Diary of Our DR Vacation with Friends


New member
Oct 31, 2015
Let's begin with me backtracking to when I first came on this site to post a simple request for private transportation. I immediately was harassed and bullied with comments to the fact I was a 'stupid tourist' for simply trying to set up private transportation rather than using the local transportation service.

As conversations and badgering went on, I realized that the DR transportation is heavily unionized taxi drivers. I get that locals need jobs and tourist offer this. However, we were a private group of friends wanting to just relax with no itinerary. Transportation companies kept hounding me trying to get me to 'admit' that we were a tour group which was furthest from the truth.

So we contacted a friend who had family in the DR who were willing to drive us privately. No schedule. No itinerary. Just paid to be available on the off chance someone would want to explore another town. After day one of being in our private rented estate with a guarded main gate, and a gate a each estate, somehow the local Cabrera taxi mafia (I say that with as much politeness as possible), had 5 cars block our drivers in from picking up any of our friends from the airport or allowing us to go anywhere.

Twelve taxi drivers came out screaming and yelling at our friends relatives/drivers. The estate manager called the local police. More screaming and shouting. The tourism police were then called who were suppose to 'represent' tourists/guests to the DR. Tourism police who understood no english whatsoever, so we had to have our house manager translate for us. After five hours of arguing between our drivers and local taxi drivers, it was agreed that we could have our own cars IF rented by my husband. We of course had proof that the cars were indeed all rented in his name, insured in his name and paid for by him. Of course that was not good enough, now we could have the rental cars but they were not allowed to leave the premises. NO airport runs to pick up our friends or to leave on the last day via these rental cars.

So we asked ourselves why rent the cars at all? Returned them. Released our drivers.

These unioned taxi drivers feel that we would be taking away from their profit/income by hiring our own drivers. Did they not know, we rented three estates in their city? Three estates which employed 12, 17 and 23 staff that we paid and tipped for? That we hired three different local musicians to play for our dinner parties? That had we not been so bullied and frustrated by the way the local taxi union treated us, we would have gone into the different cities to shop and explore rather than just staying on the estate and keeping to ourselves.

In the end, half of our guests left via taxi begrudgingly for the poor way we were treated. The other half, not accepting the behavior of the local taxi get the upper hand, chartered helicopter flights out.

It was comical to have the tourist minister come see us on our last day and invite us to his office (which we declined) and hope the next time we come back, that we get a chance to visit his office.

It's a beautiful country, spectacular oceanfront views, warm people if it were not for the ridiculous taxi union. Would we go back? Hesitantly and only would by helicopter charter.

Sorry taxi mafia, had you simply asked that should we travel in town locally, to please consider patronizing your local taxis we would have absolutely done so. You're mistake was muscling your way through both our private gated estate, making a scene with your screaming match and bullying us into not being allowed to even have our own cars.

We also learned prior to leaving that the cities were notorious for bullying tourist into using their unionized drivers frustrating the rental properties. Not to mention how many tourist would come back with the reputation the taxi drivers have?

Not a welcoming DR.

My suggestion to anyone traveling outside of the close airports for 1 to 2 hours look into chartering helicopters to get you where you need to go.


Jun 19, 2009
My suggestion to anyone traveling outside of the close airports for 1 to 2 hours look into chartering helicopters to get you where you need to go.

I have been going to a place in DR which is 2-3 hours from the airport for the past 6 years along with young children. Never had a single problem. Chartering an helicopter never crossed my mind (if was rolling like that, I'd probably vacation in St Barts anyway), but thank you for your advice.

Last year in Europe, Uber drivers were attacked in Paris and several European capitals by taxi drivers. That s a lot of helicopters :laugh:

In all seriousness, sorry it happened to you.


May 28, 2004
That's unfortunately the way taxi unions rolls in this country. I once had the the president of the Punta Cana area taxi union come into my workplace (Grupo Punta Cana which owns the airport and everything around it) and threaten ME because I wouldn't allow his taxis to sit in the parking lot. Doesn't matter that the instructions were sent directly to them from the presidency of Grupo Punta Cana itself and I had nothing to do with it. Ended up going home under security escort because 3 units were waiting for me on the highway. Don't even get me started on stories of them transferring tourists out of non-taxi vans with baseball bats and machetes... they don't give a @#$@# about the impression it gives tourists. What's important to them is controlling the area so they can charge whatever they want and make a good living.

Sorry you had that negative experience. Valuable lesson learned in paradise.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Let me add something...

