American doesn't need not visa to visit a Sh**t hole country.
For this sh*thole country Haiti you are correct but that is not the case in most other
sh*thole countries.
American doesn't need not visa to visit a Sh**t hole country.
This reminds me what happen when Port-au-Prince got hit with the 2010 earthquake. Somehow Haitian politicians, including the then prime minister Rene Preval, got news that the DR was going to send Dominican military personnel to help with the search and rescue of Haitians, and also to offer protection to Dominican truckers transporting Dominican aid to Haiti. Rene Preval made it very clear that Dominican military personnel were not welcomed in Haiti and a sort of panic took place among many high ranking Haitians. The Dominican president Leonel Fernandez had to publicly clarify that Dominican military personnel was not going to be sent into Haiti for humanitarian purposes. At one point several Dominican truckers were attacked in Haiti and lost the help they were transporting due to no security offered to them once they crossed into Haiti.Because Haiti would never would let a Dominican military to be in their territories, thats why Im pretty sure was in Dominican side.
There is a section of that road that is in Haiti, which is where the situation took place. The river is the border. And if there was military presence, this may also be why they took no protective action: they were in a foreign country.
This also is why there is military presence and checkpoints: they are there to prevent Haitians from coming across the border. That area is desolate so an immigration and customs office is not there.
In the interview given to Marisela (I posted the two parts videos) one of the guys clearly says that a military guard told them they can pass.exactly, it is on Haitian side f the river. and that is why you need a special permit from DR military to transit that segment of the road and re enter the other side,. i still have not heard that they went true the proper checkpoint to get that authorization (Just in case, i'm not justifying nor approving the act of that group of Haitian). Again i suspect military would not have given the authorizing paper as there were protests since Friday.
In one of the interviews I posted the guys said that right when they were making the u-turn they were ambushed by the Haitians. If you are riding a motorcycle and right when you start to make the u-turn you are surrounded by machete wielding men screaming at you in a language you don´t understand and literally dragging you off the motorcycles, there´s no way to “fukc off back the way i came.” Instead you will think what the guys thought, you´re living your final moments with all your basic rights in full violation.Personally if i am driving along a road, and up ahead there is an angry crowd blocking the way, burning stuff, etc......i'd give it a quick u-turn and fukc off back the way i came.......just saying.
It hardly seemed to be an organised ambush ( per the video ), like the articles makes it seem....... more like a bunch of dominicans and haitians mulling about. " sequestrado" lol, i had pictures of hostages lying on the ground, held at gun point by masked para-military, when, in effect, its a bunch of guys in flip-flops with sticks and stones, and a couple of machetes....... and the guy is filming it with his cellphone lol, and i guess he is dominican ( he sounds it at least ).
Not to say it was not a traumatic experience for the doctor and his friends, as i am sure it was.
We heard a radio interview where the Defense Minister said the soldiers did their job well because nobody got hurt.
Kinda a reverse "no es mi culpa."
We heard a radio interview where the Defense Minister said the soldiers did their job well because nobody got hurt.
Kinda a reverse "no es mi culpa."
Dr Ureña responded very sarcastically in his Twitter account by saying that if the guards did their job, they should be given a medal of honor for their bravery. lolWe heard a radio interview where the Defense Minister said the soldiers did their job well because nobody got hurt.
Kinda a reverse "no es mi culpa."
True! It would be EVERYWHERE, and this thread would have double the posts. lolIm wondering what would happend if Dominican do that to Haitians, just right now would be a very big coverage of international media telling we are Nazis
Here it is, straight for the source.
The US Ambassador was also asked something and she responded about the cross-border travel restrictions that she put in place for U.S. government employees in the DR due to the border incident.