But I love him...

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Jan 3, 2007
The guy who pushes his wheelbarrow selling bananas is perceived as doing an honest day's work to support his family. Whereas the animation worker who is a sankie in the all inclusives & who could also be deemed to be selling his banana, is viewed as a ponce.

People here have a good understanding of the difference between right & wrong...


The old "crabs in a barrel" mentality. The people who think this could probably not give a (choose an expletive) which one of these two examples is doing more for the country's GDP, I mean how many bananas do Americans generally consume while vacationing in the DR? Three weeks after my recent trip to Santo Domingo I spent some time in Negril and the cultural differences were startling. Every cougar along 7 mile beach had at least one cabana boy in her service and noone looked down at these guys. They were making money and the cougars go back home and tell all their horny old friends and they all come down for some. Meanwhile the resorts and the nightclubs and the restaraunts and the taxis, etc..etc..all make money off the romance tourist trade getting their exhale on.

They do the exact same thing in the DR but everybody's all sensitive about how it's perceived. Give me a break.


New member
May 14, 2010
And to return to another issue, the inability of Karate Kid to get a man back in Cleveland. "He s just not into you" is a book I didnt read, but I like Greg Beherndt. He is on point with alot of interpersonal issues. The other book I m never heard of but heres what you should do with it...make it a door stop.
Let me ask you something which fits this specific forum closely. What credentials does the author of the book to make you think they are competent to give relationship advice or counsel? Even that Venus/Mars guy was a fraud. Most people, mostly women, because they are too gullible for belief give too much credence to those moronic articles in the "make-up" mags on how to get a man, keep a man, woo a man, seduce a man, impress a man, train a man, measure a man, and break up with a man. ALL WRITTEN BY WOMEN WHO DO NOT HAVE A MAN NOR ANY MAN TO DO ANYTHING FOR THEM. They couldnt even get a man to call them back even to say something like "Your apartment is on fire." Sure there is the gay personal assistant(the Guy Friday) that they know. The latino guy(with the cute accent) who you talk on your way home but only because he drives for the company who car service you contract. The male housecat. The men you berate on the subway for not being "serious"(whatever that means).

Its like that book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". This guy will unleash all the tips needed to become wealthy based on what he has learned in his life. Who the fahhhh is this guy? How can you be sure he hasnt become rich selling you his book as opposed to some super secret guru shyt he has harnessed over 40 years? Bull..and relationship books are even worst.
Remember "The Rules", the book written by those 2 shrews from New Jersey. Oh and then their fame imploded when one of them got a divorce. Frauds.

So what I am asking, is for you to define what is it about the "quality" of the men in Cleveland that makes you look in Sankie Domingo? Because really if you think some guy not viable because his car is older than yours or his career has no bragging rights like yours does, you may be in a self-imposed exile of your own making.

And I dont think Charlize Theron is that hot, she be ok. I think Kate Hudson is hot. White girl with a big butt? Say what now? Somebody invite me to that Tupperware party!

Kate Hudson has a butt??? since when? Then you need to come to Cleveland. All of the white girls here have big butts, we're farm raised!
As far as books go...true enough. however most of these books I read ARE written by men. Did you catch Steve Harvey's? you may enjoy!

I wasn't looking for a man in Punta Cana. It was a VACATION! nothing more.
What do I believe to be a "quality" guy that Cleveland DOESN'T have:
someone with any kind of car, any kind of job, can hold his own and isn't afraid talking to a woman beyond sex! Are these standards high to you?
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Jun 19, 2009

The old "crabs in a barrel" mentality. The people who think this could probably not give a (choose an expletive) which one of these two examples is doing more for the country's GDP, I mean how many bananas do Americans generally consume while vacationing in the DR? Three weeks after my recent trip to Santo Domingo I spent some time in Negril and the cultural differences were startling. Every cougar along 7 mile beach had at least one cabana boy in her service and noone looked down at these guys. They were making money and the cougars go back home and tell all their horny old friends and they all come down for some. Meanwhile the resorts and the nightclubs and the restaraunts and the taxis, etc..etc..all make money off the romance tourist trade getting their exhale on.