I had negotiated the taxistas for this person... all was arranged

For reasons unknown to me, the situation changed.

I had however many cars on 'standby'.... in full agreement with the local taxi group who were happy for the business.

If you read the other thread - this has happened before when someone tries to go around the system
I think JD warned of it.

Too bad..... all could have been avoided.

Christian Bale avoided this... so did Bill Gates.

An unfortunate happening..... easily predicted........ and was predicted.......

to no avail

The insistence on a fleet of black Suburbans never went away....
but they are not here..... in Cabrera

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
I have been going to a place in DR which is 2-3 hours from the airport for the past 6 years along with young children. Never had a single problem. Chartering an helicopter never crossed my mind (if was rolling like that, I'd probably vacation in St Barts anyway), but thank you for your advice.

Last year in Europe, Uber drivers were attacked in Paris and several European capitals by taxi drivers. That s a lot of helicopters :laugh:

In all seriousness, sorry it happened to you.

'Frica... about $1,000USD an hour...
we have many at Amanera.....regularly.

The children would love it !!!!

william webster

Jan 16, 2009

now that i know the story, here's how you go about it.

I use those drivers in my cars all the time.....

So, you could have used your Dominican connection to line up the cars and then hired the local boys as drivers.

The error here was using the non-local drivers -- not the vehicles....
quite understandable they don't like seeing an interloper on their turf.... making $$$
It's not hard if you get the mentality.

As I say, I use my car all the time..... with them

Sorry i couldn't help you... it was an easy solution
For the rest of you,
here is JD's original comment/warning to Liz

This is where i stepped in to help

fQuote Originally Posted by JDJones View Post
Liz, some friendly advice.. You need to get your head around how tourist transport services work here.

It's pretty evident you want to go the "Executive Luxury Route" with those big SUV's with leather seats, tinted windows, and ice cold A/C.

I may be wrong, but as others have said, you're not going to find many of those on the North Coast. (There are Executive services out of Santo Domingo, but those cost an arm and a leg)

I'd be willing to venture your only option is going to be to use Taxi vans that belong to the airport or Cabrera taxi unions.

I'm not saying it will happen for sure, but there is a good chance that if you don't use a company that belongs to a union somewhere, the local guys are not going to appreciate it.

I had a 15 passenger van with an English speaking driver a few years back, and he was "sniffed out" within 2 days while driving in Cabrera. (He was doing pickups at the airport for Orchid Bay at the Puerto Plata airport) Cabrera is a VERY small town.

They were nice enough to warn him off, and told him if he was seen again transporting folks, it could lead to problems.

Setting up transport services like you're looking to find is a lot different than the way they do it in Ohio.
You would be well advised to have somebody help you out who knows how things work here in the country.


Active member
Mar 24, 2008
Thanks for sharing your experience and sorry to hear of the situation.... but I am still a bit confused as to why you didn't really let WW or myself help you when we were trying to organize actually using the local taxis as your on call transport, which would have worked in the exact same way as your hired cars/drivers (available on call to take you wherever you wanted to go, near or far, no schedule or itinerary needed) but the big bonus would be that it would have avoided all of these issues.... and been way cheaper than helicopters (I don't think many people will be switching from taxis to helicopters for airport runs anytime soon)!!! I know the taxi union here can be a bit much, and it does seem like this was completely out of hand, so I am truly sorry to hear how that played out and how it affected your trip... but it does seem like it could have been avoided if you had followed more of the advice and suggestions offered in your original thread, eventhough I am sure you didn't realize just how wild those taxi guys can get! :/


New member
Oct 31, 2015
That's unfortunately the way taxi unions rolls in this country. I once had the the president of the Punta Cana area taxi union come into my workplace (Grupo Punta Cana which owns the airport and everything around it) and threaten ME because I wouldn't allow his taxis to sit in the parking lot. Doesn't matter that the instructions were sent directly to them from the presidency of Grupo Punta Cana itself and I had nothing to do with it. Ended up going home under security escort because 3 units were waiting for me on the highway. Don't even get me started on stories of them transferring tourists out of non-taxi vans with baseball bats and machetes... they don't give a @#$@# about the impression it gives tourists. What's important to them is controlling the area so they can charge whatever they want and make a good living.

Sorry you had that negative experience. Valuable lesson learned in paradise.

Thank you for understanding and not having the 'I told you so' attitude.

