Citizenship requirements + Spanish 101


Active member
Jul 4, 2013
I was not sure where to post this... Living, Spanish 101, or ? and finally decided that since I cannot get Citizenship without first having Provisional Residency so the Residents forum won.
Mods can move it as they see fit.

The requirements from MIP for citizenship through matrimony to a Dom include: #11 - Copia a color del permiso de Residencia Provisional con un minimo de vigencia de 6 mess.

I read that as needing 6 more months of validity left on my residency permit. WRONG!

Further explanation:
I got my first Provisional residency on 27/07/2015.
On 24/01/2016 I will have had 6 months done on my 1 year residency permit, so I can then request the Certificate from Migracion which will take about 5 days to issue.
The 25/01/2016 is a holiday.
So I thought I had 1 day only (26/01/2016) to request the citizenship assuming I needed 6 months left of validity on my residency.

Many phone calls and emails later I find out the "minimo 6 months of vigencia" is NOT "6 months que quedan" but rather that the residency which is still current is valid for at least 6 months. My 1st year residency is valid for 1 year.

SO, no more panic in getting the Certificate within a few hours, no more panic in depositing the citizenship request on the 26th!!!! I can request the Certificate on the 26th and whenever I receive it I can then apply for Citizenship as long as it is before the Provisional Residency expires!
Life is a bit better!


Active member
Jul 4, 2013
In case it helps someone else......

The above is wrong (or depends on the weather that day).

The requirement is to have 6 months left of validity on the residency. BUT in special cases, a special permission can be had from the director to accept the request for nationalization per matrimony even if there are less than 6 months left on the residency. That allowed me to be in my 1st year residency and obtain the certificate of residency after 6 months and also request the nationalization.


Active member
Jul 4, 2013
and again something else i found out.

The requirements for citizenship via matrimony state that for countries not signatory of La Hayes convention e.g. Canada, my birth certificate has to be "passed" by the Dominican embassy in Canada.

So not sufficient that I live here in the DR, that my birth certificate was authenticated by Foreign Affairs in Canada, Consulate of Canada in POP which was not accepted by MIREX - was later told it should have been accepted. So I had it authenticated by the Canadian embassy in SD then authenticated by MIREX. Then MIP tells me it had to be passed by the DR embassy in Canada. The Canadian embassy had a long discussion with MIP but rules are rules. I sent my birth certificate to DR embassy in Ottawa, had it returned to me and trotted back down to MIP in SD. Then I am told the DR embassy signature had to be validated by the Canceleria. My face dropped. Then he went to speak to the director. It appears that as a result of embassy of Canada speaking with MIP and as of last week, the "passing" of the the birth certificate at the DR embassy in Canada is no longer required. So no need to go to Cancelleria.

I sure hope that the above is helpful to someone else... other wise I am talking to myself!