They do the exact same thing in the DR but everybody's all sensitive about how it's perceived. Give me a break.

You may have a point Greydead but I highly doubt that respectable Jamaicans speak highly of the "rent-a-dread" of Negril or Montego Bay.


Mar 4, 2004
The people who think this could probably not give a (choose an expletive) which one of these two examples is doing more for the country's GDP

This may come as a surprise to you but many Dominicans do not consider who does more for the GDP, because, in their vew, some things are more important than the GDP. There are some who might not know what the GDP is... Here in the DR you do not hear people being criticised because they push a wheelbarrow. It might be a 'humble' occupation but it is deemed as 'honest'. If you listen, however, you will hear plenty about sankies being criticised by Dominicans. It is exactly as DMV123 said a few posts back. And that criticism spans the social groupings.

I am not judging it, I am simply describing what is.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
For example, I was told in Cuba resort staff are forbidden from mingling with the guests. Ok, it may not be exactly comparable given that it's not a democracy, but you would think if they had similar rules it would reduce the sanky phenomenon.

My husband works at an Atlantic City casino, he's been there about 30 years. He's not allowed to have any contact with guests away from the casino tables. Can't walk through the lobby wearing his ID. Anyone who wears a uniform [dealers for example] can't walk ANYWHERE. We can't even have dinner or go to a show at his hotel. When he's on break, if he doesn't go to the staff lounge or staff cafeteria, he goes outside to the Boardwalk because he's not allowed anywhere else on the premises.



New member
Sep 1, 2008

Three weeks after my recent trip to Santo Domingo I spent some time in Negril and the cultural differences were startling. ...

They do the exact same thing in the DR but everybody's all sensitive about how it's perceived. Give me a break.

Having spent significant time in Jamaica for work, in both resort and non-resort areas, I can tell you that Jamaicans feel the same way about rent-a-dreads as Dominicans feel about sankies.


Mar 31, 2010
The guy who pushes his wheelbarrow selling bananas is perceived as doing an honest day's work to support his family. Whereas the animation worker who is a sankie in the all inclusives & who could also be deemed to be selling his banana, is viewed as a ponce.

People here have a good understanding of the difference between right & wrong...

While I can agree with the first point - the second - ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? right and wrong has nothing to do with it!

Example - the politicians stealing this country BLIND! Is this right or wrong? Do good Dominicans look down on this? NO because they are the politicians.

And someone take a poll of "honest" lawyers!!! Are they looked down on - no - it is an "educated" profession. I use that term loosely. There are more damn lawyers per capital here then anywhere else and most are shysters! I do not include Fabio Guzman and his firm! They are one of the few trustworthy ones around.

While I do not agree with what the Sankies and animation workers do I cannot agree that they are looked down on because they are bad!

Sankies are looked down on because they are simply a different form of prostitution. And "good" society here does look down on prostitution even when they are married and have 2 or more girlfriends!!!!

It is hypocritical to say the least. :eek:gre:


Nov 22, 2009
The guy who pushes his wheelbarrow selling bananas is perceived as doing an honest day's work to support his family. Whereas the animation worker who is a sankie in the all inclusives & who could also be deemed to be selling his banana, is viewed as a ponce.

People here have a good understanding of the difference between right & wrong...

I dispute that. I dont think anyone selling bananas is supporting his family. It may be honorable but I doubt its lucrative.
And regarding animators, as I see it, shoot as long as they build those hotels and there is massive underemployment there will be people lining up to work there.
I think this is a case of the sour grapes. People who cannot get work there bad mouth those who can.


Jun 19, 2009
This is, by far, the most interesting "Sanky thread" I've ever read.

