Acira and I start socialising our dogs, almost from day 1. We raise them in house, exposing them to all noises possible. You say it, we do it... fireworks, thunder, music, trains, planes, babies crying, children playing, etc, and all sounds which are normal around a household. We play with them, we put them on their backs, we hold them down, and yes, even at a very young age, we show them who is boss.
We then put them into the car and take them to the beach, to a busy and noisy parking place, etc...
So that they get accustomed to all those impressions at a very young age, and can handle them.
OK... these are the very, but also very important, basics. Once the dog gets to his new family, the socialisation continues...
A Malinois, like every shepherd, only has one real "boss". The rest of the family belongs to the pack, and the order here has to be decided by the "boss". Let me try to explain. The dog in the pics above is Acira's dog. She obeys me perfectly as well, but if both Acira and myself would give a different command at the same time she would obey Acira. So the education and socialisation of the dog is the responsability of one person, and he or she has to make it clear to the dog what her place in the pack is (the lowest one). Sounds complicated, but it all comes quite natural to the dog. The period of time is about one year, as dogs also go through puberty. Luckily enough not as longs as human kids... lol
For us, socialising a dog also implies we make the dog familiar to, and let it trust a very limited number of people. It trusts the immediate family of course (the pack), and selected people. We learn them to be friendly towards people who visit us, but if those people would try to enter without us being there they would be in deep trouble. They also learn a command to attack if people we thought we could trust would try to attack us.
Education of a dog goes as far as you want it to go. Some of our dogs could pick a flower on command without damaging it, crawl up and down a ladder, cross a 2x4 at 12 feet high, etc...
But here, in the DR, I feel you have to concentrate on the important stuff. Not accepting food from anyone but the pack. Not picking up any food in the garden or on the street, etc...