drastic changes for pedro clisante

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Jun 2, 2006
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Feb 7, 2007
I think the "women not allowed to walk on the street" is unconstitutional. Maybe Medina Mercedes from Derechos Humanos could pick up on this?

has anybody fom Politur Sousa read the ConstitutioN?

i recommend the women, prostitutes or not, walk along with the copy of the constitution, with marked out the spots... I am keenly awaiting the new Constitutional Court to be formed next year, for all the lawsuits against the violating officers... if I was a lawyer in Sosua, I would put out TV spots as you can see on American Tv ..." si Usted es una mujer y ha sido detenida en Pedro Clisante, llame oficinas del abogado XYZ... le daremos justicia a su caso..." maybe a statutory damages claim against the Politur commandante in Sosua, as well as the Tourism Ministry rep that was present in the meeting? Names, names, so the action can start...!!!

Art?culo 39.- Derecho a la igualdad.
Sec. 4) La mujer y el hombre son iguales ante la ley. Se proh?be cualquier acto que
tenga como objetivo o resultado menoscabar o anular el reconocimiento, goce o
ejercicio en condiciones de igualdad de los derechos fundamentales de mujeres
y hombres. Se promover?n las medidas necesarias para garantizar la
erradicaci?n de las desigualdades y la discriminaci?n de g?nero;

Art?culo 40.- Derecho a la libertad y seguridad personal.
Toda persona tiene derecho a la libertad y seguridad personal. Por lo tanto:
Sec. 1) Nadie podr? ser reducido a prisi?n o cohibido de su libertad sin orden motivada
y escrita de juez competente, salvo el caso de flagrante delito;

Art?culo 46.- Libertad de tr?nsito.
Toda persona que se encuentre en territorio nacional tiene derecho a transitar, residir y salir libremente del mismo, de conformidad con las disposiciones legales. (here the important word is TRANSITAR)
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Aug 29, 2005
This is just another in the long line of asinine proposals to "clean up" the image of the DR....right on up there with closing bars at 12 to lower crime...then declaring a few months later "Zero crime in the Tourist Zones!!" Do the math...take away the bar owners main revenue hours...they can't afford as many workers, or close completely...more people out of work and desperate = LESS crime...um, ok...talk about fuzzy logic...

If these laws/rules are actually passed and enforced, Sosua will become a ghost town within a few months (once the word gets out on the mongering websites). There will never be enough "family tourism" interest to support Sosua...

Sosua is a nice town, but it is what it is, as has been said on many threads, clean up the rough edges a bit and all will be fine, but don't try to put lipstick on a pig....we all saw how well that worked for John McCain!! :bunny: If Iliana wanted to be mayor a town without hookers, street food, and music, she should have run somewhere else. She may have good intentions, but Sosua is not going to become Punta Cana anytime soon...


Feb 3, 2002
Wow...this is unbelievable. According to the article no woman can be found walking alone on that street unless she can prove that she has a job otherwise she'll be arrested for prostitution? Where is this at? Some Muslim country? This is ridiculous...We are Dominicans not Muslims so our women should be able to walk alone or not anywhere they darn please. Hope somebody raises enough hell to not allow this, because that's how these things start and before you know it these individual rights are curtailed all over the country.
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Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Violating the constitution is somewhat of a sport here.

I'm surprised folks didn't see this coming.

Looks like the new mayor really IS getting "things done."

The question is: where will the hookers go next, taking the sex tourists with them? Might be a bidniz opportunity: PutaLand.
May 29, 2006
It sounds like they mostly will enforce it on PC in front of the discos. Sosua is a small town, but there are plenty of other places to make "connections."


Jun 11, 2010
My guess is that POP will be down to two flights per day soon and many businesses in Sosua will close up making it look like a slum...imho... We shall see, I have not been here long enough to predict... All I know is that there is a huge number of guys flying in to Sosua each day and they do spend a lot of money... In addition, their numbers help keep the flights coming in during the world wide economic crunch... If the mayor wants to move the business to another area of town that is one thing, but to harrass the girls and tourists and make it difficult could make it the death of Sosua. To me the beach there is not that nice and the town really doesn't have a huge amount to offer in relation to other towns... Without chica's the town will not likely flourish...imho...
Feb 7, 2007
They cleaned up Av Independencia in SD. The street was FULL of the girls in nighttime hours. VEEERY full. Now, they went to do their trade in side streets any to many of nightclubs along the area. I wonder whether the owners of the nightclubs were not behind the "clean up", because the visitor rate to those business establishments was on a long term decline. now the biz'es are flourishing again from what i heard, and even stay open till early morning hours. They used to close up at 1 or 2 am before.


Jul 3, 2002
Yeah what is the law and what is reality are often different things in the DR, and hookers and bar owners are not going to get much political sympathy.

This will really hurt the bars that are not 'hooker' oriented, I wonder if they will be forced to put up the windows and walls also.

I agree, this is about as smart as forcing bars to close at midnight.
Mar 2, 2008
I have wondered about the possible correlation between the massive investment in La Pasion (as well as the introduction of other new 'businesses' down the road) and the "new rules" being established on Pedro Clisante.
Mar 2, 2008
Looks that way, jr. There have been several subtle hints to indicate such, but I am sure the moderators will do what is appropriate, as you know.

Bronx Boy has already closed one.


May 29, 2004
The reason people keep opening new threads is because the 'main' thread has the obscure title of "Can you believe this suggestion???" Fix the title and people would realize the discussion is already in progress.
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