USKK we still want to find you an honest and hard working Dominican man,just hang in there :)


Jul 25, 2007
Example - the politicians stealing this country BLIND! Is this right or wrong? Do good Dominicans look down on this? NO because they are the politicians.

On the contrary politicians are badmouthed by anyone and everyone. Case in point, try to get a loan from any bank and they will ask for references. However, at more than one of the banks I went to I was told that politicians aren't considered "serio" and therefore can't act as a reference.

And someone take a poll of "honest" lawyers!!! Are they looked down on - no - it is an "educated" profession.

The term "licenciado" seems respectable enough when it's thrown around but then again if you meet a Dominican who ever had to use a lawyer most of them will tell you they are crooks. There is also very little consensus about what is right and wrong among lawyers here. Heck, it's not a lot in different in other countries for sure. Another case in point, a friend of mine was about to lose a sizable amount of his personal fortune (RD3,000,000) to a lawyer as a divorce "fee" until I stepped in. I asked a different lawyer I met right out of school what he thought about this and expected him to say the lawyer was a crook. However, he says the fee should be whatever the lawyer can negotiate. Lesson to the wise, if you ever get yourself out of a pickle in the DR, expect to pay whatever the lawyer thinks he can squeeze from you. On the contrary, if you find a good, fair and decent lawyer, stick with him.


May 22, 2004
While I can agree with the first point - the second - ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? right and wrong has nothing to do with it!

Example - the politicians stealing this country BLIND! Is this right or wrong? Do good Dominicans look down on this? NO because they are the politicians.


I live in a middle class neighborhood in Santo Heatwave_trafficjam and many of the people I know here have nothing but contempt for politicians.

Politicians are lower than whale poop with most of the educated Dominicans I know.
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Jun 7, 2008
I live in a middle class neighborhood in Santo Heatwave_trafficjam and many of the people I know here have nothing but contempt for politicians.

Politicians are lower than whale poop with most of the educated Dominicans I know.

Now thats low... Come to think of it, i believe i encountered some of that while swimming at Boca Chica
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Mar 4, 2004
While I can agree with the first point - the second - ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? right and wrong has nothing to do with it!

No I'm not kidding and.......er, not deaf here despite a surfeit of election wagons :cheeky: There is the issue of right & wrong, there is how people express that and there is how people behave in relation to that. There may be competing tensions between those three and some of those are to do with reconciling spiritual, economic & psychological issues. Thus for example, attitudes may be expressed in different ways by people in different social classes. So as Celt202 so colourfully says,

Politicians are lower than whale poop with most of the educated Dominicans I know.

Very possibly because being a politico here is viewed as another form of pimping........;)

When it comes to lawyers who are shysters, these are more likely to be condemned by equally well-educated middle class Dominicans of integrity than by those who 'know their place' at the bottom end and have internalised the strict class divide. Unscrupulous politicos are more likely to get condemned by all classes of people because many politicians, certainly at municipal level, come from all classes. But they are not condemned because they are working class, they are condemned because they are unscrupulous.

This is why Dominicans defy generalisation. We have to be (wordily :rolleyes:) specific about which group we are talking about. I personally don't apply the judgement 'hypocritical' to any of these situations; I agree it might look like that, but I prefer to try to analyse why. There is usually a historical, economic or psychological reason somewhere if only one can fathom it out.


Feb 3, 2002
Two things I've learned from reading SOME of the posts on this thread...Lando is a smooth sanky and The OP is no Charlize Theron otherwise she could have her pick of guys not only in The DR, but also in Cleveland...
Mar 1, 2009
Sankie Domingo? HAhahahaha!!! This thread get's better and better!! Africaida are you playing matchmaker again!!!??? :) Don't do it!!!


New member
May 14, 2010
Two things I've learned from reading SOME of the posts on this thread...Lando is a smooth sanky and The OP is no Charlize Theron otherwise she could have her pick of guys not only in The DR, but also in Cleveland...
Go back a few threads, hater, *#122) the cream of the crop here is a sad bunch.
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