Dominican inventor and Ford Motor


May 12, 2002
Dominican invention intrigues,

An invention by a Dominican has caught the attention of General Motors, Ford and other major companies. The invention consists of a low-cost energy generator that runs without fuel and could be used by hotels, restaurants, supermarkets and free trade zones. Fernando Adames created the generator that has a capacity of between 330KW and 500KW. An estimated 60 clients are on the waiting list.
The invention is funded by Reenergy in cooperation with Inversionistas Angeles Enlace and Emprende, with offices at the Santo Domingo Cyber Park.
Company officials say that the idea of a generator that doesn't use fuel has been in the works for 20 years. Listin Diario reports that Reenergy has worked with four inventions created by Adames, one of which is a generator that runs on renewable energy. The second is a charger that can charge large batteries in less than eight minutes. A third is a device that increases fuel efficiency in vehicles and the fourth is a "carbon collector."

Dominican Republic News & Travel Information Service


Aug 22, 2008
A generator that uses no fuel?
This sounds like a perpetual motion machine.
Excellent - all mankind's energy troubles are solved.

We are running some of our diesels on bio-diesel here in Haiti - that grows in the ground so I guess in renewable.

I wish him well with all the other inventions.
Charging batteries fast is clever - especially if they are regular deep cycle inverter style batteries.

Good stuff for this Dominican - but the killer-app is the fuel-less generator.
That should have been announced on 1st April. ;)


New member
May 4, 2008
In '95 or '96 a hungarian guy had a patent on a vacuum energy generator. He also got a gold medal on a convention in Switzerland for his working patent.
A wash machine size equipment could supply energy for a whole household
for 15 years for the cost of about $ 1000.00 ( that was the price given by the inventor in the mid 90)
Also, since it's working - generating power- all the times, the owner of the unit could sell energy.
He claimed that his country can be the richer than all the oil producers together within a year or two and probably he was right about it.
It was a mobile unit, extremely quiet, could be disconnected from the house and moved to remote areas. He said the idea was laid down in the 1800s, the key thing was to find the material which producing electricity when the elements are colliding to it in vacuum.
He promised, there is no way in earth that he will sell his patent to big companies. Everyone was happy and waiting for the unit.
And what happened? F^kin' nothing! Hi is gone, even most of the media records where slowly erased and hungarians pay $hitload for energy, just like other countries.
Energy is a big business and those few who controls it won't let you to spit in their soup.
The patent might ended up at Exxon or one of the others - like many times before in history.

The Hun


Aug 22, 2008
There are loads of machines that get their energy from the 'ether'.
But like turning lead into gold it never quite happened on a consistent basis when tested.
Nobody ever produced the unit that would develop enough power to run itself and maybe spare a little more for humankind.

Although, at one point the idea of flight was ridiculous - never mind chatting to hundreds of people all over the world instantly.
Arthur C Clarke said something about sufficiently advanced technology being indistinguishable from magic.
In the case of these machines (and the Hungarian dude rings a bell) it is still 'real' magic. ;)

I think the reporter or the translator may have been a little muddled.


Jul 25, 2007
From my engineering and physics background I can tell you anybody that says they can create energy from nothing is full of bs. There have been many over the years with such claims and they have all amounted to nothing. As far as the conspiracies that the oil companies won't let it happen it is just that, conspiracies. There are no doubt probably at any given time around 20,000 engineers, physicists and research students looking for a solution and there is little that anyone can do to stop them from getting a patent.


Feb 3, 2002
I think whoever wrote the article couldn't explain exactly how the generator works, so it sound like it's producing from nothing, but in some other part of the article I read something about using "renewable energy from circulating vehicles"...whatever that means


Aug 22, 2008
You can run a Honda Civic off the exhaust gases from a badly serviced V8.

I would still like to know the story and what the guy really invented - if anything.