Dominican official warns again, regularize or you will leave.

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RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
This is my twopenneth, getting back to the original title of the thread.

1. The immigration law is here and is not up for change.
2. As I thought it confirms in there that you cannot be deported even without residency if you have been married to a Dominican - male or female for more than 10 years or if you have children with a Dominican who have been registered here

" Art. 123.- Podr? no ordenarse la deportaci?n o expulsi?n del extranjero
prevista en los art?culos anteriores, de la presente ley, en los siguientes casos: a) Cuando el extranjero (a) estuviere casado (a) con un c?nyuge dominicano (a) por un per?odo de m?s de 10 a?os o tuviere hijos dominicanos por nacimientos debidamente declarados. b) Cuando tuviere una residencia legal, pac?fica y cont?nua en el pa?s
superior a los 10 a?os, a partir de su ingreso legal correspondiente. c) Cuando circunstancias especiales establecidas en el reglamento as? lo aconsejen"

3. My cedula is actually one of those cancelled. I married 10 years ago and when I went to get my residency and cedula renewed I gave them my marriage certificate so both could be issued in my married name. My residency was but the cedula people said they could not do it with a marriage certificate but only with my British passport which was still in my maiden name. So I would have to wait to get a new British passport. Given my cedula had years to run I never bothered and until they started all this messing about never had a problem. However when they went through all of the cedulas recently they obviously didnt bother cross checking against the residencies (cedulas and residencies have the same number), and cancelled me! Luckily most places don't bother checking and I just show my out of date cedula as most Dominicans do. Moral of story is take the so called figures with a few sackfuls of salt.



Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
thanks, MA but i was asking about a gringo foreigner who already has a legal residency but stayed out of DR for longer than 6 months. as far as the haitians and those of haitian descent, i am quite convinced that the fate of those groups will be different than of those coming from other countries...

Yes, you are right. It will be different for illegal foreigners compared to illegal Haitians.

Illegal Foreigners or Gringos entered the country LEGALLY and then became illegals. There
is documentation or proof. For illegal Haitians they never had any documentation.


Apr 29, 2005
I'm a numbers type of guy, so lets look at some numbers.....MA says they will deport some 40,000 crooks or whatever you want to call them......ya think the DR govt will do that???

OK 40,000 * 200 (price of a chartered cheapy cheapy ticket if they can get it that cheap) = 8, 000, 000 dollars.....thats RD$344, 800,000. So now you got them outta here......

But wait.....each of these guys spends an average (very low) or $2000 per month.....40, 000 * 2000 = $80, 000, lets put the itbis on this 18% of 80, 000, 000 which = $14, 400, 000 in lost tax revenue per month.....?????

Now lets put that over a year......which totals $172, 800, 000 in lost tax revenue per year just via these 40, 000 expat, crooks, or whatever you want to call pesos thats RD$7,447,680,000.

This is if they spend $2000 per month, and I know a lot of expats that spend a lot more than that every month in eating and drinking, where they are collecting the itbis.....

I don't care where you are from, no govt will lose that kind of revenue over some person that is 'illegal' and not costing them any money or being a burden on society.....they are looking at the Haitians, and only them, as they are considered a burden on the DR society.....

Spare me the deporting expats stuff, way too many yeepetas will be lost for the politicos if they start deporting any expat......

again my thoughts not yours.......


Sep 27, 2006
thanks, mat, you answered one of my concerns: a foreigner who produced offspring with a dominicana cannot be deported.


Dec 11, 2003
I'm a numbers type of guy, so lets look at some numbers.....MA says they will deport some 40,000 crooks or whatever you want to call them......ya think the DR govt will do that???

OK 40,000 * 200 (price of a chartered cheapy cheapy ticket if they can get it that cheap) = 8, 000, 000 dollars.....thats RD$344, 800,000. So now you got them outta here......

But wait.....each of these guys spends an average (very low) or $2000 per month.....40, 000 * 2000 = $80, 000, lets put the itbis on this 18% of 80, 000, 000 which = $14, 400, 000 in lost tax revenue per month.....?????

Now lets put that over a year......which totals $172, 800, 000 in lost tax revenue per year just via these 40, 000 expat, crooks, or whatever you want to call pesos thats RD$7,447,680,000.

This is if they spend $2000 per month, and I know a lot of expats that spend a lot more than that every month in eating and drinking, where they are collecting the itbis.....

I don't care where you are from, no govt will lose that kind of revenue over some person that is 'illegal' and not costing them any money or being a burden on society.....they are looking at the Haitians, and only them, as they are considered a burden on the DR society.....

Spare me the deporting expats stuff, way too many yeepetas will be lost for the politicos if they start deporting any expat......

again my thoughts not yours.......

No, I really did not mean to say that they WOULD deport them .. but they CAN now deport them .or put them in jail for five years. .. take their pick. Which should be ample incentive for those of the remaining 39,000 illegals to flee. Since they no longer have the protection of whatever fake legal cover they had. There are crooks here from every where. Now, ok. Some of them will stay, for sure. Some of them probably own Senators and all that think that they are perfectly safe. Perfectly safe.

Some also think that with the $100 or so that they spent on the fake cedula, they are also fine because they have been running their whore house or whatever for years. And their "wife" is Domnican.

But they do not know who is working behind the scenes with the Dominican military, with the Dominican Police, with Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, with Interpol. with the DEA..

That Russian drug lord in Bayahibe, the one who killed his brother, the other drug lord? He probably thinks that HE is perfectly safe. Because well. All that cocaine coming in. All that money. Ditto the Colombians down in Pedernales.

Or the Vietnam vet who runs the whores and lives in the flor de loto in Juan Dolio. He shure thinks he is safe, even though he knows that what he does is completely illegal.

So no, I do am not talking about Joe the expat, living on Social Security, minding his own busines, perhaps getting an occassional hooker. Would he bother with getting a fake cedula? Ya THink?

You really think the Haitians are the only burden on this society? The Haitians are not running the drug trade. They are not involved in the selling of women. They are not selling crack in the streets. Nope.

Perhaps many of you think that there is just politcal and moral corruption in this country down to its core.

I am betting for the other team.


Apr 29, 2014
MA thanks for taking the time to post that detailed explanation. The back storey was really helpful.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Aguaita is "on vacation" for awhile, and there are several others who are lucky they aren't with her right now. After I finally wade through 45 pages of this mess, she may have company.

This thread is so over the top, and so off topic, that it would take me hours to weed through and delete. I'm so annoyed right now that there is nothing left to do but close this mess and let everyone go back to their corners.

Sorry bronzeallspice, your thread is closed. If there are new developments, start another one, this one is beyond life support.
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