Citizenship Interview

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
OMG, William, could you please do me a favor? After everything is said and done, could you possibly sit down and do the math for us? Estimate how much time and money it took after everything is finished? I would like to see your estimate on gas money going back and forth. The attorney fees, meals, any hotels? (probably not because your lucky enough to not live that far from SD), any VIP stuff?

Just list every expensive you can think of, add it to the kitty and give us a rough estimate.

I'm very curious. I will have Big Red sit down and do the same. To be clear, I'm talking about the total cost to become a "Citizen." Not permanent resident.

This will be interesting to anyone contemplating it. I think most people will not have the time, money, nor energy to see it all through.

Later, if i get the chance i will tell you what it cost me to do it, and what was involved. I doubt anyone will believe it except for the few people who have done it from the standpoint of having a Dominican parent.

Five trips in total to Santo Domingo in total for me, and really not that expensive, about 2000 in bus tickets, nothing for food as I ate at my wife's cousins place, and another 2000 for taxis. Actual fees around another 10,000 for translations, legalizations, and the 5000 fee for citizenship, another 600 for the birth certificate with stamps, and 2000 for cedula. but time consuming and frustrating because when you provide all the documentation , translated and legalized that they ask for they accept it and tell you all is good, only it isn't for one reason or another. My only hiccup was with the Interpol police report that was never going to be issued but I got them to accept an RCMP police report.

Passport was a whole other can of worms. My wife's secretary contacted immigration/passports and they confirmed that for first issue it was 7000 pesos and must be done in Santo Domingo. Off I go with all documentation requested, wait until I see a lawyer at passport control who tell me every is copacetic and return with my receipt on the day indicated. Off I go and return 5 business days later and tell me and need to go to the Junta Central and go to archives and get copies of all original documentation ( most of which I already gave them) so off to Junta Central where I get shunted from person to person, and office to office until I finally get a nice lady to phones over to archives with the correct number, write this on a piece of paper, directs me over to the next building and tells me only talk to the really pregnant woman. Off I go , get copies of everything and back to passport office. By this time the day is almost over. I go to the same lawyer lady and give her all the paperwork. She actually apologized to me and say they should have asked for this the first time but it was the police working in there that demanded all the copies. Apparently they can look at it all on a computer but have no authorization to print it off. Back to Jarabacoa I go and wait for them to contact me by email when I should return. Lawyer lady emails me, plus phones me three days later and tell me to come the next Tuesday and it will be ready. I returned , presented my cedula and receipt and walked out 15 minutes later with my passport.


Apr 11, 2004
You won't have to do that anymore. You can easily renew your passport at any office in the DR. And just a hint, never do it at SD.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Wasn't that bad Frankie

I filed all the papers and the lawyer did the rest...

I went once for something in an office - forget why
Another for my test/exam
another for the ceremony

and then for this trip

No surprise costs - I forget the lawyer fees... I suppose I could look it up

I like the overnight... dinner out , Bravo/Nacional shopping and home....
about 24 hrs in SD

Bit of a break from Cabrera

Doing it yourself would add considerably to the trips.... many more

This is really no different than renewing residency - both in time and money
Not much diffy diffy

I am done -- once I get my name back !!!!


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
You won't have to do that anymore. You can easily renew your passport at any office in the DR. And just a hint, never do it at SD.

Unfortunately no longer. There is a new section on the passport website for Dominicans via naturalization and the first passport is only available in Santo Domingo.

Servicio ofrecido por Depto. Emisión y Renovación
Tel.: (809) 532-4233 ext. 221 y 229 | Correo:
Dirección: Servicio disponible en la Oficina Central.

It also is more expensive NORMAL:RD$ 5,650.00
FOTO: RD$ 300.00 (Pagar en Oficina).

More info here:



RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
Four trips to Santo Domingo on the bus plus taxis RD$4000. Free accommodation in hotel I did marketing for. Apostilled birth and divorce cert (former twice) and UK police report plus DHL RD$18,000. Translations free - friend who is legal translator did them. Cost at naturalization place RD$ 1,500 on submitting paperwork, RD$5,000 for swearing in. Birth Cert RD$2,100 VIP, Cedula free (pre the date you had to pay). Total cost in DR RD$12,600. Cost for UK papers and DHL RD$18,000. Cost in subsequent years for the rest of my life ZERO.



Apr 11, 2004
Unfortunately no longer. There is a new section on the passport website for Dominicans via naturalization and the first passport is only available in Santo Domingo.

Servicio ofrecido por Depto. Emisión y Renovación
Tel.: (809) 532-4233 ext. 221 y 229 | Correo:
Dirección: Servicio disponible en la Oficina Central.

