Cabarete and Sosua Election for Mayors

j&t's future

Mar 6, 2007
congratulations Ilana!!!!!

Ilana Neumann

26 mins ?


Sosua progresses, I don't stop!! 4 +
Last edited:
Oct 11, 2010
I was in the JCE office in Sos?a earlier this morning:

As of Bulletin 7:

Partido de la Liberacion Dominicana y Aliados (PLD) - 9,731 Votes - 41.99%

Partido Reformista Social Cristiano (PRSC) - 8,554 Votes - 36.91%

Partido Revolucionaro Moderno y Aliados (PRM) - 4,774 Votes - 20.60%

Willie has a better chance of sinking a hole-in-one and simultaneously being hit by a meteorite and lightning.

Oct 11, 2010
The fat lady is about to sing . . .

The door is about to slam shut on El Chamo's hopes for being mayor once again.

The sun is rapidly setting on Wilfredo Olivences today. . . as of bulletin 7 he is almost 1,200 votes behind Ilana Neumann.

It looks like "El Chamo" is not going to have his day in the sun.

With more money spent on a mayorial race than any candidate in Sos?a's history, perhaps more than many diputados and senadores. And the illusion of being the only candidate who really knows what is most beneficial for Sos?a with mention of "opening bars" and this somehow bringing tourists back to Sos?a. And having the largest political rallies in Los Charamicos, La Union, Congrejo, etc.


The illusion created by hundreds of "paid" motoconchos rallying around a stage set up in Los Charamicos and waving red flags was just that, an illusion. Smoke and mirrors. Behind all the motoconcho exaust was a failed attempt to win a race solely by critizing the incumbant but having no platform other than the hope of maybe reopening a bar or two on Pedro Clisante.

All of Willie's minions waving their flags and expecting El Chamo to come down off the stage and part the "red" sea (pun intended) are going to be slapped in the face with reality today. The only thing left to speculation is how they will react.

The crying of fraud and allegations of vote counts being tampered with will probably go on for a while. And there is tremendous irony in who is doing the crying. But sooner or later reality is going to set in. This is going to be a hard pill for Wilfredo and his constituents to swallow. We can rest assured it will be washed down with plenty of "Carta-Do".

Unfortunately a large percentage of Willie's minions are not going to accept even the final JCE declaration. The immediate concern for Sos?a is they don't react foolishly. And since the "offical" JCE declaration won't come until close to the weekend many will have "cooled down".

Willy can now go back to doing what he does best. The mayorial term is back to four years and as 2020 approaches we'll be inundated with election posters once again. What "color" will this next incarnation of banners be? Who knows, but the printer is already setting his type . . ."El Chamo 2020-2024".

With a tip of the hat for Dominicans love of baseball . . .there is only one certainty now.

There will be no joy in Mudville today.

With apologies to Ernest Thayer.

Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
the band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
and somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
but there is no joy on Pedro Clisante ? El Chamo has struck out.
Jul 28, 2014
Au contraire mon fr?re, not the reigning party's platform.
As vice-mayor, he was able to open up El Grande Putaria, not as easy for him now.

On that subject, as it stands, I fully realize that the current local government is all about "renovating" Sosua to make it look all pretty for the Cruise folks who aren't going to come. Albeit with the new sidewalks and palm trees, but no real marketing push to draw "good wholesome non-mongering folks" into the fold to spend their money, I fail to see this new view on Sosua lasting. My money is on, that within 7-10 years, things go back to the way they were, with the discos and hotels thriving based on the "old school" tourism they used to get, and money being spent on drawing cruise peeps will be nothing but a distant memory.

Remember where you heard it first...
Oct 11, 2010
Congratulations Alcaldesa Ilana Neumann

Sos?a has spoken LOUD and CLEAR.

There is nothing more to say, and for you it is time to bask in the sunlight of this deserved victory.

A race well run, a hand well played.

Although the JCE will not officially announce until closer to the weekend the race is over, and to the victor belong the spoils.


Nov 9, 2006
On that subject, as it stands, I fully realize that the current local government is all about "renovating" Sosua to make it look all pretty for the Cruise folks ...

Did the Mayor ever actually say that? I know it keeps getting repeated but I doubt it's factual. And the renovations/changes on a couple blocks of Pedro Clisante are part of a much bigger plan for the North Coast.