Coronavirus - In the DR

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DR fan1990

Well-known member
Sep 22, 2020
No, it's not required, especially on the malecon. A lot of people do wear them outside, but not there. I would guess it's a 2 to 1 ratio of people wearing to not wearing outside of the beach itself. I never wear one outside and have only been bothered once by the police.

I got to the 2:09 mark and will watch the rest later. I noticed the vid is over 3 months old, that may have something to do with it.

Yeah well thank God it's not required outside, cause that'd be the most ridiculous thing ever. I mean yeah indoors I get it, but not outside in fresh air.
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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
No, it's not required, especially on the malecon. A lot of people do wear them outside, but not there. I would guess it's a 2 to 1 ratio of people wearing to not wearing outside of the beach itself. I never wear one outside and have only been bothered once by the police.

I got to the 2:09 mark and will watch the rest later. I noticed the vid is over 3 months old, that may have something to do with it.
you watched\listened about a minute longer than me. The only thing I could deduce was that the narrator has a 7th grade education.
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Enjoying Life
May 7, 2016
Thanks for the link dated April 21.
As I stated one of many articles pointing to truth ,this article was simply one of first started as anti propaganda ..the BS was started by same person who said nobody was going to talk about covid after Nov. 3rd..a lot more is know since 9 months ago on covid..where are all the herd immunity people now? It’s only stupid if we don’t learn from our mistakes and keep doing it

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Keep it on track - "Covid in the DR" You guys are starting to drift. Conspiracy and propaganda posts won't last long.


Apr 29, 2014
That's just a specious argument. Covid, more often than not, is asymptomatic and so a person even with cancer or a heart attack may have no health impact from a positive Covid test.
I disagree even asymptomatic people have an active infection that their body is fighting off. Thus no outward symptoms. However, the virus is still present and trying it's best to multiply. The immune system if working well enough to keep up is still expending energy and may not completely negate the effects of the virus on internal body systems. Any infection takes it's toll on the body whether the person gets very sick or just a little sick. Asymptomatic does not mean the patient is completely out of the woods so to speak, just that the virus has not caused serious outward effects...yet. Thus a need for an effective way to kill off the virus in the body before the immune system falls behind in the fight to get rid of CV19. I think this is what the use of Ivermectin is supposed to accomplish. Due to the body's need to fight the CV19 virus, anyone who has it and succumbs should be considered someone for whom CV19 was a contributing factor in their death even if the actual cause was heart failure or some other seemingly non related medical issue.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
This is right up Cristo's alley.---

How to manage your virus risk​

The most effective public health messages don’t merely tell people what not to do. They also tell people what they can do with only a small amount of risk.​
This sometimes feels counterintuitive, because it gives people permission to take some risks, rather than urging maximum safety all the time. In the long run, though, a more realistic approach is actually the safer one, many experts say.​
Human beings are social creatures. Most aren’t going to sit inside their houses for months on end. And pretending otherwise tends to backfire. It leads people to ignore public health advice and take needlessly big risks. “We need different, more nuanced, and more practical messaging about coronavirus safety,” Sarit Golub, a psychology professor at Hunter College, has written.​
(Federal officials took a step in this direction this week by shortening the recommended quarantine period after virus exposure.)​
Today, I want to give you a three-step guide to risk minimization. It’s based on a Times survey of 700 epidemiologists as well as my conversations with experts and colleagues, like Donald G. McNeil Jr.​
1. There is one behavior you should try to eliminate, without exception: Spending time in a confined space (outside your household) where anyone is unmasked.​
Don’t eat indoors at a restaurant or friend’s house. Don’t have close, unmasked conversations anywhere, even outdoors. If you must fly, try to not to eat or drink on the plane. If you’re going to work, don’t have lunch in the same room as colleagues. Group lunches have led to outbreaks at hospitals and elsewhere.​
2. This next set of behaviors is best to minimize if you can’t avoid it: Spending extended time in indoor spaces, even with universal masking.​
Masks aren’t perfect. If you can work out at home rather than at a gym — or do your job or attend religious services remotely — you’re reducing your risk.​
3. Now the better news: Several activities are less risky than some people fear.​
You don’t need to wear a mask when you go for a walk or a jog. Donald, who’s famously careful, bikes without a mask. “I consider keeping six feet distant outdoors more important than wearing a mask,” he told me. “If I had a birthday candle in my hand and you’re too far away to blow it out, I can’t inhale whatever you exhale.”​
You can also feel OK about doing many errands. About 90 percent of the epidemiologists in our survey have recently visited a grocery store, a pharmacy or another store. Just wear a mask, stay distant from others and wash your hands afterward.​
The big picture: I find it helpful to think about the notion of a personal risk budget. I don’t spend any of my risk budget on supermarket shopping, because grocery delivery works well for my family. But I do take occasional unmasked, distant walks with one or two friends. They help keep me sane as we head into a long, very hard winter.​
For more: The survey of epidemiologists — done by Margot Sanger-Katz, Claire Cain Miller and Quoctrung Bui of The Times — has much more, including how they’re thinking about a vaccine.​


