Documentation of illegal Haitians turning into a long process


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Take it from this Haitian.

Haiti as a nation and Haitians as a people do not give a damn about the DR Haitians.

The Haitian government speaks on the isse just to save face and at the request of the international.

DR Haitians are seen by the vast majority of Haitians a sa non desirable diaspora...and see this so called crisis as a DR problem.

Well there has been an increase of haitians walking down the road with their possessions in a back pack heading for the haitian camp in imbert........ so they are dr haitians de facto ( cos they are in the dr u see ). But a couple of hours ( or a day or two ) they were haitians in haiti. If haitis haitians dont give a damn about dr haitians (??) there soon wont be many haiti haitians left.... (???)

Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010
I read morning that now some DR Senators want the UN, United States, Canada, France and I assume others to pay for the legalization process for Haitians in the DR with no status. Kiss my American ass. Haiti started this, the DR has been compliant in allowing all of these people here with no documentation and now they want others to pay for their mistakes. Sounds like a plan. NOT. DR gov, you insisted on documenting those with no prior documentation so pay the piper. Take some of that Gold money and spend it. Why should other countries and their citizens pay for your problems? Get real. This one is on you. Buenos Suarte.

According to Pichardo the DR will pay with their new e-currency.
The bitcoin is to replace the DOP next Monday.
No matter what, the ingress of illegal Haitians needs to be controlled.


Feb 7, 2013
Exactly...and yes haiti has bigger fish to fry

Yes gwozozo. But not until they scrub it with lime juice, inside and out. :)

on several Fridays a beloved Hatian colleague brings me the left over fried fish her kids don't eat. YUMMY!


Feb 7, 2013
Agreed. But the slavery involved is relevant, as is the massacre of Haitians because it was cheaper than deporting them. The dehumanization of Haitians in the DR is a legacy of the Trujillo years. Even if he did not start it.

It is lazy of expats and Dominicans to blame ALL of DR's problems on Trujillo.

Not you Gabriela, individually. But folks want to stick to a comfortable narrative. There are limitations to discussing Trujillo's treatment of Haitians in this forum. I just keep reading and reading. so many good sources on this topic I find right here on dr1.


Dec 7, 2011
Well there has been an increase of haitians walking down the road with their possessions in a back pack heading for the haitian camp in imbert........ so they are dr haitians de facto ( cos they are in the dr u see ). But a couple of hours ( or a day or two ) they were haitians in haiti. If haitis haitians dont give a damn about dr haitians (??) there soon wont be many haiti haitians left.... (???)

HEIN? There are 10 million haitians still in Haiti..and most have no plans on moving to DR.


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
Haitian government identification program to start in Barahona

Francois Guillaume II, the Minister for Haitians Living Abroad (MHAVE), which coordinates the Program of Identification and Documentations of Haitian Immigrants (PIDIH), has launched the implementation of the Haitian government Program with the National Identification Office (ONI), the National Archives of Haiti (ANH), the Directorate of Immigration and Emigration (DIE), the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Worship (MAEC), and the Interior and Territorial Communities (MICT), as reported in Haiti Libre.

He said that for the first time, the Haitian government has begun a process of regularization of undocumented compatriots outside the country and that although initially there were some errors that were quickly corrected, they are working to improve the upcoming launch, scheduled for September 2014 in Barahona.

Furthermore, the Minister said that after the Dominican Republic, the program would be implemented in the Bahamas, Suriname, and Turks and Caicos Islands where there is also a strong demand for Haitian documentation by Haitians who want to regularize their status.

Minister Guillaume informed that in addition to Santo Domingo and Barahona, the PIDIH would be expanded to other cities in the Dominican Republic such as Santiago and Higuey, two cities with large populations of Haitian nationals.

The lack of Haitian documentation to their nationals is a major obstacle to the National Legalization Plan of the Dominican government. Most people in Haiti do not have birth certificates or legal documentation and when they travel abroad this causes major problems in societies where legal documentation is essential.

Source DR1 News