ROFL! That was a nice comeback, huh? Its true. Look, I enjoy women, but lets face it, Dominican women are not that great in bed. Its kind of ironic really. You'd think that a country that values dance so much would have women who have pace and rhythm in the bedroom.......yet most Dominicanas do not.
When you combine this with the fact that many of them will barely let you touch them, and will not do this and that, etc, you start to realize these women aren't what they're cracked up to be. Porn has its limits, yes, but there are times when it is better than some of these lame girls you meet on the street. The clubs are the best thing in the DR, they are not ideal, but they are the best you will get here. In the future when I get my finances in order I'm going to fly down American or European girls, because they know how to give a man what he wants.
I was just reading yesterday about this American working girl that charges $2,000 for two hours....but, when I read the things she did with her clients, and the way she did it, and how she looked, I was like DAMN! This woman must be worth the money. I mean the things I read this woman doing is so nasty, and she has centerfold good lucks. I've never met a Dominicana that will do what this woman did. This is why the American woman charges $2,000 for two hours whereas a Dominican girl charges 500 pesos, because many women here are worth just that. I get tired of women that won't do this, won't do that, I want real nasty, porn level sex. I'd rather pay a super model looking chic in the USA $1,000 who will do rather than paying a Dominican girl 500 pesos who want, you see what I mean? Price is what you pay, value is what you get. I want a mind blowing experience. Dominican girls won't give you that.