if they were aware of the recalls. P.S. I didn't look to see if there was liverwurst

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Yes. Just don't eat the Liverwurst.