Correct marriage documentation for a US citizen marrying a DR citizen in the DR

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New member
Nov 30, 2003
Hello everyone,
An American ctitzen marrying a Domincan citizen in the Dominican Republic. What documentation is needed for each person?
-who can marry them?
-what are the costs?
-After the marriagewhere should the marriage certificates be taken to in order to get them immediately registered by the embassy/government, in order to begin the K3 visa application process?

I would greatly appreciate this info. and any recommendations in this matter.


Jan 1, 2002
Before people, including me, start to rain on your parade

Do a search in the archives.

Next, read Hillbilly's Three Golden Rules for marrying a Dominican in the Men are From Mars Section

Then take a big breath and think!



New member
Nov 30, 2003
To the Dearest Hill Billy

Hello HB,

what an interesting name!!

First off I was asking for legal information regarding documentation needed for marriage, but I think that you missed that somehow.

Anywho, thank you for your suggestions regarding marrying an individual from the DR. There are concerns regarding issues of marrying an immigrant from any foreign country, and I know that Dominicans do have a reputation. I've worked with people of dominican descent for many years, and it's sad how people are stereotyped. We still live in a crazy the way are you Dominican??

You can only rain on someones parade if they allow you to do so. People who thrive on negativity try to implant poison onto others, and as I said before that poison is only effective if their minds are fertile for such.

It is important to look for red flags. You have to keep an open mind. There are people who are taken for a ride at times, and these are people who are taken for rides in any situation.

I hope that you are happy with your life, love and all relationships that surround you!!



Jan 1, 2002
Sorry, but it is you who can't read none too good

The first thing I told you was to look in the Archives....

The rest of what you wrote is a product of all the folks that have already told you that you are nuts...

But, go forward, slowly.....And read what Dolores put up for you....



New member
Nov 30, 2003
Thank you once again Mr. HB!!

Thank You Once again Mr. HB,

For your lovely opinion, which all that it is............JUST AN OPINION. What you are merely doing is projecting your thoughts and feelings on to everyone else hoping that they would agree with you. Telling someone that they are nuts is a pretty strong opinion for someone you don't even know, but as I said before, it's only your opinion.

It's appears that you feel compelled to purge your negativity on to others.......... If this is what drives you throughout life, than so be it. You only end up becoming toxic yourself, and for those of course that allow themselves to be poisoned by such.

If you are's unfortunate, there is always one in the bunch that wants to sell out their own race/culture/community!!

If you are not Dominican than this does not apply to you, and it's amazing that someone that would have strong opinions about a race/culture that they weren't even raised in, but I guess this is what happens when we are trying to find our place in this world.

Someone always has an opinion, just like an A@#hole........we all have one.



Mar 2, 2003
The quick answer ot your question is that a Passport worked just fine for me.

I was just as optimistic as you before I got married too, I hope you are enjoying your innocence - a year from now you will miss that the most.


Oct 21, 2002
Re: Thank you once again Mr. HB!!

prettyhands said:
Someone always has an opinion, just like an A@#hole........we all have one.

Yes, some of us have opinions. Hillbilly's 'opinions' are kinda based on facts around here. So, most of us would consider his opinions very very carefully - if he is kind enough to give his opinion and his time. We consider it of great benefit.

So, my suggestion is to reread Hillbilly's 'opinion' and pay a little more attention to it... It may benefit you immensely.


New member
Nov 30, 2003
Chris you stated......

"Yes, some of us have opinions. Hillbilly's 'opinions' are kinda based on facts around here. So, most of us would consider his opinions very very carefully - if he is kind enough to give his opinion and his time. We consider it of great benefit."

TO Chris, HB, Mr. Mike,
The facts that HB are stating are facts all over the world in any country!!! The mistake that's made is that he is referring to them as "Dominican" resort opposed to.........resort worker's!! do you think that resort workers don't do this in Spain, or in St. Martin?? I live in the US and people are stereo-typed every day!! ANd the only thing that HB is doing is adding to the sickness, Yes it may be your country, but you have to stop insulting your own. You are not born or bred that way, you don't ask to be born where you are born or be of the race that you are.

I don't know if you are aware of the expression "It's not what you say....... it's how you say it" well in this case it's how it's being phrased. You really are making it worse by referring to them as "Dominican" resort workers as opposed to Resort workers!! People come to the DR feeling that they are Superior, but you are giving them reason to think so even more when you Phrase it as such!!

I don't doubt that HB's original intent was good, but, You are only adding to the poison when you phrase it as such. It is a very sensitve issue.

You may not like what I am saying, just as you tell me.........Please be wise............ with your words!!!

Pretty hands


Jan 1, 2002
Did I say "Poison"??

Pretty hands, look. You are very involved with a professional con man. And that is okay. He is looking to get out of the Dr and you are looking at someone to love and cherish.

