Dating Dominican vs Panamenian girls

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the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Where I come from we have a saying which speaks to this phenomenon:

"Don't nobody want what don't nobody want".

70%, and probably upward, of these old gringos are here because nobody wants them back home. none of them left a girlfriend in North America, or Europe, to come here. they are lepers in their own lands. if they said hello to a 20 year old girl, back in their necks of the woods, the girl would call a cop. they succeed here, because they have a few extra pesos to throw around, and they have light skins, which fascinates Dominicans. if they go belly up, they would be on their own, in the blink of an eye. even their pigment would not get them very far.


Jan 3, 2007
70%, and probably upward, of these old gringos are here because nobody wants them back home. none of them left a girlfriend in North America, or Europe, to come here. they are lepers in their own lands. if they said hello to a 20 year old girl, back in their necks of the woods, the girl would call a cop. they succeed here, because they have a few extra pesos to throw around, and they have light skins, which fascinates Dominicans. if they go belly up, they would be on their own, in the blink of an eye. even their pigment would not get them very far.

There's always the old. fat Broad at the end of the bar back in Wisconsin.

The same rules apply everywhere, all over the World. In Washington, DC it's odd NOT to see a successful 50/60 year old guy in the company of gorgeous 20/30 year old Women. They don't want a guy who can't afford their boutique habits and keep them at the spa and in the best restaurants and entertainment venues, occassionally whisking them off to Miami, Las Vegas or New Orleans for free spending, fun weekend.

Why should gorgeous, young Dominicanas be any different? They don't want to waste their youth waiting for some young guy to make it only to leave them for a younger Woman when they finally hit their stride financially any more than their US counterparts do. The only difference between there and here is the scale. In the US you get a conversation at a club started with a $300 bottle of champagne. In the D.R. you can get that same conversation started for a "Jumbo".

Young Men didn't invent money, old Men invented money so they could trick young the Women away from them.

yacht chef

Sep 13, 2009
Aguita29 - you hit the nail on the H . We gringos do let are emotions get the batter of us . And we tend to be overly giving to a falt ( as was said earlier we are lepers so we tend to be insecure and people pleasers ) this in-turn creates resentment . Now the dominacken man most likley well have a loving wife close to his owne age TRAPED at home with kids and no other opthions to turn to ! He well have all his needs satisfied. The loving but jellos wife at home and the 20 something in the streat . But the dominacken man is also far smarter with his money the wife has what she needs . The 20 something get only enuf to serive and keep her comeing back for more $ which he well still have because he is not a insucire people pleaser . The dominacken man also keeps booth women in line with other bevavers which i do not care to descus . You can aske OMAGA about them not my style ...


Sep 1, 2012
There's always the old. fat Broad at the end of the bar back in Wisconsin.

The same rules apply everywhere, all over the World. In Washington, DC it's odd NOT to see a successful 50/60 year old guy in the company of gorgeous 20/30 year old Women. They don't want a guy who can't afford their boutique habits and keep them at the spa and in the best restaurants and entertainment venues, occassionally whisking them off to Miami, Las Vegas or New Orleans for free spending, fun weekend.

Why should gorgeous, young Dominicanas be any different? They don't want to waste their youth waiting for some young guy to make it only to leave them for a younger Woman when they finally hit their stride financially any more than their US counterparts do. The only difference between there and here is the scale. In the US you get a conversation at a club started with a $300 bottle of champagne. In the D.R. you can get that same conversation started for a "Jumbo".

Young Men didn't invent money, old Men invented money so they could trick young the Women away from them.

Right on! Thank you, you saved me from writing this same post...

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
There's always the old. fat Broad at the end of the bar back in Wisconsin.

The same rules apply everywhere, all over the World. In Washington, DC it's odd NOT to see a successful 50/60 year old guy in the company of gorgeous 20/30 year old Women. They don't want a guy who can't afford their boutique habits and keep them at the spa and in the best restaurants and entertainment venues, occassionally whisking them off to Miami, Las Vegas or New Orleans for free spending, fun weekend.

Why should gorgeous, young Dominicanas be any different? They don't want to waste their youth waiting for some young guy to make it only to leave them for a younger Woman when they finally hit their stride financially any more than their US counterparts do. The only difference between there and here is the scale. In the US you get a conversation at a club started with a $300 bottle of champagne. In the D.R. you can get that same conversation started for a "Jumbo".

Young Men didn't invent money, old Men invented money so they could trick young the Women away from them.

yes, greydread. as usual, you make absolute sense. however, i do believe that the guys in the States are more realistic than the gringos in the DR. they understand the game. they know it is an exchange...their money for the companionship of a fresh , young, lovely woman. gringos , 70 years old, believe that a 19 year old hottie in the DR loves them , long time.


