Do Not Go To Dominican To Mess It Up

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Mar 2, 2003
knowledge said:
Take out the gringos from the tourist areas and you're left with dominicans cutting sugar cane for a living.

Take out dominicans from the usa and I don' think it's the same way around.

I don't think that 505 years ago anyone "opened their arms" to CC.

Those are Haitians cutting the cane.


Oct 19, 2005
I do think that we do a LOT more good than harm to the Dominican Republic.
And the poster shouldnt really be shouting the odds at anyone we are all after all equal and its one world at the end of the day which is owned by no one but God.
However i can kind of see her point i mean when i watched the news tonight and heard about middle aged English men going over to poorer countrys to take advantage of young children there because its more easily hidden it made me sick and ashamed to say im English. Also look at Spain completely over ridden with drunk English going out getting drunk everynight being sick in the street. I can see how people may resent my people.


Jan 2, 2002
quisqueyanovaliente said:
All You People Need To Go And Take Colleges Classes Is Really Bad That You Are So Stupid That Need To Be Asked To Speak Out.

I think it's neat how you press down the shift key for the first letter of every word. ;)


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
What Is The Point Of This Thread Other Than To Exchange Venom?
That Includes You Anna, The "Moderator"!

The Author Of This Thread Is Cleary Not Very Educated!


Oct 21, 2002
Tamborista said:
What is the point of this thread other than to exchange venom?
That includes you Anna, the "moderator"

Don't worry, it is a process - a process of washing the socks.... sometimes they come clean, and sometimes one has to add some bleach! Anna is just dumping the bleach in at the moment.


Jan 2, 2002
Tamborista said:
What Is The Point Of This Thread Other Than To Exchange Venom?
That Includes You Anna, The "Moderator"!

Hey I'm not the moderator in this forum so I can make an ass of myself just like anyone else. :laugh:

I meant what I said I think it's a neat talent.


Mar 2, 2003
blondytomato said:
I do think that we do a LOT more good than harm to the Dominican Republic.
And the poster shouldnt really be shouting the odds at anyone we are all after all equal and its one world at the end of the day which is owned by no one but God.
However i can kind of see her point i mean when i watched the news tonight and heard about middle aged English men going over to poorer countrys to take advantage of young children there because its more easily hidden it made me sick and ashamed to say im English. Also look at Spain completely over ridden with drunk English going out getting drunk everynight being sick in the street. I can see how people may resent my people.

Hey don't worry about it, the Spaniards have alot more to be ashamed of than you do.

The entire Latin world is still recovering from their conquests.

simpson Homer

Nov 14, 2003
99% of the crimes now A day in the DR, are Dominicans who does them.
had you heard about asaulting tourist and locals.?

There are more Dominicans Crimnals in US than US criminal in DR.

Who are the ones being deported from US every week ?

I'm Dominican as well and don't even feel safe walking in many places in DR.
first afraid of the corrupt police and second for the Dominican criminals.

I wont be afraid about foreign criminal because there are none.


Jan 28, 2004
I don't see a mention of the subsidaries of American companies with Dominican payrolls of millions of pesos weekly, which goes directly into the local economy, funded 100% by revenues earned in the US.
Would you like them to leave also?


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Chris said:
I think this is a good topic to discuss. Many of us are concerned about crime, both from the expatriate or immigrant community, as well as from the Dominican community. What do you really think can be done about it quisqueyanovaliente?

Let me give you a real example. Just a few weeks ago, some people that are building at the house next door to us, jumped over the balcony and stole a laptop and some computer equipment from us. We know who they are and we even know where they sold the equipment. And everybody keeps quiet - nobody wants to point the finger at the criminals.

What can I do about this kind of crime? Why do you point the finger just one side of the coin?
This could be attributed to human nature, more than to any particular culture or group of people.

I'm sure you have heard of the woman who was stabbed multiple times in New York City and died. What's the sad part? There were many people watching from their apartment windows and not one bothered to call the police until it was too late.

Here is a quote from a sociological view towards this:

"When the story appeared in the newspaper, the public was outraged. How could people be so insensitive to the suffering of another? Why didn't anyone help her? Some newspaper editors and psychiatrists at the time blamed the behavior on "bystander apathy" or growing "urban alienation." The story became a metaphor for modern city life.

Others, however, speculated that the failure of people to get involved might be due more to the social influence that bystanders have on each other than to individual callousness."




New member
Mar 15, 2006
I think people in this forum need to realize the impact we the Dominicans (other countries in general) have over their life. What they do not realize is that when it comes to education you will not get it innate and it takes a lifetime to achieve. You people that believe in freedom are the dumbest people on earth, thats why you get trapped in ignorance and arogance. you just need to go to Boca Chica or confeti in Puerto Plata or even Cabarette where you see the females renting dominican males in order to get sastify sexually talking. Your men can not give you felicity and that is a gringo shame. es una pena que nosotros como dominicanos nos dejemos entrar basura al pais. Estas gente que van a otros paises a hacer y deshacer. como diablos si el gobierno de estdos unidos nos requieren muchisimos documentos y chequeos para entrar a territorio americano nosotros no hacemos lo mismo.

We must require a background check on every person coming from the state they are sick people who tries to hide in the dominican to do nasty things
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New member
Dec 3, 2005
cute line from a Seinfeld episode

"Hey QnoV, I went to the jerk store today- they were out of you!"

Think Beavis speaks Spanish, too?

This thought process seems familiar... .

Do you know Josh?


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003

The OP's ramblings DO NOT surprise me at all since I know that they are MANY people with idiotic views out there.

What surprises me the most is that SOME members are taking him seriously and are replying to his posting as if he were saying anything of importance.

Guys, WAKE THE HELL UP, this guy thinks that "anything white" is a American gringo!!!. He can see a German talking next to him and just because the German is white, immediately, he will think that he is an American.

Let's not forget that "hate and ignorance" go together!.

AND BTW, he loves his country so much that he has the need to keep on calling it "Dominican" instead of Dominican Republic. So much for patriotism!!.
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