It seems as though you went through a much more horrific experience than we did. I also agree that the taxi drivers behaviors prevent tourists from coming back. Our group of 40 will mostly likely never return to the DR again. Taxi drivers short-mindedness only makes them struggle more to get money into the DR.


New member
Oct 31, 2015
Let me add something...

I had negotiated the taxistas for this person... all was arranged

For reasons unknown to me, the situation changed.

I had however many cars on 'standby'.... in full agreement with the local taxi group who were happy for the business.

If you read the other thread - this has happened before when someone tries to go around the system
I think JD warned of it.

Too bad..... all could have been avoided.

Christian Bale avoided this... so did Bill Gates.

An unfortunate happening..... easily predicted........ and was predicted.......

to no avail

The insistence on a fleet of black Suburbans never went away....
but they are not here..... in Cabrera

Let me reply by saying I did not try to 'go around the system'. You're negotiated price wasn't any different then had we just gone to the drivers ourselves minus your commission.

We choose to go with a friend who had family members in the DR. We wanted to give our friend's family opportunity to make the money we would have given to total strangers. Our friend's family members are his brother, cousin and wife.

Good for Christian Bale and Bill Gates. If throwing around celebrity names makes you feel superior.


New member
Oct 31, 2015
'Frica... about $1,000USD an hour...
we have many at Amanera.....regularly.

The children would love it !!!!

We will consider it your suggestion.

The helicopter transport actually gave us a great opportunity to see the DR from the air, not have to deal with the rough ground travel and taxi mafia issues. I took some amazing pictures from above. Just would never refer anyone to the DR ever.


New member
Oct 31, 2015
Thank you Der, you were a great help without attitude. We just realized we had a friend who had family that we could help out and in the end weren't able to do that either.


New member
Oct 31, 2015
Thank you Der, you were a great help without attitude. We just realized we had a friend who had family that we could help out and in the end weren't able to do that either.

In the end, we still had fun. We just never bothered to leave the estate and support the locals because of taxi issues. Too bad for them.


New member
Oct 31, 2015
Thanks for sharing your experience and sorry to hear of the situation.... but I am still a bit confused as to why you didn't really let WW or myself help you when we were trying to organize actually using the local taxis as your on call transport, which would have worked in the exact same way as your hired cars/drivers (available on call to take you wherever you wanted to go, near or far, no schedule or itinerary needed) but the big bonus would be that it would have avoided all of these issues.... and been way cheaper than helicopters (I don't think many people will be switching from taxis to helicopters for airport runs anytime soon)!!! I know the taxi union here can be a bit much, and it does seem like this was completely out of hand, so I am truly sorry to hear how that played out and how it affected your trip... but it does seem like it could have been avoided if you had followed more of the advice and suggestions offered in your original thread, eventhough I am sure you didn't realize just how wild those taxi guys can get! :/

Again, we would have considered your suggestions had our friend not suggest we work with his family members. We wanted to help our friend's family. They weren't in there to be professional taxi drivers and takeover the locals profession, they just wanted to earn a little money. We wanted to help a friend.

We even were okay with foregoing suburban a for vans as suggested.

It's as simple as us trying to help our friend. Considering his family is local just not local drivers we didn't feel there would have been an issue.

I'm really done defending or explaining my actions. Our mistake was thinking the DR would be a great vacationing spot.


New member
Oct 31, 2015
this is the thread the OP is talking about: http://dr1.com/forums/showthread.ph...-in-Cabrera-Dominican-Republic-with-suburbans

i really don't know what to tell you... "we told you so" kinda springs to mind but not in a bad way. i am sorry dr1's collective advice turned out to be so true and on point. what happened to you is shameful and embarrassing. not the first time the taxi mafia pulls dirty trick on people.

The taxi mafia is exactly that. And yes, unfortunate, their prices were different according to who would be driving our friends, even if it was to the same airport or distance. My friend left her leather jacket in the backseat on the way to the airport and when the driver came back to the estate looking for more guests to drive to the airport I asked if I could get her jacket out of the backseat and the driver refused to unlock the door. I had to get the estate manager to tell him to give me the jacket back.


Jun 19, 2009
No need to hate the DR because of the taxi mafia, they only represent 0.00001 % of the population (and you are doing a disservice to your friend's family).
It is still a beautiful island and a great vacation spot IMHO.


New member
Jun 3, 2005
I had to read this twice. Unbelievable! I usually have family friends escort us in a private hilux, never a problem, but. Fleet of vehicles will draw attention. This is mind blowing that management would side with the drivers , out of fear.