Choosing the "right" Dominicans

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Jan 3, 2007
Its been a long time since I've seen one of those things. The place where I live now is far too cold and dry for mosquitos. But I have a question. Have any of you expats noticed a decrease in your business productivity since you moved to the DR? Have you been influenced by the island mentality?

The reason I ask this question is because I fear slowing down after moving there. You see, this author I was listening to a few days ago, was saying that people who live in cold places tend to thrive better than those in hot and humid climates. I've noticed this personally, during winter it seems like I work at a more faster pace than in summer, when I seem to slow a bit. Has anyone else noticed this phenomenon? Could it be one reason why nations in the Northern hemisphere tend to be more economically productive? Its an interesting theory that intrigues me.

When you come to the D.R. to live out your Dr. Moreau fantasy you will be swarmed by mosquitos but that's okay because you'll be too busy procreating to notice.

Men in warm climates with perennial growing seasons on islands suroounded by fish don't work as hard as their far Northern counterparts because they don't have to. Instead of chopping firewood they sit around drinking rum from coconut shells and enjoying the breeze with their toes in the sand while beautiful, scantily clad Women massage them and rub oil on their backs.



Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
No other contributions for OP, ehhhh. Interesting but way off topic.

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