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
70%, and probably upward, of these old gringos are here because nobody wants them back home. none of them left a girlfriend in North America, or Europe, to come here. they are lepers in their own lands. if they said hello to a 20 year old girl, back in their necks of the woods, the girl would call a cop. they succeed here, because they have a few extra pesos to throw around, and they have light skins, which fascinates Dominicans. if they go belly up, they would be on their own, in the blink of an eye. even their pigment would not get them very far.

The reason why light skin fascinates most Dominicans is because light skin(gringos) equals money.Dominican
women love dark skinned men.


Jul 27, 2011
Now the dominacken man most likley well have a loving wife close to his owne age TRAPED at home with kids and no other opthions to turn to ! He well have all his needs satisfied. The dominacken man also keeps booth women in line with other bevavers which i do not care to descus . You can aske OMAGA about them not my style ...

If you want to date really young women, the first thing you have to drop is the idea that you are doing them a favor, because, otherwise they will end up with a bad Dominican man that will beat them. Remember, she's thinking that she's doing YOU a favor and there are others like you in line waiting; Plus, Not all Dominican men are wife beaters.

Actually, most Dominican men I know are either totally whipped or afraid of their wives. My dad was afraid of my mom and at home she wore the pants; I know plenty of women, relatives included, who wear the pants at home. I know this couple, for example, they both work and make a lot of money, but the wife is always shutting him up in public, and he's like a puppy when he's with her.

Enjoy whatever "relationship" you are having and accept it for what it is, but don't go crazy on it. Thinking that you are saving someone and that she'll have to give you all her love and faithfulness in return, won't work.


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
Now the dominacken man most likley well have a loving wife close to his owne age TRAPED at home with kids and no other opthions to turn to ! He well have all his needs satisfied.

Can you at least make an effort to spell Dominican correctly?

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
If you want to date really young women, the first thing you have to drop is the idea that you are doing them a favor, because, otherwise they will end up with a bad Dominican man that will beat them. Remember, she's thinking that she's doing YOU a favor and there are others like you in line waiting; Plus, Not all Dominican men are wife beaters.

Actually, most Dominican men I know are either totally whipped or afraid of their wives. My dad was afraid of my mom and at home she wore the pants; I know plenty of women, relatives included, who wear the pants at home. I know this couple, for example, they both work and make a lot of money, but the wife is always shutting him up in public, and he's like a puppy when he's with her.

Enjoy whatever "relationship" you are having and accept it for what it is, but don't go crazy on it. Thinking that you are saving someone and that she'll have to give you all her love and faithfulness in return, won't work.

that is just about what i was thinking, but in different words. guys come here believing that because they pay for the blackberry and the salon, the girls owe them undying loyalty, and love. horesefeathers!


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
are those crazy Albanians still terrorizing Hispanics around Moshulu Parkway, near White Plains Road? sorry , folks, just a little insider stuff between two Bronx boys.


Once in a while, threads do go Off Topic. This was back in the 90's. All is well now. I was victim to this once in 1994.


Sep 1, 2012
Can you at least make an effort to spell Dominican correctly?

ha ha ha, yatch has the privilege of being the only known "selective dyslexic", One day he's fully dyslexic, other days he writes better than Jefferson. :laugh:


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
ha ha ha, yatch has the privilege of being the only known "selective dyslexic", One day he's fully dyslexic, other days he writes better than Jefferson. :laugh:

I can't read the jibberish any longer.


Nov 4, 2011
Why does everyone bash Dominican women here?

I've spent a lot of time in Panama and I think that Dominican girls are better looking in general.

I also think Panamanians are lazier than Dominicans. They think that they are almost Americans, considering what the US has done for Panama, but they aren't doing a very good job of keeping it nice.

Plus the weather in Panama city is crap!

All I can say is the dating scene in Panama is a lot better then Dominican Republic. I do not know what part of Panama you when in.

I have stood on a corner on Ave Venezuela in Santo Domingo and I have stood on Calle Uruguay in Panama City ,and let me tell you in 10 mins on Calle Uruguay, I saw 30 women that I would have married right that second they were SO FINE!!!

Ticas , Nicas, Colombianas, Peruanas etc are many of the women you come across in Panama City and they ALL are so lovely. I once met a woman from Sao Paulo, Brazil in PC that could have been a model. Mexico City and Panama City talk about WOW!!!

Dominican women are very beautiful no doubt, but the "gringo" factor lowers their stock. When I see guys on the street in DR with Dominican women and they look like their name is "Howie" it brings down Dominican women stock. I have never seen so many funny looking guys with nice looking latinas like I do in DR. Not PR, Mexico, CR, Panama etc. DR is on another level with weird looking guys trying to find a partner.

If Dominican women can lower the "gringo" factor a little bit their stock would rise almost 20%. As long as big belly gringos are allowed to place their arm around Dominican women and hold their hands in the street. Their stock will remain ROCK BOTTOM!!!
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