Confirm Armed Robbery with shooting, Boca Chica?



To me theyre kinda ugly... *PIC*

But a damn fine piece of machinery in a firefight. A super Redhawk is "pretty." That IPSC sample I posted is "a thing of beauty" but when my life is on the line, give me a Glock over a Hammerli match pistol any day.

NOW the dumbest thing I ever did was sell my Star Echeverria 10mm 15 shot. That's an all around weapon. It will take down a boar, and if the boar has on a kevlar vest it will collapse the boar's ribcage. hehehe.

The last boar I killed was in self defense. The bastard was trying to eat me and it was pretty damn close when it finally fell. I am not ashamed to admit that as I was trying to reload the revolver (.357 Taurus) I was shaking to badly to get the damn cartridges into the cylinder. That smelly bastard made nice sausages though.

Now here is a "thing of beauty..."
Ruger Super Redhawk .44 mag 9.5" bbl
by the way for all you woodcutters talking about teak and caoba wood, those grips are South American Goncalo Alves.

Bob Young


I visited DR last spring and should have bought one of those "things" that they were selling on the beaches and small shops. It is a figure of a man in a barrell. When you would pull up or down on the barrell, he would be exposed and I noticed that everyone would laugh. Know what I am talking about? I would like to buy one as a Christmas gift and need to know where and how I might buy one. Your help, please.

Thanks, Bob Young


Those are hilarious

I got one for a friend of mine some years back. They have them in lots of different countries, not just the D.R. They are probably made in Taiwan or somewhere, but they still make great gag gifts.

In the Santo Domingo area the best place to find one, 100% guaranteed is Mercado Modelo. You will also find them on Boca Chica beach if you go on a Sunday, or probably in the gift shops in Boca Chica if you go on another day. If you will be on the North coast, maybe someone else will know better. Where are you going to be?