It also is more expensive NORMAL:RD$ 5,650.00
FOTO: RD$ 300.00 (Pagar en Oficina).

More info here:


Don't know about doing it online, but I renewed my last time in San Pedro with no problems of any kind. Only pay at BR and bring my Cedula and old passport. Went back in one week and picked it up. This was in 2016 though. I would avoid online for renewals.


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
Don't know about doing it online, but I renewed my last time in San Pedro with no problems of any kind. Only pay at BR and bring my Cedula and old passport. Went back in one week and picked it up. This was in 2016 though. I would avoid online for renewals.

Renewal you can go anywhere - just not for the first one. It says you can do online but am sure there would be issues and anyway you have to pick it up in SD. I might give online a go just to see what the problems are - if so will report back.



Apr 11, 2004
Renewal you can go anywhere - just not for the first one. It says you can do online but am sure there would be issues and anyway you have to pick it up in SD. I might give online a go just to see what the problems are - if so will report back.


My original post was about Bob renewing his passport and not having the problems he had. #22

And I would strongly suggest you NOT doing it online and also avoiding SD for sure. Any passport office is very easy to renew at.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Seems #1 for naturalization - Cedula or Passport is a different animal....SD is called for

I'm with Matilda ... done for life....

Remember, the office lost my files TWICE...doing it alone, would call for a trip to SD
all the small snafus - and there are snafus - would just kill me.

Lishali the Lawyer - to the rescue
I've been with her for years & years


Sep 6, 2011
Seems #1 for naturalization - Cedula or Passport is a different animal....SD is called for

I'm with Matilda ... done for life....

Remember, the office lost my files TWICE...doing it alone, would call for a trip to SD
all the small snafus - and there are snafus - would just kill me.

Lishali the Lawyer - to the rescue
I've been with her for years & years

I think a lot of people would still like to hear a rough estimate of how much it cost?

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
My original post was about Bob renewing his passport and not having the problems he had. #22

And I would strongly suggest you NOT doing it online and also avoiding SD for sure. Any passport office is very easy to renew at.

renewing yes, but initial issue must be done in Santo Domingo.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
I think a lot of people would still like to hear a rough estimate of how much it cost?

It cost the lawyer.... pick one you like

I made 4 trips to SD... pick a hotel and your meals

Travel by bus or car.. you choose

Add it all up youir way... ritzy hotel or hostel
Plato del dia or chivo
Regular/premium/diesel gas
Factor in wear/tear on the vehicle if driving

Frankie.... give me a break

Oh - I forgot... the beers for the trip.....

Ask Little Red what her costs were.........


the Translator
May 15, 2007
OMG, William, could you please do me a favor? After everything is said and done, could you possibly sit down and do the math for us? Estimate how much time and money it took after everything is finished? I would like to see your estimate on gas money going back and forth. The attorney fees, meals, any hotels? (probably not because your lucky enough to not live that far from SD), any VIP stuff?

Just list every expensive you can think of, add it to the kitty and give us a rough estimate.

I'm very curious. I will have Big Red sit down and do the same. To be clear, I'm talking about the total cost to become a "Citizen." Not permanent resident.

This will be interesting to anyone contemplating it. I think most people will not have the time, money, nor energy to see it all through.

Later, if i get the chance i will tell you what it cost me to do it, and what was involved. I doubt anyone will believe it except for the few people who have done it from the standpoint of having a Dominican parent.
Personally, I did it on purpose to avoid the spending report at the end of the very lonnnng process. I was so f&%@ happy it was over, that I just decided to forget the $$ report. I knew this was going to save me from going Yaya. I got my naturalisacion done last year, but I remember every step of the nightmare (had to go back to Junta 3 times for fingerprints). Travelling to SD is not my cup of tea. Why ohhh God why do they make it so difficult ??

it so difficult.

Sent from my ASUS_Z01BDC using Tapatalk

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Mine might be less of a nightmare than I thought....

One - just one snag - the name on the cedula....

and very few trips to SD -
I like it for 24 hrs once in a while or when I need something...
Nello's etc

otherwise... I'll pass


Nov 16, 2012
These are the questions and answers that I studied before taking the exam about six years ago. Hope this helps.

