If anybody noticed, I have been AWOL.
The intent was to enjoy the US holiday in Philadelphia with family.
The actual result was to be flat out with yet another ( 3x in 6 yrs) dengue attack.
It began on the POP-EWR flight Nov 21.
I am sorry to report that I am quickly becoming an unwilling expert on the subject
Let me recap the disease a little.
Gringo , I post this here because I feel residents are at greater risk by dint of the number of days spent annually.
I realize it takes one mosquito, one bite and just a few seconds to infect anyone.
If at the end of my post, you feel others would benefit (Living Forum, eg) please paste and post it forward.
There are 4 serotypes of dengue.
Each subsequent attack increases in intensity.
In my case , the 1st incident was a non-event....subsequent attacks, very severe.
Fever is the 1st sign , then headache or joint pain or both.
Very high fever to start... I was 104.5F for a day, cooling off to 101-102 for the remaining 7 days.
No cure is available... need fluids and bed rest
Head pain is atrocious...think a big Jai Alai game in your skull.
The skull is sore to the touch.... and remains so 30-36 hours after the fever subsides.
As the body fights the fever, the liver is in overdrive - white blood cell counts plummets, plaquette count as well.
This time, I tired to be anticipatory.......
I drank fluids and Pedialyte and Ensure in an attempt to stave off the loss of the White blood cells.
As soon as the fever broke, I read up on 'Ten Foods Your Liver Loves'
Drank lemon water to flush toxins ( grapefruit works too).
Green vegetables, squash...... it's a big list.
I was back on my feet quickly.... faster than the 2nd attack.
1st event was Monday through Saturday/Sunday
2nd event was Saturday to Thursday.
Although it is said that the serotypes cannot repeat, my two were remarkably alike.
I read an unnerving article that challenged the theory that each strain of dengue immunizes you for life -
This article suggests a 3-4 month immunity period.
Just shoot me..........
I return to RD Wed , Dec2 and will have my cell counts taken to see where I stand.
Hopefully, the preemptive measures I took will assist the recovery.
No drinking is one of the after effects..... for liver recuperation.
I hope this helps somebody.
I assure you, this is no cakewalk.
The intent was to enjoy the US holiday in Philadelphia with family.
The actual result was to be flat out with yet another ( 3x in 6 yrs) dengue attack.
It began on the POP-EWR flight Nov 21.
I am sorry to report that I am quickly becoming an unwilling expert on the subject
Let me recap the disease a little.
Gringo , I post this here because I feel residents are at greater risk by dint of the number of days spent annually.
I realize it takes one mosquito, one bite and just a few seconds to infect anyone.
If at the end of my post, you feel others would benefit (Living Forum, eg) please paste and post it forward.
There are 4 serotypes of dengue.
Each subsequent attack increases in intensity.
In my case , the 1st incident was a non-event....subsequent attacks, very severe.
Fever is the 1st sign , then headache or joint pain or both.
Very high fever to start... I was 104.5F for a day, cooling off to 101-102 for the remaining 7 days.
No cure is available... need fluids and bed rest
Head pain is atrocious...think a big Jai Alai game in your skull.
The skull is sore to the touch.... and remains so 30-36 hours after the fever subsides.
As the body fights the fever, the liver is in overdrive - white blood cell counts plummets, plaquette count as well.
This time, I tired to be anticipatory.......
I drank fluids and Pedialyte and Ensure in an attempt to stave off the loss of the White blood cells.
As soon as the fever broke, I read up on 'Ten Foods Your Liver Loves'
Drank lemon water to flush toxins ( grapefruit works too).
Green vegetables, squash...... it's a big list.
I was back on my feet quickly.... faster than the 2nd attack.
1st event was Monday through Saturday/Sunday
2nd event was Saturday to Thursday.
Although it is said that the serotypes cannot repeat, my two were remarkably alike.
I read an unnerving article that challenged the theory that each strain of dengue immunizes you for life -
This article suggests a 3-4 month immunity period.
Just shoot me..........
I return to RD Wed , Dec2 and will have my cell counts taken to see where I stand.
Hopefully, the preemptive measures I took will assist the recovery.
No drinking is one of the after effects..... for liver recuperation.
I hope this helps somebody.
I assure you, this is no cakewalk.