Active member
Jul 4, 2013
I am teed off!!!
I don't know where to put this post!!!!

I have noticed several tourists/snowbirds arriving from the US AND Canada... They think they are home free because there is a lot of sun in the DR!

I know specifically 2 cases of Americans who arrived 1 day and were dead or dying the next day. They must have known they were sick! Why did they come?
I have been called paranoid because i wear a mask when approached by people who are not wearing one even if we are outside.
I have seen people arriving 1 day and sharing a drink inside the apartment of a neighbour the same night...without a mask.
I have seen unmasked people having breakfast with new arrivals at a crowded restaurant albeit with good ventilation, and then these people go sit down still unmasked with others.
I have seen People at Christmas markets or art shows not wearing masks. They were selling food or holistic soaps etc. If they can't bother wearing masks when selling the stuff how "clean" are the food and the soaps?
Most of them are in the older category and with comorbidities - obesity, heart failure, cancer survivor, high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc.

I know I cannot control other people's behaviour, only mine. So I pretty much isolate. I would have liked some social contacts but I am stuck having to isolate because people don't have the courtesy to be careful around others. Things may get very ugly here in the North Coast this winter.

Maybe isolation is good. I am liking people less and less!

Thank you for allowing me to rant and vent!

Jun 10, 2008
I am teed off!!!
I don't know where to put this post!!!!

I have noticed several tourists/snowbirds arriving from the US AND Canada... They think they are home free because there is a lot of sun in the DR!

I know specifically 2 cases of Americans who arrived 1 day and were dead or dying the next day. They must have known they were sick! Why did they come?
I have been called paranoid because i wear a mask when approached by people who are not wearing one even if we are outside.
I have seen people arriving 1 day and sharing a drink inside the apartment of a neighbour the same night...without a mask.
I have seen unmasked people having breakfast with new arrivals at a crowded restaurant albeit with good ventilation, and then these people go sit down still unmasked with others.
I have seen People at Christmas markets or art shows not wearing masks. They were selling food or holistic soaps etc. If they can't bother wearing masks when selling the stuff how "clean" are the food and the soaps?
Most of them are in the older category and with comorbidities - obesity, heart failure, cancer survivor, high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc.

I know I cannot control other people's behaviour, only mine. So I pretty much isolate. I would have liked some social contacts but I am stuck having to isolate because people don't have the courtesy to be careful around others. Things may get very ugly here in the North Coast this winter.

Maybe isolation is good. I am liking people less and less!

Thank you for allowing me to rant and vent!
I am not trying to be an expert and probably belong somewhere in the middle between the ones thinking this is a very deadly virus and a danger to all of us and the one’s thinking its almost a hoax and a conspiracy to control all os us. But I have to say I agree with you regarding its odd the tourists who come here and think it’s somehow safer and freer here than where they came from. I thought it was the same virus.

DR fan1990

Well-known member
Sep 22, 2020
I am not trying to be an expert and probably belong somewhere in the middle between the ones thinking this is a very deadly virus and a danger to all of us and the one’s thinking its almost a hoax and a conspiracy to control all os us. But I have to say I agree with you regarding its odd the tourists who come here and think it’s somehow safer and freer here than where they came from. I thought it was the same virus.
Yes it is the same virus everywhere however western media has this tendency to BLOW this pandemic out of proportion and engage in unnecessary fear mongering just for clicks and views, which leads to the false belief that covid is more dangerous in the West than in DR.