Please read the 3 Rules. If the guy doesn't come even close, you are in for a very difficult time, filled with frustration.

We have lots of successful marriages between Dominicans and Canadians, Americans and Europeans. However, the bulk of the successful ones are between people of balanced lifestyles.

If you want to hear horror stories, just stay tuned.

I seem to catch a hint that other folks are telling you negative things, too. It is normal.

As things progress, you will have to makethe decision, that is up to you and no one else. We just flash a few lights to see if you are looking or just talking on your cellphone...

Good Luck,



New member
Nov 30, 2003
Hello HB,

The insults are great.........."Im nuts"........I'm marrying a con man", Thank you, keep it definitely represents a sign of inferiority!!

As far as Con Men are concerend I am not worried about My fiance or his family being Con people considering that they have a very reputable business. The Only
"CON PERSON HERE IS YOURSELF" trying to con people out of happiness, and being able to think for themselves.

To set the record straight Mr. HB, the issue here is not about the fact that you are trying to make people "aware " it's how it's being done stated. As I said before......there is a difference between stating "resort workers" Vs. Dominican resort workers. There is nothing worse when a race or culture is being degraded by there own.........definitely soundds like issues of Self-hatred.

Instead of putting down your own, how about investing that time and energy in writing an international Manual about "what to be aware of when you travel to resorts."

I don't doubt that your intentions were initially to help tourists by trying to make them aware, but you really should take the time to review what you are stating and how you are stating it. i am sure that there are several Domincans here in the US that are highly insulted by the way that you are phrasing your information.

Are you some kind of relationship therapist? I am asking because You are telling me that I am looking for love in addition to my fiance being a con man.

Stick to your Day JOB!!!!

Peace, love and.............


Mar 2, 2003
Hillbilly's "day job" is to eductate young, innocent and usually sheltered individuals as to some of the less than glorious aspects of human nature and hopefully prepare them for life in the real world.

He is a university professor, and one of the country's most respected experts on Dominican History.

He and most of the people who have replied to you have personal experience in the area of mixed marriages as well.

I realise you never asked for advice outside of what documents you needed to have on hand, but you keep coming back so you obviously neeed validation, even if it's only from yourself.

You wisely compared opinions to @ssholes, remember that without @ssholes we would all be much more full of sh!t than we are.


Jan 1, 2002
Oh well

If you plan to get married here

1)Your passport or Birth Certificate, (Birth Certificate should be certified by local Dominican Consulate) Photo documents that you are who you say you are.

2)Proof from your local bureau of Vital Statistics that you are single.

3)If divorced the proof of your divorce, translated by a legal translator and stamped and certified by the nearest Dominican Consulate

4)Proof of good health: No STDs or other illnesses. also stamped and certified by local Dominican Consulate.

If you plan on a Church wedding there are more things to do...

Your life.



New member
Nov 30, 2003

Mr. Mike,

Thanks for your input and Amy you as well. Mr. Mike you stated that You "Realized" I have not asked for anymore information regarding documentation.......did you take into consideration, that I have gathered all of the info. that I needed? Guess what......I have!! But What you need to "realize" is that this is a very important issue, that people are looking beyond how important words play in the psyche.

Hill Billy may be a well respected professor on the History of the Dominican Republic, culture, etc. ( I am having a difficult time with the "well-respected" aspect, his maturity in his commentary seems to fall short of that) Anywho, we live in society where people are continuously sereotyped. I get the impression that none of you live the US, because if you did , you would completely understand what is being said here.

For Example, there is a huge Russian Immigrant population in NY. Working with them for several years, it's known there are a lot of marriages that are arranged thru monitary provisions..........Some Americans will accept $$$ to bring Russian immigrants into the country ( basically this can happen with any foreign country). Their reputation superceeds the dominican reputation. they are not looked down upon, people don't look at them negatively, as they do with Dominican population in NY. what's the difference? they aren't any better than anyone else.

Dominicans get a bad rep. Domincans are known as scam artists, always trying to get over, etc. It's so sad, because people should not be "stereo-typed", but they are, and HB is only confirming that rep. by how he is phrasing thins. The point that is trying to be made is HB should refer to them as "Resort Workers" vs. a "Dominican Resort Workers" , this way your culture is being negated........Comprendo? The "resort workers" are just that, the culture should not be associated with it. Not every Dominican who is a resort worker has that mentality. It should be Phrased as "Be aware of resort workers" or what ever HB's catch phrase is.

Semantics may not be a big deal in the DR, but let me tell you they are in the US, and with HB being a well- respected professor, he should completely understand what is being said here, and not take offense to it. Any reputable professor, PhD, is always open to learning, regardless of their knowledge.