1. ¿Cuáles son los Símbolos de la Patria?
La bandera, el escudo y el himno

2. ¿Cuáles son los colores de la Bandera Nacional?
Azul, blanco y rojo

3. ¿Quiénes elaboraron la Bandera Nacional y cuando se hizo por primera vez?
María Trinidad Sánchez, María de Jesús Piña, Isabel Sosa y Concepción Bona
en el día 27 de Febrero del 1844 (veintisiete de Febrero del año mil ochocientos cuarenta y cuatro)

4. ¿Qué significan los colores de la Bandera Nacional?
Rojo representa la sangre derramada por los patriotas en las batallas de independencia
Blanco representa la paz y unión entre todos los dominicanos
Azul representa el cielo que cubre la Patria, que es protegido por el Dios

5. ¿En qué año se oficializó el Escudo Nacional?
6 de Febrero del 1913 (seis de Febrero del año mil novecientos y trece)

6. ¿Cuál es el emblema del Escudo Nacional?
Dios, Patria y Libertad

7. ¿Quién escribió las notas del Himno Nacional?
Emilio Prud’Homme

8. ¿Quien compuso la música del Himno Nacional?
José Reyes

9. ¿Cómo se llama el libro que tiene el Escudo Nacional en el centro?
La Biblia

10. ¿Cuál es la fecha de la Independencia Nacional?
27 de Febrero 1844 (veintisiete de Febrero del año mil ochocientos cuarenta y quatro)

11. ¿Cuáles son los nombres de los Padres de la Patria?
Juan Pablo Duarte, Francisco del Rosario Sánchez, Matías Ramón Mella

12. ¿Quién dijo “La República Dominicana será libre de toda potencia extranjera o
se hunde la isla”?
Juan Pablo Duarte

13. ¿Cuál es la fecha de la Restauración?
16 de Agosto del 1863 (dieciséis de Agosto del año mil ochocientos sesenta y tres)

14. ¿Que día se celebra la Independencia Nacional?
27 de Febrero (veintisiete de Febrero)

15. ¿Contra quién se lucho para lograr la Independencia Nacional?
contra Haití

16. ¿Quién fue el primer Presidente de la República Dominicana?
Pedro Santana

17. ¿Quién es el Presidente de la República Dominicana hoy en día?
Danilo Medina

18. ¿Quién es el Vicepresidente de la República Dominicana hoy en día?
Margarita Cedeño de Fernández

19. ¿Quién elige el Presidente de la República Dominicana?
El pueblo por voto directo

20. ¿Cuáles son algunos de los requisitos para llegar a ser Presidente de la
República Dominicana?
a.) Ser dominicano o dominicana de nacimiento o origen
b.) Haber cumplido treinta años de edad
c.) Estar en pleno ejercicio de los derechos civiles y políticos
d.) No estar en el servicio militar o policial activo por lo menos durante los tres años
previos a las elecciones presidenciales

21. ¿Cuántos periodos completos puede un presidente cumplir?
Si es elegido por un período constitucional, no puede ser electo al período siguiente. Pero el
número de veces no es limitado.

22. ¿Por qué tiempo es electo el Presidente de la República Dominicana?
Por 4 años

23. ¿Cuál es la residencia oficial del Presidente de la República Dominicana?
El Palacio Nacional

24. ¿Donde está localizado el Palacio Nacional?
En Santo Domingo en Avenida México esquina Avenida Doctor Delgado

25. ¿En qué fecha se celebran las elecciones en la República Dominicana?
Cada 4 años en el 16 de mayo, ahora en el tercer domingo de mayo

26. ¿Qué tipo de gobierno tiene la República Dominicana?
Democracia representativa

27. ¿Qué es la Constitución y en cual año fue escrita?
La constitución fue escrita en el día 6 de Noviembre del año 1844 (seis de Noviembre del año
mil ochocientos cuarenta y cuatro).
La constitución fija los límites y define las relaciones entre los poderes del Estado y de éstos con
sus ciudadanos, estableciendo así las bases para su gobierno. También garantiza al pueblo derechos
y libertades.

27. ¿En cual año fue escrita la Constitución?
La constitución fue escrita en el día 6 de Noviembre del año 1844 (seis de Noviembre del año
mil ochocientos cuarenta y cuatro).

28. ¿Cuáles son las formas de realizar cambios a la Constitución?
La reforma de la Constitución puede ser realizada con la proposición de reforma presentada al
Congreso Nacional con el apoyo de la tercera parte de los miembros de una y otra cámara (Senado y
Cámara de Diputados) o si es sometida por el Poder Ejecutivo.

29. ¿En cuántos poderes está dividido el Estado dominicano y cuáles son?
En tres. Estos son el Poder Legislativo, el Poder Ejecutivo y el Poder Judicial.

30. ¿Cuál es la función de estos Poderes?
El Poder Legislativo crear las leyes.
El Poder Ejecutivo ejecutar esas leyes, es decir, transformar las leyes en políticas públicas.
El Poder Judicial administrar la justicia, es decir, resolver los conflictos entre personas.