Apr 29, 2014
It is for this very reason that I tend to sit at home bored out of my mind. I have only invited a few close friends over whom I am certain are taking all the precautions just like I am. As such these social gatherings are few and far between. My goal is to not get sick so I don't have to deal with DR hospitals and leave me wife alone while I either recover or get worse. There are a lot of people who are not doing even the basics, so we have to work harder and be more vigilante to protect ourselves. I wish some were not so selfish but I can't change any of that so I just accept it and do my best to keep from going out of my mind while the scientists work out a decent treatment and a vaccine. On more than two occasions I have encountered very rude tourists at the grocery store who lashed out verbally when asked politely for a little bit more distance and consideration. It's no wonder cases are skyrocketing in the entitled countries. It will not be long before we see the same thing happen here. Locals and tourists alike just don't seem to care about anyone else but themselves and what they want to do in the moment.

Jun 10, 2008
Yes it is the same virus everywhere however western media has this tendency to BLOW this pandemic out of proportion and engage in unnecessary fear mongering just for clicks and views, which leads to the false belief that covid is more dangerous in the West than in DR.
It’s certainly a false belief. Some hypocrisy to if tourists are big mask and social distance believers in their home country but when they are in the DR not necessary.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
My personal attitude..... perhaps not quite 'on point' here

The curfew thing - 9pm & 7pm -
I bend and break all sorts of local norms/laws.... call it what you will
Being out after the curfew is NOT one of them.

We have dinner parties.... at home or other houses
I won't do it on a weekend.... 7pm
If a week night..... I'm gone in order to be home by 9pm

Our friends have no such trepidation.....
I have shown them a 'back door' route from our house to theirs.....
and they have no compunction about overstaying.

Me? Not in a million years
not in order to prevent the spread
not in order to not break the law
It's just something I really, really don't want to get doing.... after curfew

Good question.........I just don't want it

Yup... I mask & distance regularly..... for all the right reasons
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Sep 27, 2017
Only back here within country, a few days time now.
I know of not one person, nor family, who plans on abiding by the rules, regulations, restrictions, and curfews of the last 9 months for 24/25 & 31/1.
Do I necessarily agree with this?...................................:rolleyes::sneaky::cautious:
The government/authorities WILL NOT be able to control a nation of 11 million people.
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be.

DR fan1990

Well-known member
Sep 22, 2020
Only back here within country, a few days time now.
I know of not one person, nor family, who plans on abiding by the rules, regulations, restrictions, and curfews of the last 9 months for 24/25 & 31/1.
Do I necessarily agree with this?...................................:rolleyes::sneaky::cautious:
The government/authorities WILL NOT be able to control a nation of 11 million people.
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be.
It's not rocket science.

Just isolate the old people with preexisting conditions, and fat people which the DR has much less of in their population, and let everyone else party.

There is no reason to shut down everything and prevent people from getting together with their families for an important holiday. This may be easily enforced in Western secular countries that have somewhat rejected the sacred meaning of a family, but not in countries like DR. Ain't gonna happen.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
I am teed off!!!
I don't know where to put this post!!!!

I have noticed several tourists/snowbirds arriving from the US AND Canada... They think they are home free because there is a lot of sun in the DR!

I know specifically 2 cases of Americans who arrived 1 day and were dead or dying the next day. They must have known they were sick! Why did they come?
I have been called paranoid because i wear a mask when approached by people who are not wearing one even if we are outside.
I have seen people arriving 1 day and sharing a drink inside the apartment of a neighbour the same night...without a mask.
I have seen unmasked people having breakfast with new arrivals at a crowded restaurant albeit with good ventilation, and then these people go sit down still unmasked with others.
I have seen People at Christmas markets or art shows not wearing masks. They were selling food or holistic soaps etc. If they can't bother wearing masks when selling the stuff how "clean" are the food and the soaps?
Most of them are in the older category and with comorbidities - obesity, heart failure, cancer survivor, high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc.

I know I cannot control other people's behaviour, only mine. So I pretty much isolate. I would have liked some social contacts but I am stuck having to isolate because people don't have the courtesy to be careful around others. Things may get very ugly here in the North Coast this winter.

Maybe isolation is good. I am liking people less and less!

Thank you for allowing me to rant and vent!
its ok that you are teed off and don't like people. Just keep isolating yourself. Just returned (again) from Florida. Sarasota restaurants were crowded. All the airports were packed. For many many people life goes on.
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