It is completely understood that professor HB, is trying to get tourists to develop an awareness for what goes on in any resort/entertainment community........"don't get scammed by the Don Juans." But leave out the "Dominican"

For those that live in the DR, really can't understand what I am saying, because you are only around Dominicans' all day. It's not that you are any less intelligent than people from the US. But you can't understand the mentality of others if you ain't around them!! I work with all different races and cultures everyday and people make there negative's disgusting. So after reading HB's comments, he really has no clue as to how he is adding to that. In your culture you all differentiate based on skin color............ Indie, Negro, blanca........... what is that about? You all come from the same place, but you still judge each other by skin color in regard to superiority. In the states Dominicans are not differentiated by skin color, by non- are just straight up dominicans! and a mentality is attached to that!!!!!! Whites are whites, blacks are blacks, chinese are chinese, etc.

I hope that you all get what is trying to be said here! you don't realize how easy it is to plant a negative seed.

HB, if you are reading this, It's nice to see how supportive people are of you, but I hope you get it.

Pretty Hands


Mar 2, 2003
PrettyHands, something that is widely known but often unsaid (in the US) is that people are stereotyped for a reason, usually a good one.

In all matters of importance, professionals stereotype. They use other words for it like "profiling" in law enforcement, and "demographics" in marketing.

Millions of dollars are made every day and many crimes prevented because someone was able to effectively apply the right "label" to the right person.

In the US where you are much better protected from evildoers than you would be in a country like this one, where you pretty much have to look out for yourself (and they ARE out to get you) you have the luxury of giving everyone the benefit of the doubt and jepoardizing your future because you are unwilling to consider the ramifications of a persons cultural background, and chosen profession.

Do do the same here in this country is about as foolish as dropping the soap in a prison shower. (and bending over to pick it up without a second thought)

If you intend to martyr yourself for your ideals or to make a point you should keep in mind that if your boyfriend falls in line with 99.9% of the cases where "resort worker marries tourist for visa and breaks her wittle heart" you will only be adding yourself to our database of cases to warn others about, your "side" of the argument will gain nothing from your sacrifice.

We are not speaking out of fear or hatred of anyone, we just know the ropes. I speak spanish pretty well by now, but still look like a gringo and people don't think I can understand them when I'm out and about in tourist areas. I can hear the resort workers discussing girls like you when I'm at the resorts and I know what they are about. Most people that work at resorts in this country do it with the specific intent of finding a gullible tourist to hook up with for cash and a visa.

You should do a search on this board for the word "sankie" so you can see all the threads where broken hearted women post asking if any of us can find their resort worker boyfriend/fiancee who dissappeared after being wired money.

In short your ideals are admirable, but until they are tempered with experience they are apt to get you in alot of trouble.


Jan 1, 2002
Not only are you ignorant, I am beginning to think you are just stupid!

I never mentioned "resort worker" YOU DID!

I never mentioned race/culture. YOU DID!

You are the one that brought up that which was obvious to us: You are getting heat from your family and friends. I couldn't care less nor do any of us on the board. We answered your question, so go ahead with your life and get outta my face!.

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New member
Nov 29, 2003

prettyhands said:
Mr. Mike,

In the states Dominicans are not differentiated by skin color, by non- are just straight up dominicans! and a mentality is attached to that!!!!!! Whites are whites, blacks are blacks, chinese are chinese, etc.

I must say that is is a crock of shit! I am quite annoyed at what you have said "prettyhands"

I live in one of the biggest melting pots, New York City, and I see alot. It may be true that a Dominican is a Dominican, and the mentality that people direct may be negative, but we discuss what we see. Its not about the Dominican Race, but about that 1 Dominican that came to the states and got her degree and the used it to sell section 8 out of the welfare office... you do remember that? Or that other Dominican that opened the store in your neighborhood and over charges the little black children because they can not count, and charge the little dominican children the price on the bag. Now don't get me wrong some of my best friends are Dominican, but they are honest and humble.

I must say that whites are differentiated by their features or color... big nose, bad hair... you're a JEW.. too dark you're ITALIAN... & blacks are broken down by color... LIGHT SKINNED, CARMEL COMPLEXION.. AND BLACK meaning darkest skin andfurther more

ALL RACES are put down for one reason or another, and I am sure you know that. So do not make the "states" out to be some paradise full of equality and harmony... If your husband to be knew what I knew... he would stay right were he is and stay away from "the states". That way he will be forever humble, friendly and happy...

Hillbilly is only expressing what he sees everyday. No need to get deffensive, it is life. Remember majority rules in the world and if 100 Dominicans are scam artist then that is the title the whole race carries. Thats just how it is. This is why we all have a mind of our own for us to judge for ourselves.

But that is just my @sshole, oops I mean my opinion.

One last thing... Hillbilly never said anything about a Dominican resort worker.... touch of guilt? maybe you should re think what you are about to do.

Ps my appoligies to the board... got alittle i-rate! lol
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