31. ¿Cómo esta compuesto el Congreso Nacional?
Por el Senado y la Cámara de Diputados

32. ¿Quién elige el Congreso Nacional?
El pueblo por voto directo

33. ¿Quiénes hacen las leyes en la República Dominicana?
El poder legislativo, que esta formado por la Cámara de Diputados y el Senado

34. ¿Por qué tiempo elegimos a nuestros Senadores y Diputados?
Por 4 años

35. ¿Quién es el principal del Poder Ejecutivo en nuestro país?
El Presidente de la República

36. ¿Cuál es la rama más alta del Poder Judicial?
La Suprema Corte de Justicia

37. ¿Cuales son los Poderes de la Suprema Corte de Justicia?
1) Conocer de las causas penales seguidas al Presidente y al Vicepresidente de la República
2) Conocer de los recursos de casación de conformidad con la ley
3) Designar los jueces de las cortes de apelación, los juzgados de primera instancia, los jueces de la

38. ¿Quién es el (Juez) Presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia?
El Doctor Mariano Germán Mejía

39. ¿Quién designa los Jueces de la Suprema Corte de Justicia?
El Consejo Nacional de la Magistratura, presidido por el presidente

40. ¿En cuántas provincias está dividida la República Dominicana?
31 (treinta y uno) provincias y El Distrito Nacional

41. ¿Cuál es la provincia en que vive Usted?
El Distrito Nacional en Santo Domingo

42. ¿Quién es el Síndico de la provincia donde usted vive?
Roberto Salcedo

43. ¿Quién fue Máximo Gómez?
Máximo Gómez ha luchado contra la invasión de Santo Domingo por Haití cuando fue un joven.
Luego fue un militar dirigente de la Guerra de los Diez Años en Cuba y el General en Jefe de las
tropas revolucionarias cubanas en la Guerra del 95 (noventa y cinco).

44. ¿Cuál es la edad mínima para votar en la República Dominicana?
18 años (dieciocho años)

45. ¿Cuales son los principales recursos económicos en la República Dominicana?
Caña de azúcar, tabaco, cacao, minería, turismo

46. ¿Cual es el clima en la República Dominicana?
Tropical Húmedo

47. ¿Nombre los Parques Nacionales?
Parque Nacional Armando Bermúdez Parque Nacional Los Haitises
Parque Nacional Cueva de las Maravillas Parque Nacional Montecristi
Parque Nacional Del Este Parque Nacional Nalga de Maco
Parque Nacional Isla Cabritos Parque Nacional Sierra de Bahoruco
Parque Nacional Jaragua Parque Nacional Sierra de Neiva
Parque Nacional José del Carmen Ramírez Parque Nacional Sierra Martín García

48. ¿Como esta dividido nuestro relieve?
La República Dominicana tiene tres sistemas montañosos principales, estos son Cordillera Central,
Cordillera Septentrional y Cordillera Oriental.
El punto más alto es el Pico Duarte.
El punto más bajo es el Lago Enriquillo.

49. ¿Cuales son las cordilleras de la República Dominicana?
Cordillera Central, Cordillera Septentrional y Cordillera Oriental

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
These are the questions and answers that I studied before taking the exam about six years ago. Hope this helps.

9.¿Cómo se llama el libro que tiene el Escudo Nacional en el centro?
La Biblia

Here's one for you: What chapter is displayed in the Bible?

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
The list I got from here was different than that one....
some questions the same....

Continuing the thought about time & $$ involved.....

My time was very limited , using a lawyer

The money part - How do you value never renewing again.....??
Not $0
Worth quite a bit to me

To try and monetize it is like asking a 16 yr old how much a driving license is worth !!!

A la MasterCard

Happy to be free of the residency issues

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
I'm in the Home Stretch,....

No matter how we explained it...
They want to re-Christen me..... by adding a 4th name to my current 3

#4 is the same as #2... mother's maiden name

They say it can be fixed-- only in SD
I suspect we'll do it all over again
Fingerprints, photo, etc

Next Tuesday......

Changing a procedural process in this country is dificil

Oh well.... esta una vida !!!

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Well------ I AM FINISHED.....done !!!

A bit of a procedural fiasco.

We used the smaller Junta office just off the rotunda on the other side away from the big office.

They sent it off for the correction...

should be William B***** Webster
my mother's maiden name........they added the B***** to the end of my 3 names.

Correction comes back.... William B***** B***** Webster

Lawyer erupts... after almost 4 hrs of chasing out tails
Grabs the paperwork and off we go to the Big Bldg....The Junta

In just over an hour, we are changed and printed.

The small office was going to have me re-apply again ... fingers/photo, the works
in their attempt to rectify/change the name
The big house just fixed it.... on the existing application

So ---
It's over for me.... never to renew again !!

I recommend this route.
I would not like a renewal at 80+ yrs old...
I might miss the dinky little dink cup for the urine sample....
then I'd have to ask for a helper..... the shame of it !!
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