Erosion damage at Fisherman's Village


Jul 9, 2010
High tide and high winds have caused the sand to erode away under the decking of the new Fisherman's Village leaving big pockets where the sand was before it washed away. It seems that poor planning and engineering did not take into account that storm surge could reek havoc with the construction that was completed. The completed buildings look great but the hasty construction may have left the buildings vulnerable to high wave and wind action. It is going to be a difficult fix to ensure the safety of the outdoor decks. There are some restaurant owners that were almost at the point of opening. Don't know at this point if that will be delayed. It is an unfortunate set back.



Jul 25, 2007
I grew up a few miles from Folly Beach SC so I know beaches. Beaches live's can vary and change over the years due the the currents, and have in fact up and down the eastern seaboard. Throw in the occasional hurricane and it becomes a very difficult phenomenon to control. For example, on Folly Beach the county built groins to stem the erosion. Still, I remember the beach when I was a child was about 100 yards wider than it is today, if not more.

Therefore, controlling erosion issues can be very expensive and not always effective, other than building a sea wall. It would be difficult for a small business to be able to offset the costs to try to resolve or predicts such event from occurring, especially in a less developed country. These types of projects are generally funded by the local government and we all know how far that will go. Nonetheless, I have seen them pumping sand to beaches in PP so this would appear to be the easiest solution here.


Jul 9, 2010
The newly rebuilt Fisherman's Village is owned by the Dominican Government and is under the wing of the Ministry of Tourism, who paid for the construction on the project. I don't know if the DR gov is willing to put much more money into this. Unfortunately this may be an on going problem unless a permanent solution, like a sea wall is built and that is probably not a reality at this point.